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Chapter 22: The B's
The same time @ Bella's home

Isabelle's POV

Curse you, Lucian! I sighed as I locked the door and headed for the kitchen; I needed water right now.

"Nice of you to finally show up."

"Ah! Don't do that, Dad! You scared me," I said while clutching my shirt tightly.

"Right. Who was the guy? I heard him shout your name," he said.

"What are you talking about? You must've been hearing things," I said.

"Was I? My hearing's great and I'm pretty sure that I heard him say you need to tell us about something. So go ahead, missy," my dad said.

"But before that, pleas explain why you're here so late on a school night! Young lady, it's almost midnight and you were brought back home by some strange boy! Tell me you didn't give away your innocence," my mom shrieked.

"Omg! No, I didn't. This is so embarrassing. I'll be an adult after a while and you two still treat me like I'm six. If I ever decide to have sex, mom, then I'll have sex. Quit being so uptight! And as for me returning late," I trailed.

The tears formed immediately.

"Ugh," I wiped them away furiously.

"Oh, sweetie, what's wrong?" My mom asked. "I know those tears from anywhere. Tears from the four B's," she said.

"Four B's?" My dad questioned.

She explained, "Books, babies, boys, betrayal. So which is it?"

I answered, "Boys & Betrayal! And another B— best friend!"

She gasped, "Nooo. No way. But I didn't know you were seeing anyone. Was it the boy that visited you while you hospitalized?"

"Somewhat. So I found out today that they had sex and they might've potentially had a baby if Jen hadn't taken an after pill. And the best part of it all is that she wasn't gonna tell me until she got jealous today! Isn't that just great?"

"Uh-oh," my dad said. "Are you going to have a mental breakdown?"

"No," I said, "That's why I was with Lucian— they boy you heard yelling a few minutes ago. He walked me home because I was angry and he talked to me about how I shouldn't be friends with Jen anymore," I explained.

"Is he right, mom?" I asked.

"I don't know. That's something for you to decide, hun. We should all get some rest. Don't ever pull that again. We were worried sick," she hugged me before they both exited the kitchen.

What a night. She never gives me the guidance I need when I need it.

I sighed and switched the lights off to go to my room; after switching off the lights, I almost tripped on thin air.

"Shit," I said.

I'm glad my parents were upstairs and didn't hear that or else, I'd get a lecture that lasts a lifetime. I don't know what's wrong with me as of lately; I've been unusually clumsy.

I shrugged it off and ascended the stairs slowly— in part of caution and exhaustion— reaching my room after a long few minutes.

Opening the door to my room, I was overcome by exhaustion and I ran straight to my bed and let the fluffiness devour me like I was a piece of meat. I didn't even get undressed.

I was awoken by the rays of sunshine slipping through the cracks of my curtains; I groaned and turned the other way only to be met by the same fate by my other window.

So I did the only possible thing that gave me an escape: I hid my head underneath the cover. I released a sigh of happiness and was about to drift off again to dreamland, but the bliss faded as I heard the loud banging of my mom outside of my door.

"Why?" I sighed. Why did I have to get up? Why did she have to ruin my sleep? Why, oh why, did I have to leave my bed? Should I play sick? No, I have things to do today, despite being so tired.

"Open this door, Izzy-Bella Smith," my mom blared.

Uh-oh. That's not a good sign, but my body betrayed me; I couldn't lift a muscle.

"Open this door, Isabelle," my mom yelled.

"I can't," I said.

"What do you mean you can't? Get up! You're going to be late for school!"

"Just leave me. I need to shower and everything else. Have a good day!"

When I didn't respond to all of her incoming shouts, she eventually quit and left the hall to head downstairs. Twenty minutes later, I heard both cars crank and leave.

I laid deeper into my covers & closed my eyes for a few seconds. I had to gather all my thoughts and give myself motivation to actually move.

Pretty soon, I was up and at it. I brushed my teeth, showered, moisturized, found clothes and had a slight breakfast. I grabbed my lunch that my mom already packed for me & headed out the front door, locking it as I left.

I sped walk to school and reached the campus right after a quarter to nine. I walked to office and signed in and readily left to go to my locker. I figured there was no point in going into Library Linguistics right now; the class was about to end, so I passed time by with my phone and waited for the next bell.

When the bell rang, I decided to finally grab my books for English out of my locker. When I was done retrieving my books, I slammed the locker involuntarily which made a few passersby look strangely at me.

"You came back angry?"

"Don't sneak up on me like that & I'm not angry," I said.

"Sure. So where'd you run off to? You had us worried," Jason said.

"Worried, hm?" I turned to look at him. "If you were so worried, why didn't you think to tell me that you slept with my best friend? Or were you just gonna keep it a secret? I don't know how I could be this stupid, but the fling we had has come to an end. Don't speak me to, don't look at me, don't bother me. Just continue acting like I was never here," I said.

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