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  The beautiful end of Lucian & Isabelle

The wall was decorated with plaques and awards, grand achievements that could only belong to the cursive name inked on the honors.

"I'm so proud of you," her mom hugged her with a few streaming tears running down her face. "Where are my grand babies?"

"They aren't babies mom," Bella scolded.
"Says who? They're my babies," her mom stood her ground.

Ares and Artemis had their separate portraits hanging above the mantle, next to the family portrait.

Lucian added, "They are waiting for us. We're running late."

"Where's dad?" Bella was growing with worry.
"I'm right here," her dad's voice came from behind us followed by his short footsteps.
"Then let's go," Lucian ushered them inside the car. The drive was quick and the hostess led them to their table.

The table was full with family and friends; Jennifer, Tina, Noelle, Jason, Tyler, & Rick along with her many family members and her two children.

"Congratulations, Bella," Jennifer hugged her.
"Thanks," Bella accepted the hugs and kisses from her friends.
"We're so proud of you," Tina said with a smile.

"Mom, where have you been?" Artemis rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm here now," Bella apologized.
Ares nudged Artemis in the side, "She means congratulations mom!"

"Yes that's what I meant," Artemis cheered. "Let's eat mom."

The evening was filled with laughter, reminiscing about old memories, and celebrating the present. As the night went on, the conversation turned to the achievements and the journey that led her to this moment.

It was the love and support of her family that truly made her achievements worth celebrating. She rang the glass for a toast; she looked around the table at her family and friends, and Bella couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. "I want to thank you all for your constant support, always motivating me and pushing me to keep going and just do my best. If not for that, we wouldn't be celebrating. And without Lucian," she rubbed his shoulder as she gazed into his eyes, "I would've went crazy a long time ago." The table erupted in laughter. "I'm just so thankful." They raised their glasses alike. "To family!" Bella toasted.

"No way!" Ares intercepted. "To you!" He raised his glass of sparkling water, which made Bella smile gleefully.

"To Bella!" Everyone chimed in as their glasses clinked.

Ares and Artemis were seated by their grandparents, taking in their love and the small lump sums of money they passed to the children under the table while Bella and Lucian weren't looking.

Lucian was quietly enjoying his dinner, unbothered by the chatter and chaos.

Bella was in a deep conversation with Jennifer who had raised her glass but didn't drink. "What's going on Periwinkle?"

"Not here," she sniffed and wiped the threatening tear that was trying to escape.

"Fine," she tossed her napkin onto the table. "Excuse us for a minute," Bella whispered into Lucian's ear and he nodded. Bella took Jennifer by the arm, hurriedly pushing her into the women's room.

"It seems like yesterday when I was calling you, crying in the bathroom," Bella snabbed some tissue and gave it to Jen. "So what's wrong?"

Jennifer went silent so Bella took the initiative. "Are you pregnant?"

Jennifer stifled her sniffs and gave Bella a small nod. "What?? Then congratulations! This is what you wanted, right?"

Tears threatened to leak from Jennifer's eyes. Bella rubbed her shoulder modestly, comforting her. "So? Not what you want anymore?"

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