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Chapter 5: Not so Bad

Isabelle's POV

So Lucian wasn't so bad after all. He seemed to be a great guy. I didn't know too many boys that were handsome like him & into books. I stereotyped him and I feel guilty about it, but come on! There really aren't too many guys that were made like him. He's totally my type.

My type? What am I saying?! I didn't mean it in that way. I meant it as in the best friend type. Jen would be jealous— she may even be mad, but this is great for me. I don't have many friends and to top it off, I just made him my friend. Right?

"Hey," I paused, "are we friends now?"

I waited for his answer. He hesitated. I guess we aren't friends. I was kinda disappointed now. Why else was he here during lunch with me? He could be somewhere else, surrounded by girls & getting treated like a king, instead of being here with me. He isn't nice anymore; he's reverted to being a jerk now.

He finally responded, "I think so. I'd like to be friends. Do you want to be friends?"

I replied, "Of course. I thought that was why you were here. I have to admit that you seemed like an ass at first, but you're not that bad."

He only laughed at me. He didn't get angry. He just laughed.

He said, "Well, you called me a stalker. You hurt my pride with that. You seemed like a stuck-up brat, but now that I got a chance to know you, you're not that bad either."

"Oh yea. I totally forgot about that. Well, in all honesty, I didn't see my ID in your hand. I already apologized for that."

He responded, "Yea I know but it feels good not to be the bad guy sometime. It also feels great to see a woman admit that she's wrong."

The bad guy? Why was he portrayed as the bad guy? Did he do something to be labeled a bad guy?

I asked, "Why are you a bad guy?"

I could tell my question caught him by surprise. He should have expected a mere school girl to ask him. I don't talk to boys and they don't talk to me, so as soon as he let that bit slip, I was curious.

At that moment, we turned our attention to the nearby bushes. They started to rustle and we grew suspicious because there was no wind.

"Okay, wow. I'm glad you two are getting chummy."

I guess you know who that is. Yep, of course it's Jennifer. Was she angry? Always. She came and sat right in the middle of us. I scooted so I wouldn't be smothered.

"So why are you two hiding?" She looked from side to side and whispered to me, "And Bunny, I'm totally angry. I have a bone to pick with you."

Now loudly, she spoke again, "And you! You totally are hiding from me. If you don't want to go out, then just say it."

Lucian and I were in shock—well correction*, I was the one in shock. Go out with her? Wow, what did I miss? I knew I shouldn't have let my guard down. He totally is getting close to me for Jen. I should have known. I really should have.

For some reason, this made me beyond angry. I was livid right now. Just like a cracked dam that erodes over time, I was struggling to keep calm and not let my anger overflow against my rationality. I couldn't let that happen— especially here at school.

I was also angry because Lucian was acting shocked, but the fact that he was asked on a date and sat with me instead warmed my heart. My cheeks heated at the thought of it, but he wasn't off the hook yet.

"Hey, snap out of it," Jen said while waving her hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, I was in a daze. If you two want to be alone, I'll go. Therefore, you can get to know each other and sort out the details for your date."

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