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Lucian had an angry look on his face as he leant over the golden rail. His broad, white wings were giving off an inexplicable aura. The wind blew a few feathers astray.

Lucian, without batting an eye or turning, sensed someone's presence. "What brings you here, my dear brother?"

I couldn't see his face but he also had wings, albeit they were smaller than Lucian's.

"Father is looking for you. He said it had something to do with your touch," the man had such a squeaky voice.

Lucian nodded and the other angel disappeared, though Lucian didn't move an inch.

He sighed, "I'll be right there if it's that urgent." He huffed and turned. "I'm sorry," he apologized.

She laughed, "It's fine." She held one of his blown feathers in her fingers of her left hand. "What's got you in a mood?"

"Nothing you need to worry about," Lucian told her earnestly.

"Says the angel who's basically begging me to worry about him," the woman said.

I could only see her from behind. She had the curliest, golden blonde hair, and her voice was so sweet— almost as if it was laced with honey. She didn't have any wings, but that didn't matter. Lucian talked to her as if that didn't matter.

"Are you still intrigued by my feathers?" Lucian asked the woman, seeing his feather in her hand.

"They're so beautiful and large. A fool they'd be if they didn't acknowledge it. It's surrounded by light and all you feel is warmth the moment you touch it," she said.

"You've always taken things too dear, Charlotte," Lucian turned his back toward her and stared at the horizon again.

Charlotte crept up closer to his backside. She lightly stroked his feathers with her right hand before placing his stray feather in her hair. She hugged him from behind.

"You know.. I'll always be here. And I know. You needn't say a thing." She buried her head in his skin before letting go.

She turned to walk away and I was mesmerized by her beauty. Blood red colored her lips and those blue eyes made you feel as if you were drowning in an happy oblivion.

She turned her head to my direction.

For a moment, I froze. It was almost like she was looking at me. She smiled, almost if she meant to do so to me, and then everything began to fade.

A ray of sun bit down on my face, blinding me cruelly before a few blinks. I effortlessly crept out of bed with a yawn.

The first yawn of dawn.

Bed? Sleep? No memory of yesterday? Yet, I don't feel panicked or threatened.

A knock at the door. And that's when reality hit me at once, turning me nauseous once the pain from my head began to throb.

"Ugh," I groaned.
Another knock, "Are you okay?" they asked.

I jumped to my feet. "Yes."
"May I come in?" they asked.

"Yes," I replied.

Amelia graced me with her presence, immediately giving me a look of dismay. "You shouldn't be out of bed."

I rolled my eyes before getting into bed again. "I just have a slight headache. I just need painkillers."

"That's precisely why I'm here. Eat first," she handed me a tray of meat and veggies. She sat there silently until I was finished eating the entire plate.

"Good girl," she mumbled.
"I'm not a dog," I squinted.

"That's quite right," she was amused. "I'm sorry."
Amelia lifted a dark liquid from a clear cup. It looked so muddy and dirty.

"That looks absolutely disgusting," I gagged.
"You think so? It's a miracle though. Cures anything instantly," Amelia shrugged with closed eyes.

She opened an eye and with a devilish smile, she handed me the liquid. "It's actually yours."

"No way am I drinking that," I protested.
" 'Bottoms up' as your kind says," she contained her laughter with a frau smile.

I closed my eyes and drank it in one swig. "It actually didn't taste bad."

"Headache is also gone, isn't it?" Amelia's smile covered her entire face. "I should take my leave, Miss Isabelle. Have a good rest."

"Wait! I have a question," I fidgeted.

From the hall, a voice shouted for Amelia. "Oh, time's up. I must go. We can talk when you're better." Amelia left my chambers quickly.

Cecilia burst into my room, assessing it with her thrifty blue eyes. "Did she leave?"

"Yes," I tried my best to contain my laughter.

Amelia and Cecilia were twins and supposedly, Amelia was the older twin, but she acted so childish sometimes which made me laugh. They'd always have a cat and mouse game in play.

Amelia is outgoing, impulsive, and childish. On the contrary, Cecilia is shy, vigilant and serious. Amelia's eyes were blue and full of play. Cecilia's eyes were blue and full of admiration only for her king.

"How are you feeling?" Cecilia asked.
I decided not to answer and to jump straight to the point.

"Did Lucian ever have a lover? Maybe say with curly blonde hair, green eyes and the bloodiest lip lacquer? I think her name was Charlotte." I questioned.

Cecilia calmly took a seat on the edge of my bed. "So you've seen it. Yes, the lord once had a lover. Correct, her name was Charlotte. She was the most beautiful angel."

"She was an angel?" I asked.

"Yes she was," Cecilia nodded, "an angel with no wings. They say God gave her a gift and became known as an angel. She was the only person without wings that was allowed to be close to God and his angels."

"What was her gift?" I asked.
"You're too curious for your own good sometimes," Cecilia sighed. "No one knows." Cecilia left without another word. She left my door open.

I pondered about Charlotte and her gift from God. What could it possibly be? They were lovers? Lucian didn't act like he loved her.

I grabbed a blanket and slid on my slippers before exiting my chambers. I let my feet guide me. For some odd reason, all I could think about was his wings— those feathers that gave me butterflies and his toned back muscles that screamed he was supreme. And Charlotte.. why did I see these things?

Before I knew it, I was outside a vast, brown door. Only one word came to mind.

And that was Lucian.

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