Sugawara Koushi x Reader

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Since your first year at Karasuno, you've always loved the meat buns at foothill store. It's your favorite food to buy when going home but lately you've been staying late at school due to projects.

After doing your project at the library, you stretched your arms and packed your things. Your stomach has been rumbling non-stop. Why'd you ask? Cause you think skipping lunch and doing one of your projects with an empty stomach is a good thing.

Damn. Being a third year student sucks. Too much projects and I have to study for college exams too. Ugh. I hope I can still buy meat buns. I better hurry or else it's gonna be sold out again.

As you arrived to the store, you could see the volleyball team waiting outside chatting amongst themselves. Suga-kun must be here too then. Upon entering the store the first thing your eyes met was an empty steamer.

"Noooo!" You shouted which caused some of the team to look at you as if you're crazy. "Mister are there still meat buns available?" You asked hopping there's still some left at the back. To your horror he shook his head "the volleyball team already bought the last ones"

Thanking the clerk you went out with a heavy sigh. Little did you know the third year setter was looking at you. Smiling he said his good byes to the team and ran after you "(L/N)-chan! Wait for me. Let's walk home together."

You looked back to see Sugawara running towards you, you stopped and waited for him. "Hey Suga-kun. Sure let's go home together." You were walking side by side silently... NAHHHH. You're stomach was rumbling loudly which Sugawara laughed. "Here let's share" he gave you half of the meat bun.

Your eyes brightened and hugged him. "Thanks Suga-kun! I really loved their meat buns." You let him go and began to devour the food you've been craving. "So that's why you shouted earlier" you looked at him and blushed.

Aahh. Too cute. He patted your head and chuckled. "Let me treat you some meat buns tomorrow then?" He asked you smiling. You looked at him and smiled back. "Sure. Let's also go home together after your practice? Surely I'll still be in the library until late again tomorrow."

He nodded. You both were talking about school and future plans. Not long, you finally arrived home. Everytime I'm with him/her time seems to fly very fast. You both thought and frowned. "thanks for taking me home Suga-kun" he nodded. You were about to go inside when he suddenly grabbed your hand. You tilted your head confused.

"Ah.. ahm.. (l/n)-chan. C-c-can we go home together starting tomorrow? I-i mean, I, y-y-yo-you can decline. I was just.. ugh..." He trailed off and you laughed. "Sure Suga-kun we can go home together starting tomorrow" with that he smiled and bid you good bye.

Yesss!!! She said yesssss!!! Maybe I'll get her to go on a date with me next time too! He went home smiling from ear to ear.

Took him long enough. You giggled and shook your head.

~A/N: I've always loved Suga's calm and sweet behavior during the first 2 seasons but the 3rd and 4th season he became wild. HAHAHA but still a cutie tho.

(L/N) - last name
Italics - thoughts

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