Kageyama Tobio x Reader

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It was a boring Saturday and you wanted to go to the mall but you're too lazy to get off of your amazing bed. You called your boyfriend to come over but he replied with a 'no. I'm gonna practice with Hinata in a bit and will probably end in the afternoon' you pouted. That volleyball addict! You huffed checking the time, it was 9AM. Nevermind. I'll just make some meatbuns then since I've been craving for it since yesterday. You got off of bed and went to the kitchen.

You grabbed a small box where you store your recipes taught by your mom. You grabbed the ingredients and began to mix it. You cooked the meat first and after a few minutes it was ready. You put it in a small tray and waited for it to cool down. While waiting, you grabbed the steamer, went back to the meat and began to shred it to a perfect size. Finally done. You began to stuff them in the dough that would be your bun. Looking at the 8 meatbuns on the tray, you smiled at your masterpiece. Time to put it on the steamer and set the time... Done! Gonna take a bath after I finish cleaning this up.

After cleaning the mess in the kitchen, you went to your room and grabbed a towel and went straight to the bathroom to take a bath. After bathing, you checked your meatbuns and they'll be ready in 10 minutes. Plopping down on the sofa and you decided to play a little prank on your boyfriend since he has been neglecting you for the past weeks. You're bored too. So why not? Don't get the wrong idea, you are indeed clingy but you're also very supportive of your boyfriend. You went out with him knowing he'll still put volleyball before anything else. Hey it's much more better than him flirting with other girls.

(F/n): babe i got something to say...
My blueberry 💙: what is it? I'm kinda getting ready to go rn. Maybe later.
You rolled your eyes.
(F/n): I think it's not working out anymore. I'm sorry but let's break up.
My blueberry 💙: wtf? What are you talking about?!
(F/n): I'm sick and tired of you neglecting me. I'm sorry. Good bye.

You giggled and left your phone on the table and went back to your room to hang the towel then went straight to the meatbuns.

My blueberry 💙: you're joking right?
My blueberry 💙: babe?
My blueberry 💙: (f/n)????
My blueberry 💙: babe please. This isn't funny.
My blueberry 💙: answer me please.
My blueberry 💙: (f/n) PLEASE!!!
*You have 5 missed calls from My blueberry 💙*

Kageyama's hand was shaking, he was close to having a mental breakdown. Tears were starting to form. This can't be happening... Okay let's calm down first. He took a deep breath and began to think when did he neglect you. After thinking for a few minutes, he realized that he indeed was neglecting you but you'd just smile and kiss him saying you'll support him all the way and to practice hard. You didn't have an ounce of anger or sadness in your eyes. So he didn't notice it. Shit! I really am an idiot.

He grabbed his phone and texted Hinata that they'll have practice some other time and thankfully Hinata agreed since his mom was away and Natsu was home alone. He grabbed his bag and went straight to the door. He was trying to call you but you weren't answering. Shit! Shit! Shit! I don't want to break up with her. He had tears in his eyes as he ran to your place. Thankfully it was just 15 minutes away from his place.

As he was near your apartment, he remembered what Sugawara and Daichi said, "it's rare to see a girl like (l/n), she doesn't demand your time, she'd send you off with a smile even if she wanted to spend time with you too but you prioritizing volleyball over her is a bit..." Sugawara trailed off. "Let's just say that you should give her your time once in a while since even the kindest person has his/her limits" Daichi added. Kageyama just looked at them confused "but (f/n) doesn't care. She even said to have fun and concentrate on volleyball" Sugawara and Daichi sighed.

The timer beeped and you turned the steamer off. Looking at the meatbuns, they came out perfectly. You grabbed them one by one and placed it on the plate. You'll go to the groceries later so you'll drop some off at Kageyama's place since he loves meatbuns. How is he doing rn? I left my phone at the sofa. It'll be a dream if he'd come here cause he was scared to lose me... You sighed. Yeah right. He'd be happy that he's free and will have a lot more free time. You grabbed the plate and put it on the table then you heard someone knock.

So this is what they meant. I'm such an idiot. He arrived at your apartment and knocked on the door. Was I expecting someone? Maybe it's the package I ordered last week. You opened the door only to be hugged by someone and you fell on your butt with the person who glomped you as you opened the door. "Ouch! What the fu-" "(f/n) please don't leave me. I'm sorry" you blinked a few times and reality hit you. Kageyama ran all the way here and begged not to break up with him... The king, Kageyama Tobio? Am I dreaming? You can feel the pain on your wrist as you fell down earlier. Nope. Not a dream alright.

"Tobio let go" you said patting him on the back. "No!!! I'm not gonna let go unless you take back what you said!" he shouted. "What are you-" you could feel something wet dropped on your neck. Is he crying? You pushed him away from you. "(F/n) please. I'm begging you. don't leave me alone" he said with tears falling from his eyes. You were dumbfounded. The Kageyama Tobio, who's known for being cold and harsh is actually begging and crying in front of you (f/n)! Is this real? Oh my god! Wait... Get yourself together woman! No time to self destruct! You wiped his tears. "I'm sorry Tobio. That was a prank. I didn't mean anything"

He looked at you as if you're crazy. "No it's not! You never joke with this kind of things!" He said wiping his tears. Oooff my heart! My conscience is killing me. "I'm sorry. Please take back what you said" you gave him a gentle smile. "Iloveyou. I'm sorry" you said kissing his tears. "It was all a prank?" He asked and you nodded. "Thank God. I thought I was gonna lose you" he said grabbing your hands. "Please don't do that again boke. It's not good for my heart" you smiled at him and kissed his forehead. "I'm sorry Tobio." He nodded kissing you.

"Let's stand up shall we? My wrist is beginning to feel numb" you said and he pulled you up with him. You winced and he looked at you worriedly. "I think I may have hurt my wrist." He sighed and pulled you to the sofa "sit. I'll grab the first aid kit" You nodded. In a few minutes he was beside you, gently taking your sprained wrist. "I'll get some ice. It will reduce the swelling" he was about to stand up when you pulled him back.

"Tobio stay for a bit please?" You said giving him a puppy dog eyes. "Tsk" he plopped beside you and you kissed his cheek. "Iloveyou my blueberry! I made some meatbuns" his eyes lit up and you giggled. "An apology gift. Will you forgive me???" You said and he nodded kissing you on the forehead. "I'll get the ice now with the meatbuns." You nodded and giggled. After putting cold compress on your wrist, he gently bandaged it and grabbed one meatbun for you and let's say you both cuddled for the whole day.

~A/n: here's a soft Kageyama Tobio for you guys 💙

(F/n) first name
(L/n) last name

Italics - thoughts

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