Suna Rintarou x Reader

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The moment he hesitated was the moment you smiled with tears flowing down your cheeks. It was the sign you've been waiting for. He looked at you with sad eyes as you took a deep breath and wiped your tears. "Then let's stop Suna." He flinched when he heard you use his last name. He clenched his fists, he didn't know what to do. Yes, he loves you but he fell for someone else while being in a relationship with you.

Turning your back at him, you walked out of your classroom and saw (r/g), the one who Suna fell for. She looked at you worriedly and you gave her a small smile. You stopped in front of her and patted her shoulder. "It's not your fault. I hope you'll make him happy" with that said you walked passed her and went home trying to stop yourself from crying. Just a little bit longer before I arrive home. Hold it in (f/n) then you could cry your eyes out when you arrive.

You laid in bed and thought about a lot of things. Where did it all go wrong? When did he fell in love with her? Was she better than me? Am I not enough? And the last thing you thought that made your heart break and made you sob was DID HE REALLY LOVE ME? You grabbed your pillow as you muffled your sobs afraid that your family might hear.

Suna was in a daze looking at the closed door. He felt tears roll down his cheek. "Why?" He whispered clenching his hand on his chest "it hurts more than I expected." The door opened and he raised his head hoping it was you but to his disappointment it was (r/g). He felt disappointed but sighed. Now you're hoping it might be her. You're really stupid Rintarou. (R/g) went to him and hugged him. He didn't move. "Please let me go. I need to go to practice" Suna said slowly pushing her away. She nodded and let go. Suna was at the door when she looked back at Suna.

"She said I should make you happy" she said as Suna stopped in his tracks. He had a bitter smile on his face before he shut the door. (R/g) sighed and got her bag and went home. Her conscience was killing her but as you said, it wasn't her fault. She was kind to everyone and sometimes girls would bully her cause their boyfriends fell for her. You were the first one to tell her that it wasn't her fault. She had a little something for Suna too and you knew yet you let her be and even said to make Suna happy.

Suna went in the gym and started practicing. He was all over the place until the ball that Aran spiked went straight for his face causing him to tumble down. The team panicked as his nose bled. Kita sighed and asked Suna to follow him. The twins knew what happened since they saw you wiping your tears while coming out of the school building but they kept their mouth shut. Suna was currently putting tissue on his bleeding nose while kita looked at him waiting for him to explain.

"I-I'm just not having a good day today. May I be excused for the rest of the practice?" He murmured as Kita sighed and nodded his head. "I don't know what happened but I'm hear if you need someone to listen. Take care on the way home" he said before patting his kohai's head. Suna nodded as tears fell from his eyes again. Kita saw this but didn't speak, he just went in the gym and started practicing again. Suna was thankful that his captain didn't ask anything. He packed his bags and went home.

Practice was done and the team began to go home. Osamu grabbed his phone and messaged you asking if you were okay. His twin saw this and sighed. "Ya know I'm not gonna meddle with yer business but think about it first before ya dive for it" he said and Osamu nodded. Aran looked at him and sighed. He also knew what the gray haired twin felt about you but stayed silent. Osamu knew what his twin meant. He confessed that he had feelings for you but you were in love with Suna so he supported you even if it meant getting his heart broken.

When he saw you and Suna's state he didn't know if he should be happy that you were single or sad that you were heart broken. His phone vibrated, someone was calling. He opened his phone and saw your name. He immediately answered your call. "Hello?" He said as he could hear muffled sobs and sniffs coming from the other line. His heart clenched. "S-amu..." you murmured "please... come home..." you said and he stopped in his tracks. Atsumu and Aran looked at him, confused why he stopped.

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