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I found her admiring the pond, with a red party cup in hand, never letting it leave her palms while she drunkenly danced and sang. The wind carried her sweet smell to me as I watched her swing her hips and occasionally dip her toes in the pond.

Fireflies enveloped her body, and the trees swayed with her. It was incredible, like a live concert that only I got to experience. Her brown curls blew with the breeze on her final dance before she went back to her shoes, having a seat in the grass before taking another sip.

I crept beside her, "What are you doing?"

"You know, you could just sit and enjoy nature with me. Isn't it beautiful? Doesn't it make you want to just stay here forever?" She turned her head to me, her eyes telling me she genuinely wanted an answer.

"Eventually, the fireflies will leave. The sun will come up. The wind will stop blowing," I said.

"Yeah, but it'll happen again. It's meant to be," She said with certainty.

"You like nature?" I asked as I descended upon the grass to sit with her.
"I love it," Bella replied with her eyes closed, taking the breeze in. She sang a tune that controlled my body, inadvertently drawing me closer; she couldn't take her eyes off the pond.

"Nice tune," I said.
"Isn't it though," she responded. She exhaled a breath before taking down the rest of her party cup.

"Whoa doc," I warned.
She motioned with her hands, dismissing the warning, "I'm fine."

Though she dismissed it—she began to ramble about: all of life's endeavors, her favorite childhood moments, surfing, something about bugs, and her dreams; she also talked about her parents and for a moment.. just for a moment.. I thought this was nice— I could tell she was drunk.

I'd long forgotten what I was supposed to do in these moments, but with her it was different. I shared stories about my upbringing and my brothers. I just spilled and I'm glad I did because she laughed nonstop. Her laughter was infectious. She was crying as she laughed at me, begging me not to make her laugh so much because she feared she may puke. Her favorite story in particular was me explaining my sibling rivalries.

After a while, we sat in silence. She rubbed her feet together before asking me with a smile, "Do you think I could steal their pond and take it home with me?"

I don't know what came over me but before I knew it, I was palm deep into a much needed laugh. She laughed with me before I told her she was drunk.

"So what?" she said as she didn't deny it, motioning a shoo to me before tucking a few mischievous hairs behind her ear. I helped her get off the ground.

"Thanks," her voice softened while looking at me. As she caressed my cheek, she asked, "Why can't you be like this all the time? You're so sexy when you smile." I felt the lust.. I knew it was lust. I knew it was the alcohol.. but I didn't want to deny myself.

She planted a needy kiss on my lips, not afraid to be dominate, whisking my breath away. I wanted more. Eventually she dropped the party cup & our hands began to wander. She moaned my name in ecstasy and then out of nowhere, I heard a rumbling  sound.

"Uh-oh," I said.

Belle rushed to the bushes, committing the act she was afraid to do earlier. I thought that would be the end of her for tonight, but she quickly recovered throughout a few falls, finding the party again on her own. Someone handed her a cup as soon as we stepped foot back in the party.

I snatched the cup, "That's enough," I said.
She nodded, "There's two of you."

I made her say goodbye to Jen and the rest of her friends she made tonight. Some assholes were trying to get her number but I told them to fuck off.

I tucked her into my passenger seat nice & comfortably before driving her home. I could guess the park was her safe haven. As soon as we neared the park, she woke up and drunkenly asked me to push her on the swings. I could never say no to this girl. I pushed her til she got nauseous again then I took her home.

I wasn't a man of Father. I AM SIN. But I am a decent sinner. I tried my best to put her into bed. She was so stubborn and reluctant. At one point I thought she was a ninja. She did these weird moves to keep herself out of my embrace. She just didn't want to put any clothes on. She abundantly stumbled before getting into bed on her own. I tried my best not to look, placing cover over her.

She grabbed my arm and begged me to stay.
"Please," she begged. "I don't want to go to bed alone and cold, Luce. Please stay. Don't go. We had so much fun tonight," she drifted off but her hold was tight. I had no choice but to give in.

"Alright, only for the night," I surrendered. "Only if you take medicine." She agreed. I fed her the Tylenol, "Open up." Her soft, moist tongue grazed my finger before she slumped & patted the bed next to her.

I undressed my tee and got into bed next to her. She immediately scooted closer. Her warmth spread to me and for the first time in millenniums, I prayed to Father for strength. I could smell the alcohol from her, but I also smelled the vanilla shampoo in her hair. It was calming. Everything about her calmed me. Everything about her did something to me. Everything she did stirred my emotions. I pondered for a while before looking at the beautiful but drunken damsel next to me. Brown curly hair, soft brown skin, and her warm breath erased every thought I had.

"Am I crazy?" I asked myself. I hadn't felt anything of this caliber since Charlotte. I placed a kiss to Bella's forehead before wishing her goodnight.

HIIII!!!! It took me so long to write this because I struggle with Lucian's pov sometimes. Anyways how did y'all like it? I like it when y'all leave feedback in the comments like you used to! Please vote if you enjoyed

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