Kita Shinsuke x Reader

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As you woke up, you felt like the whole world was spinning and your head was about to burst. Your brothers were making a lot of ruckus on the room beside yours so you grabbed your slippers and threw it on the wall. It landed with a thud and everything went quiet. The twins knocked and open your door. They looked at your flushed and panting figure. Osamu rushed towards your side and placed his hand on your forehead and his eyes widened. "Call someone right now! She's burning up! Mom and Dad are away for a vacation. We have to stay with her until she gets better" Osamu panicked. He grabbed his phone to call Aran while Atsumu ran towards their room and grab his phone to call his captain.

Kita who was walking to school for morning practice, met Aran along the way and they were talking about their recent game. His phone rang and it was Atsumu. He picked up and wasn't able to say anything when Atsumu shouted "Captain!!! (f/n)!! She-she's!!! Dying-" the call was cut off when his battery died. Kita looked at a surprised Aran. "did I hear (f/n)'s name?" Aran asked and Kita nodded. "What happened..." he didn't finish when this time it was Aran's phone that rang, it was Osamu. "Aran-san please help! (f/n) is having a high fever and we don't know what to do" he said and you could hear his voice is full of worry and in the verge of crying. Aran sighed. "I'll go get some medicine. For now just place a cold towel on her head and please squeeze out the excess water before placing it on her forehead." Aran instructed the more sensible twin and he ended the call.

"It seems that their parents aren't home. I'll be late for practice but the twins will certainly be absent" Aran said looking at Kita who nodded and told him that he'll tag along. It must have been Atsumu's cold that transferred to (f/n). Kita thought as Aran purchased some medicine from the pharmacy. Along the way, Kita bought some rice porridge for you. Aran looked at his captain and smiled. Kita may not notice this but he cares for you in a special way and you too have a crush on the calm and collected captain. I look forward for their relationship to develop. Aran thought as he smiled the whole way to your house.

As they arrived, they rung the doorbell and the door came flying open. Atsumu was crying when he opened the door and pulled the both of them in and up your room. They saw you laying on the bed breathing heavily as a teary Osamu was replacing the towel on your forehead. They weren't used to this kind of thing since you rarely have fevers but when you do, it's pretty bad. Kita went beside you and checked your temperature. It was 39.2 and he sighed. "Could you please wake her up so she could eat the porridge before drinking the medicine?" Kita asked one of the twins and they nodded. Aran and Osamu went down to get some more water and utensils. Atsumu gently waked you up. You groaned in pain as you opened your eyes to see a crying Atsumu by your side.

Smiling, you cupped his cheeks. "Ohayo Tsumu-nii" you said with a hoarse voice. He immediately put you on a sitting position and you noticed a hand on your other side offering you water. You grabbed it and drank the whole glass. "Thank you Samu-" you faced the person on your other side and immediately froze. It was your crush, Kita Shinsuke! "Are you okay (f/n)?" he asked while getting the empty glass from your hand. You nodded and blushed. Thank God I had a fever or else he'll know I'm blushing. You thought. "Where's Samu-nii?" you asked your other brother. "He went down to get some more water and utensils." He answered and you looked at him confused.

"You need to eat first before drinking medicine" Kita said smiling beside you and you nodded your head. Not long after, Aran and Osamu went back to your room. You greeted Aran and he patted your head. "After eating, we'll be going back to school. Be sure to rest, okay?" he said and you smiled at the caring male. You finished your meal and drank the medicine. The twins and Aran went back down and Kita stayed beside you patting your head until you fell asleep. "Get well soon (f/n). My day isn't complete without seeing you smile" Kita whispered and kissed your forehead. Little did he know the twins and Aran were peaking behind the door. Aran smirked at his correct guess while the twins were surprised that their captain had feelings for their younger sister.

As he exited the room, he looked at the three and raised an eyebrow. Aran was smirking like crazy, Osamu was in a daze while Atsumu was crying again. "What's the matter with you three?" Kita asked confused. "Oh, it's nothing. We better be off. Coach would get mad if we're more late than we already are" Aran said and Kita nodded. "Then we'll be going. Wake her up again after 6 hours to take her medicine and be sure she eats lunch and dinner even if it's just a little bit" Kita told the twins and they nodded seeing Aran and Kita off. "Captain!" they both called out. Kita turned to them and waited. "Thank you for taking care of our sister" Osamu said first. "But we will never give her to anyone. Not even you" Atsumu said and they bowed and closed the door. Aran was laughing while Kita just chuckled. "Guess you guys saw me?" he asked the taller male and he nodded. "Then I'll work hard for (f/n)'s hand " he said smiling as Aran laughed. Can't wait for the events to come. Aran thought.

~A/N: a short chapter for now 😊

(f/n) first name

Italics – thoughts

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