Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader

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As Kenma's younger sister, you've known the captain of Nekoma's Volleyball Team since you were a baby and both of you actually have the same vibes that Kenma actually blamed his childhood friend for making you an extrovert since you keep on annoying your brother to go here and there. Kenma being Kenma, hated the idea of leaving the house. He'd rather play with his games all day than spend the day out which leads to you and Kuroo going out together most of the time. Kenma didn't mind since he trusts Kuroo but little did he know that Kuroo was starting to fall in love with you but you're oblivious to it. Kuroo was like another older brother to you but things change when you've grown conscious around him and you realized that you had a little- hell! You have a big crush on him.

When did it start? It probably was the time when you both went to an amusement park and rode the Wild Rapids and got wet. That time, your tshirt became see through and good thing he had a jacket. He wrapped it around your shoulders. "You should wear this for now (f/n)" he smiled as you blushed and nodded. He was combing his hair up since he also got wet earlier. You grabbed your handkerchief from your bag and pulled the hem of his shirt. He looked down at you as you went on your tippytoes and tried to dry him. His eyes widened and he was about to pull away when you pulled him close. "I'm not yet finish Tetsu" you mumbled concentrating. He blushed as both of your faces were close.

After attempting to dry him, the both of you decided to do the Ferris wheel last and go home since your brother was alone and it would be a disaster leaving him until he starves. You boarded the Ferris wheel and you saw a big heart on the side with the quote 'It must be fate that you went in here. Love will surely bloom for the destined pair' your eyes widened as Kuroo chuckled. "You knew about this?" he asked as you nodded. "But I didn't know we'd be able to be this lucky" you giggled as you both reached the top. "Oh! The sunset looks beautiful. I'll take a pic" you grabbed your phone as Kuroo grabs his. You were busy taking pictures for you to realize that he took a picture of your smiling face. Kuroo had noticed his feelings a long time ago and made moves on you such as this amusement park date but you thought it was an award since you aced the test that he tutored you with.

As you went home, he was wondering if he should just tell you straight up since he doesn't want anyone to steal you away from him. He nodded to himself and decided to just take the leap. The time you got home, he was being all fidgety and you raised a brow at him. "What's the matter Tetsu?" you asked and he grabbed your hand. "I like you!" he said as you smiled at him. "I like you too Tetsu" you answered as he frowned. "No, that's not what I-" both of you jumped in surprise as the front door opened with a glaring Kenma. "What are you doing (f/n)? Come inside" he said as you nodded and kissed his cheeks. "I'll see you tomorrow Tetsu!" you waved as you went inside. Kenma glared at his childhood best friend. "Is there something you want to tell me?" he asked as Kuroo gulped. "Please let me date (f/n)!" he asked as Kenma furrowed his eyebrows. "NO! I'm not giving her to you" he said before slamming the door.

Kuroo looked lost for a moment. It must be because Kenma saw how I am with girls in school. I- I'll change! I'm serious about her and I will do my best to prove to Kenma that I can treat (f/n) well. He thought before entering his house. Kenma came back to see your bag at the couch. He peeked at the kitchen to see you humming while preparing dinner. He went behind you and hugged your waist. "Hmmm? Are you hungry nii-chan? I already marinated the Karage so I'll finish frying in 10-15 mins." you smiled as he hummed. "I love your Karages" you giggled as you began to fry it. "Nii-chan why don't you set the table?" you asked as he nodded. Letting you go, he began grabbing some plates and utensils. After cooking, both of you had dinner and you told him about what happened at the amusement park that both of you should go some time. He listened as his eyes twitched a little when you told him that Kuroo gave you his jacket cause your shirt became seethrough that's why you have it. He suggested to wash the dishes as you shower. Thanking him, you went back to your room to grab your towel and took a shower.

Kenma has been grumbling for weeks and has been keeping a close eye on you both. Yaku noticed this and asked his setter about it and he told Yaku about you and Kuroo. At first, Yaku understood that Kenma was just protective of you since Kuroo can be a flirt but he also saw that Kuroo has been trying his best to change and prove to Kenma that he could change for you. "Kenma I think if (f/n)-chan agrees to date him, you should just support your sister. There's nothing wrong with being protective over her but don't you think it's better if she ends up with Kuroo, who's your childhood friend than someone who you don't personally know?" Yaku said as Kenma pouted. "But I'm not ready to let her go yet" he mumbled as Yaku smiled at the pudding head beside him. How cute. This is the first. He thought. Kuroo approached them as Kenma glared at the taller male. "I- I'm going to confess to her today after practice." Kuroo said as Kenma nodded. "But if she says no, then it's a no" he grumbled as Kuroo swooped him for a hug as Kenma looked like he was about to scratch Kuroo's face. Yaku grabbed his phone and took a pic.

After practice, you were waiting for your brother when Kuroo approached you. "Can I please talk to you (f/n)?" he asked as you nodded your head confused. He pulled you to the side of the court, Eyes were currently on you as Kenma, Yaku, Taketora and Lev were on the opposite side looking at you. "What is it Tetsu?" you asked as he gulped down before yelling "I like you!" you smiled and nodded your head. "I like you too" you answered as he groaned hearing laughs and snickers from the side. He looked to see Taketora laughing his ass off, a snickering Kenma and Yaku while Lev just looks like he doesn't know what exactly is going on. He looked back at you and grabbed your hand "In a romantic way! I like you in a romantic way" he said as you blushed. "I- I'm..." you murmured. "I like you too Tetsu" you blushed harder as he smiled. "Then will you go out with me?" he asked as you giggled. "Yes" you answered as he shouted and jumped in joy.

He ran towards Kenma and gave him a big hug. "She said yesssss!!!" he yelled as the smaller male winced. "Don't need to shout. We can hear you perfectly" Yaku smacked his arm. "Handsome guys really have it easy huh?" Taketora grumbled looking depressed at the side. "Congrats Captain! Does that mean you guys can makeout now?" Lev smiled as Kuroo freezes. He could feel Kenma shaking in his hold. He slowly lets him go before running towards you. The team's mouth dropped as they saw Kenma running like he's almost at the finish line of a race. He was faster than when he plays in court. Kuroo looked back to see Kenma looking like he was about to murder him. "(f/n)! help meeee" he shouted as you looked back only to get toppled over by Kuroo. "Ouch!" you groaned as you hit your butt hard. You looked up to see Kuroo panting above you as your eyes widened before biting your lips at how hot he looks right now. Kuroo on the other hand was looking at you in a daze as he felt his cheeks getting hot as he panted above you. She looks so irresistible right now. He thought as he looked at you below him, you were blushing and there are tears in your eye because your ass hurts. Kuroo thought of it as sexy and will that be the same face you make once he ravishes you.

He felt a black aura behind him as he suddenly got pulled away by a furious Kenma. Yaku was immediately by your side checking if you were okay. You nodded as you looked back to see your brother dragging your boyfriend by the collar. "Wait! Kenma that was a mistake!! I didn't mean it!" Kuroo struggled as Kenma looked back at him. "Shut up" he growled as Kuroo went limp. Shutting his mouth before Kenma gets more angrier. He pulled him to the storage room and shut the door. It was silent before you guys outside heard a blood curdling scream all of you flinched before the door opened and Kenma went out and walked back to you. "Let's go home (f/n). I'm hungry." he said pulling your hand gently. You gulped and nodded. "Then we'll go first" you bowed as you looked at the storage room and saw a pale Kuroo waving at you. You gave him a small apologetic smile as you left the covered court with a now calm Kenma.

~A/n: Who is your most loved best friends/childhood friends on Haikyuu? For me it's either Kagehina or BokuAka. Since I think it's fate for them to be able to meet and their back stories are really really good. I love them.❤️

(f/n) first name

Italics - thoughts

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