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"You're actually considering it," Yuhan stated. "Was it that good?"

I paused my duties. "What?" I asked with a puzzled look. He returned a blank stare and shook his head as if I were a mind reader. He finally made a gesture with his hands; a hole on one hand with a finger sliding in and out from the other hand.

"We didn't have sex if that's what you mean," I clarified.
"More of a surprise to me than anything really," he spoke earnestly, "You know you think with your dick."

"I've led many armies while simultaneously enjoying the immense pleasure of thinking with my dick," I countered. "Has it ever stopped me before?"

"She's different," he added with a sigh.
I dismissed his small talk and picked up my notebook once again. "Sometimes I don't know if you're coming or going." Yuhan moved a chess piece. "Checkmate!" And before I could peek, he was thin air.

"Always in my business," I muttered.
"I heard that," Yuhan's voice sounded within my study.

"I wanted you to. Why are you loitering? Didn't I give you work to do?" I stood up from my desk and  walked to the bookcase, gently placing my notebook in its case.

"I've already done it sir," Yuhan said.
"Then find a way to deal with the chaos in the cities. I find it uninteresting," I paused as I caught sight of The Fault in Our Stars. A smile escaped my lips; I couldn't help it. I thought back to the time when I spoiled that book for her. And then sadness washed over me.

"Fuck!" I punched the bookcase. As I huffed and caressed my hair in frustration, there was a knock at my study. Why can't I just wake up from this nightmare? Another knock.

"You may enter," I finally permitted.
"My king," she bowed. "I thought you'd never let me in. I was getting worried."
"What sin can I cover today?" I asked. I wasn't in the mood.

"Envy, your highness. And also lust," she spoke. "You see, I'm very jealous of this girl who got the guy I wanted. On the other hand, the lust is for fun."

I chuckled, "I forgot you were like this."
She giggled too. "Devils don't forget."
"You went a bit close to the river when you fell," I recalled.
"I'm fine," she stopped me in my tracks. "Let's talk about you. How are you feeling? Is there anything I can do?" She crept a step closer, hopefully tugging the side of her dress.

"No. Let's cover your sins since you asked personally," I offered my hand out and waited patiently for her to take it.

When she hesitated for another second, I stepped closer. She looked from my hand to my eyes then back to my hand. She finally grabbed it with a gulp of courage and released the heavy air from her lungs.

"As always, just breathe," I said. I focused my attention on her thrown off demonic energy and centered the energy back to her core. "All done," I met her purple eyes once she opened them.

"That was quick," she told me, "I probably should have come sooner if I knew it was going to be that easy."

"You think I bite?" I asked.
"Maybe. I don't know," she answered. "Well honestly no. I did think you were going to eat my soul."
"Why would I do that?" I rose a brow to show my intrigue. "Have you done something to make me want to eat you?"
"If sinning on the daily makes you want to eat me then probably. In my book, being eaten by my king is the best way to go. Solid top tier finale," she finished.

"You're permitted to leave," I shared. She took that as her sign to exit and bowed out graciously.
"There's trouble," Yuhan appeared with a bowed head.
"Did you finish your tasks?" I questioned.

"I did not. The rebels were asking to personally speak to you, my king. They said they weren't going to back down until they spoke with you. They even said they'd storm the castle," Yuhan scoffed. "You know how indigent citizens are. Show them that kingly demon love."

"I am not," I started, "to be bothered with insolence. Kill them," I directed.
"But sir," Yuhan protested.
"Do you want to be next?" I threatened.
Yuhan never looked up; he was still kneeling to me. "On it right away sir!" He was thin air once again.

What madness! Who thinks they can demand something from me? I've given you life and citizenry. You should give your life for me.

"Yuhan," I called to my right hand man and he answered immediately. "Tell them to storm the castle if they really want me to listen. Tell them to show me what they're made of since they're demanding to speak with me. Tell them to come to me if they so wish." I walked to my chamber door and touched the knob before looking back at Yuhan.

"You know," I retracted my hand from the knob. "I've never had a problem out of you. You're always number one. I can count on you," I adjusted my eyes.

"Yes sir you can," Yuhan assured me.
"Send the message," I commanded again before leaving my study chamber. I was hungry and the only thing on my mind was the kitchen. The maids bowed in my presence (as they should) but stopped their playful chatter. "Carry on," I demanded. They were careful with their words in my presence. My favorite was chocolate. I grabbed a plate and fork from the cabinet.

"Let us do that for you, our demonry," a maid insisted; she took the ware from me before I could object. "Let's see. You like dessert. Our special today is chocolate cake with hazelnuts. How many slices shall I cut?" She asked.

The head maid cautiously stepped in, "Madeline you should apologize to the king right now. You snatched his dinnerware; that's unacceptable," she snatched the other girls face toward me.

"We're very sorry. Forgive us," they bowed their heads while the other maids watched the little fiasco in a panic.

"Everyone!" I looked around at the maids and their scared expressions. "Have a piece of cake with me." I encouraged the maids to sit down and have a slice of cake. This was more for me than them. Sometimes they forget it's okay to just let me be. They were hesitant of course but I didn't care. I just wanted to enjoy my cake.

"She would have loved this," Cecilia's voice broke through. I finally looked up to see the twins also eating cake.

Amelia rubbed her sisters shoulder, "she's going to be fine. She's probably eating cake in her sleep." The twins flashed me a smile and I nodded. I couldn't stay here longer; it was starting to get crowded. I slid my dirty dishes to the head maid and gestured thank you to her in our demon language. I teleported to my room for a shower while awaiting news from Yuhan.

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