Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader

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Being far away from one another is nothing new to you. You've been together with Kuroo since your highschool days, He was in Tokyo while you were in Miyagi. You both met during the practice match against Karasuno. You help Kiyoko from time to time that's why you both met at the first practice match against Nekoma.

He asked for you number at the end of the game and you both seemed to hit it off. He'd come once a month and visit you with Kenma. Kenma and Hinata would spend the whole day together while you and Kuroo would go out on dates, finally he asked you to be his girlfriend. Years passed and now you're both living together. You aren't engaged yet but a live-in partner but since you're now a manager of the main hotel that has 3 more sub hotels, you often have to go on a business trip with your boss.

You were like her righthand man. You boss was a strong independent woman who grew from a poor family with a big debt but she became a CEO of a chain hotel that was booming today. She's a fantastic role model and you loved going with her to business trips since you learn a lot from her. You were one of her assistants first when she was still not as successful as she is right now but as the business grew, she decided that you'd handle the main branch which was the biggest out of the 4 hotels she owns.

Accepting her offer, you were busy at first but then you adapted to it quickly. You never file a leave for work or just file it at least once or twice a year which was good for her business but she was worried about you getting overworked. Today was your boyfriend's birthday but you had to go on a business trip to Okinawa. It was a 5 hours flight. Your boyfriend was at Miyagi and was coming back today after lunch but you had an early flight at 3AM. You both didn't get to meet each other. You just left him a note on the dinning table.

In a rush, you left your phone. So you borrowed the phone of your boss' assistant and texted him. Saying you left your phone and you'll be back the day after tomorrow and greeted him a happy birthday. You were quite out of it to be honest since you wanted to be with him because it's a special day for him. The meeting ended around lunch and the boss treated you to lunch as a celebration for closing another deal. Across the restaurant was a store that caught your attention.

Excusing yourself for a bit since the lunch hasn't been served yet. Your boss asked you where you were going. "I just wanted to look at the store over there. I wanted to buy something nice for my boyfriend since it's his birthday today" you pointed at the store that has suits for men. She smiled and stood up too. "I'll go with you. Since the meal would take long" you nodded and she whispered something to her assistant as she nodded. You both entered the store and one thing caught your eye immediately.

It was a necktie that would surely look good on him, you told the clerk to wrap it up and she nodded. You gave her your card and paid for the gift. Your boss was looking around as well. "You should get yourself a lover too maam so that you could buy that suit." You giggled as she rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah. I'm already interested in someone" your eyes widened as she told you about the new employee at her office. She said he was cocky and had a poker face. "Oh I can't wait for his poker face to fall" she growled out and you laughed.

There was a watch shop beside the store you went and you boss dragged you there. She was looking at men's watches and pointed at a silver watch that costs thousands. "I kinda broke his watch. So I'll buy him one" she said as you looked at her suspiciously. "Okay okay. I won't ask why you broke it since I know even if you're a boss I've known you for a while and you're still a clutz" she rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah I'm a clutz but you still love me" you giggled and nodded your head.

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