Oikawa Tooru x Reader

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A year went by in a blink of an eye. You can't believe that 2020 is ending. You're all gonna graduate and move on with your lives. It's sad that the team didn't win but maybe there's a much better stage prepared for them. They really deserve the best. I hope and pray that when we all graduate we'll all reach our goals. Slowly but surely.

You were changing as you have a date with your boyfriend in a bit. He wanted to stay over today since you went home with him during Christmas. With the approval of both your families, they agreed to let you both spend time together since both of you are practically engaged, well not officially yet but both your parents would love you both to marry someday or even give them grandchildren. Lol. You'll always blush when both your mothers open a topic about that and your fathers agreeing. Oikawa would just laugh his ass off while you want to burry yourself 10ft under.

Your parents are working abroad, specifically at Argentina, leaving you alone here at Japan but as you graduate, you'll go back to their side along with Oikawa who wanted to join the Argentina Volleyball Team. Your parents welcomed him with open arms as they heard his plans. His parents aren't worried about him since your parents will be there. Your grandparents were still here but your hometown is in Shibuya. You're currently staying at the condo your parents left near Aoba Josai.

Getting permission from your parents to have a mini sleepover with your friends, they agreed as long as your boyfriend is there. You promised them that Oikawa will be with you and they agreed. The people who will be staying over were of course your boy best friends, Iwaizumi, Maki and Mattsun along with your girl best friend, (b/f/n). You'll all be meeting at the mall by 5PM to buy some groceries but before meeting with all your friends, Oikawa wanted to spend the last day of the year with you. So he asked you out on a date.

Checking your outfit one more time, you nodded and went on your way. As you opened the door, you were shocked to see your boyfriend standing there smiling at you. You frowned and he paled. "Tooru?! How long were you standing there?!" You growled out as you pulled him in your home. His hands were freezing and his face was pinkish.

"Uh... about 30 mins?" You raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay! Almost an hour" he shouted and you sighed. "Get in the bath. You're freezing. Have a hot bath. We're not leaving the house till the meeting time. Let's just have our date here" you said as he pouted and went to your bathroom. Sighing, you went up to grab some of his clothes that you "borrowed" and hanged it on the doorknob.

"Tooru your clothes are outside" you knocked and you heard an 'okay thanks' you then went to the kitchen to make some hot choco for the both of you. After a while, you felt hands on your waist and soft kisses on your neck. You looked back to see your boyfriend pouting. You went on your tippy toes and gave him a peck on the lips. "Don't pout. I'm not angry" you said as you pat his head.

"Are you sure?" He murmured on your neck. "Yup" you answered while pouring the milk on the cocoa. He trailed kisses on your neck as you giggled. "Stop it. It tickles!" He chuckled and kissed your cheek. "Could you please grab me two mugs?" You said as he nodded and opened the cupboard. He handed you your couple mug as you began pouring the hot choco.

~A/n: idk how you make your hot choco but I have mine with 1/3 water and then milk ☺️

He grabbed the mugs and went to the living room. You trudged behind him and turned on the tv. The both of you watched some movies to pass time but you gradually fell asleep along with your boyfriend who was cuddling you. You woke up with your phone ringing, you grabbed it and answered. "Hello?"

"Don't hello me (f/n)! Where are you and Oinkawa?" (G/f/n)'s voice pierced your ears as you groaned. Suddenly you heard the phone get snatched followed by a 'hey!' From your best friend. "We'll buy the ingredients. Would you please send us the list? She knows the way to your house so we'll be fine" Iwaizumi's calm voice said. You gulped and grumbled. "I'll send it to you but in my defense it was Oikawa's fault." he chuckled and said yes then ended the call.

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