Nishinoya Yuu x Reader

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Looking for Nishinoya was easy because of his loud voice. You're going to give him chocolates today. It's your only chance or else you'll have to wait until the next Valentine's Day again. You know he is a huge simp for Kiyoko-senpai but maybe, just maybe, you have a chance. Even if you confess and he dumps you at least, you tried. right? So that became your motivation.

Finally, you found him talking with the bald spiker, Tanaka Ryunosuke. You approached them and ask if you could talk to him in private just the two of you. He agreed and told Tanaka that he'll talk to him later. He followed you up to the rooftop. "What's up (L/N)-chan? It's rare for you to call me out"

"Ni-Nishi-Nishinoya-kun, h-h-here, these are f-for you. I've always thought you were cool especially when you are on the court. I like you please go out with me!" You gave him the chocolates while bowing. He was pretty silent that made you anxious. You peeked from under your lashes to see him covering his blushing face.

"Ahm.. Nishinoya-kun?" He finally snapped out of his daze and smiled at you. "Thank you. I really didn't expect to be given homemade chocos. It's a first for me" he said accepting you chocolates whole scratching his cheeks. C U T E!!! you thought as you stood up straight and played with your fingers waiting for his reply. "I'm also interested in you..." you looked up at him and he gave you a bright smile "I'll be in your care (f/n)-chan!" you smiled brightly as you hugged him causing him to freeze.

Your eyes widened and you let him go. Playing with your hair. "I-I'm sorry. I just got too excited" you murmured as he blushed and chuckled. You heard snickering and saw Tsukishima and Yamaguchi recording the whole thing. "Arara Gomen" He said sarcastically. "Don't let us ruin your once in a lifetime confession Nishinoya-san. Since this will probably be the first and last confession that you'll ever get" He snickered.

It made you blush and Nishinoya shook his head giving the taller male a teasing smile. "You better run Tsukishima cause the moment I get my hands on you, I'll bite you to death." He said getting ready to run after Tsukishima. "Then that's our que to leave." He said before turning around and run. Nishinoya ran after Tsukishima, Yamaguchi bowed his head and gave you an apologetic smile and you smiled, shaking your head.

Class finished and you saw Nishinoya in front of your class. You grabbed your bag and went towards him "What are you doing here Nishinoya-kun?" he smiled brightly and grab your hand "I just want to take my girlfriend to her club room and I was wondering..." You looked at him and he looks nervous. "If you know..." You tipped your head to the side waiting for him to finish. Ugh! She's too cute for her own good. He thought before taking a deep breath. "Let's go on a date this weekend" He said smiling at you and your face brightened. "Yes!" You said then giggled. "Then it's settled then. I'll text you the details" He said before letting your hand go as you both arrived to your clubroom.

~A/n: From all the libero's I saw in Haikyuu, Nishinoya is the damn best for me. Followed by Yaku and Inunaki ❤

(f/n) first name

(l/n) last name

Italics - thoughts

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