Asahi Azumane x Reader

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What do you hate most in school but can't avoid? One word. Exams. Your grades aren't bad actually in some subjects, your grades are pretty high but you hate studying since you need to cram all the subjects in one day.

You're the type of student who forgets what they learned if you studied a week or even days before the exam. You learn a day or night before the exam which is sometimes stressing you out but your hard work pays off too. The lowest grade you have is Math and that's 83 which is average and your highest is English and that's 92.

Now you were with your boyfriend, Azumane Asahi who lives three blocks from you. He wanted you to tutor him in english since he has some parts he couldn't understand and you agreed. You still have 1 week till the exams anyway. So you decided to agree with this tutoring session.

It's been 3 hours since you both started and you were beginning to grow bored since he was now copying your notes. He says it's easier to understand your notes so he borrows it from time to time.

Looking around his room, you saw nothing that piqued your interest. So you wanted to play a prank on him. As he finishes the notes, you stood up as he stretched his arms, you plopped on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck giving him a seductive smirk.

"W-w-what are y-you d-d-do-doing (f/n)?!" He stuttered covering his blushing face. "I'm kinda bored" you answered planting kisses on his fingers one by one. "P-please get off (f/n)-chan" he begged and you giggled. "Nope"

You were still on his lap when you noticed red liquid dropping from his chin. You panicked and stood up abruptly. "Are you okay?!" You dashed for the tissue that was on his desk. "Here tissue!!!" He took some and stuffed it in his nose.

"I'm sorry. I got a nosebleed" he said not looking into your eyes. You were dumbfounded at first then you laughed your ass off. Ahhh. My boyfriend is so pure. Makes me want to tease him more.

You kissed his forehead and smiled at him. "I'm gonna tell Daichi and Suga about this" he looked at you with wide eyes. "No please! They'll tease me" you smirked. "I don't care" he paled. "Your so mean (f/n)-chan" and with that you kissed his cheek and laughed again.

~A/N: Math is really my worst subject. I remembered getting a 79 on my card in one of my math subjects during highschool and was devastated but luckily I managed to get 81 on the next. Are you good or bad at math? 😊🤔

(F/n) first name

Italics - thoughts

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