Tsukishima Kei x Reader

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Ringing the door bell to your boyfriend's place, you smiled looking at the Strawberry Shortcake you bought from your favorite café. You rang the door bell again but there was no answer. You grabbed your phone and called your boyfriend but his phone was just ringing. Deciding to call his brother, he picked up after two rings. "(f/n)-chan?" he answered. "Hey Aki-nii! Is Kei at home?" you asked. "Yeah. He should be at home. I'm currently here at the mall to buy him new glasses since I accidentally broke his old ones. Mom is out with her friends so she'll probably be back in the evening already" He chuckled as you smiled. It must be auntie's girl time. You thought.

"There is a spare key at one for the smaller flower pots at the left side of the house. I think mom placed it under the third one" you thanked him as you walked towards the flower pots lining up at the side of their house. "I'll be back in a bit. Let's have lunch together. I'll buy some lunch on my way home" he said as you smiled. "Sure Aki-nii and I found the key. I'll go in now" you said as he ended the call. Opening the door, you called your boyfriend but he wasn't answering. You first went up to his room but he was no where to be found. "He couldn't have gone out since he doesn't have glasses" you mumbled as you left your bag at his room before going down to place the cake on the fridge.

As you were walking to the kitchen, you almost dropped the cake when you saw Tsukishima laying on the floor. Your eyes widened as you placed the cake on the counter before rushing to his side and shaking him. "Kei!!! What happened?!" you shouted as he groaned before opening his eyes and looking at you. "(f/n)?" he mumbled as you sighed. "What happened?!" you panicked as he grabbed your face and pulled you in for a kiss. Your eyes widened as he slipped his tongue in and pushed you on the floor. Your eyes darted to the bottle beside the glass. Your eyes widened when you saw what the bottle says '(f/b) tequila' his hands traveled down to your mounds as you moaned. "Kei... stop" you said as he shook his head and placed kisses on your neck down to your collar bone.

"I love you (f/n)" he said as he looked into your eyes as you froze. "I'm glad you decided to confess to me cause if you didn't, I'd be dealing with these one-sided feelings of mine" he confessed. "You caught my eye ever since I met you as you walked in our classroom and asked if the seat in front of me is taken" he caressed your cheeks. "Did you know when I started liking you? It was when you stayed by my side even if I bully you sometimes and that you supported me in every game we had." he began kissing your neck again as his arms travelled down your body. "My feeling grew and became love the moment when you called me by my first name with a smile on your face. My heart said 'Ah... This was the woman I want to spend my lifetime with.'". his hands stopped on your sides. "You were my answered prayer, (f/n)" he mumbled. " You looked at him speechless."You're always so beautiful, so irresistible that I always hold myself back" he smiled. "but this time, I won't" he muttered before gripping your sides as he grinded on you.

You were busy trying to push him away to notice someone entering the house until you heard a loud crash beside you. You looked up to see a flustered Akiteru gaping at you and his brother who is on top of you. You yelled as you pushed Tsukishima who tumbled beside you as Akiteru yelled covering his eyes. "Oh my god! I'm sorry!!! I didn't see anything so you both can continue!" Akiteru said walking away from the kitchen and going in his room. You facepalmed as you felt your cheeks burn. Looking at your passed out boyfriend, you sighed and pulled him to the living room. Damn he's heavy. You groaned and placed him on the sofa. Pinching his cheeks as he groaned. You sighed and picked up the plastic Akiteru dropped and began to sort them out. It was groceries and thankfully there isn't anything fragile in the plastic.

He went down not long after as he peeked from the stairs. You heard his foot steps and yelled. "We didn't do anything so come here and let's have lunch" he sighed and went in with his cheeks red. "I- I didn't mean to see that" he stuttered as you pointed to the bottle of tequila by the counter. "He was drunk" you said as his mouth shaped in an 'o' "I thought you two were doing the –" you shushed him as you covered your blushing face. "Let's forget about it. Please" you murmured as he chuckled and nodded. "where is he anyway?" he asked and you pointed to the living room. "At the sofa passed out" you answered as Akiteru heated up the take out and the two of you had awkward lunch.

Kei woke up not long after with his head pounding. He trudged to the kitchen and grabbed the tequila bottle to drink again but Akiteru grabbed the bottle and placed a glass of water in his hand. "Kei that's tequila" he said as you grabbed the glasses Akiteru bought and gave it to him. "Here, glasses" he thanked you before wearing them. His eyes zoomed in to the love bites on your neck and collar bone. "What the fuck?!" he roared as both you and Akiteru jumped in surprise. "Did you cheat on me with my brother?!" he yelled then winced as his head pounded. You looked at him like he was stupid and stomped on his foot. "You did this you drunkard!" you growled as he looked shocked and looked at his brother who nodded and pointed at the Tequila bottle he was holding. He facepalmed. "I thought the water tasted bitter, I didn't know it was tequila" he mumbled as you pouted. "I'm sorry" he mumbled as you rolled your eyes. "Kei aren't you going to eat?" Akiteru asked as the younger male nodded and sat beside you.

He began to eat lunch slowly as the pounding of his head was still present. As he finished eating, you grabbed the Strawberry Shortcake you bought and placed it in front of him. Akiteru excused himself as he had a phone call. "Here" you said slamming a fork in front of him as he flinched. "Are you still mad? I said I was sorry" he said as he squeezed your hand as you frowned. "I can't believe you accused me of cheating and with Akiteru too" you grumbled. "Don't you trust me?" you mumbled as you bit your lip wanting to cry. You knew he was drunk and probably didn't mean what he said but it still hurt you. He wrapped his arms around you as he caressed your head. "I'm sorry. It's not like that. I'm sorry I said something like that." He murmured as he comforted you as you sniffed. "I hate you Kei" you murmured as he kissed your forehead, then your eyes which had tears and you lips. "I love you too." He answered with a small smile on his face.

*after story*

."Can I eat the cake now?" he smiled as you rolled your eyes. "Enjoy" you muttered as he sliced the cake and gave you the first bite. "Good?" he asked as you nodded. "The best" you answered as he chuckled and began eating the cake. "By the way Kei" you murmured as he hummed next to you "Why are so honest when you're drunk? Should I let you drink everyday so that I'd hear a heartwarming confession coming from your mouth?" you smirked as he choked on his cake.

"What did I say?" he asked. You grinned, "My heart said 'Ah... This was the woman I want to spend my lifetime with.'" His eyes widened. . "You were my answered prayer, (f/n)" you added as you made kissy faces at him as e covered your mouth. "Okay!! That's enough!" he said as you saw his cheeks turning pink. You licked his hand as he looked at you disgusted. "What? You also stuck your tongue in my mouth a while ago" you teased as he groaned. "Ohhh I love you too Tsun-Tsun~" you said as he rolled his eyes and continued eating his cake.

~A/n: Tsukishima brother's are fine AF!

(f/n) first name

Italics – thoughts

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