Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader

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(Y/N) was sleeping soundly when her mom barged into her room waking her up from her slumber, telling her to wake up and have breakfast or else she'll be late. She grumbled and threw protests at her mom but only received an eyeroll from her.

"Come on (F/N)! Hurry up!" Her mom shouted. "Alright! Alright! I'm up. Stop shouting" she said. As she went to the bathroom to do her thing. After 30 minutes, she was done and ready to go.

"Mom! I'm going now" she kissed her mom on the cheek and went out the door. Unexpectedly she saw the ace & the popular setter, Iwaizumi Hajime & Oikawa Tooru. They were talking about something when suddenly Iwaizumi smacked Oikawa at the back of his head.

You giggled, the setter heard someone giggling and turned around, he saw you and run towards you wrapping his arms around your shoulder and hiding behind you making you a human shield   "(L/N)! Did you see that? His hurting me again" you looked at the poor setter and patted his head.

Iwaizumi saw this and glared at the setter. When Oikawa felt daggers he looked up to see Iwaizumi doing the "you're freaking dead if you don't remove your arms trashykawa" sign and paled letting you go. You looked back to Iwaizumi and said "what did he say now Iwaizumi-kun?" You smiled at the ace in which he returned with a scowl and answered "he was spouting nonsense again and so early in the morning too".

You just laughed it off and went to school with the both of them. As you arrived to school, Oikawa said he'll go to the staff room first so the both of you went on ahead. You secretly looked at Iwaizumi and though he really is handsome.

As you both arrived to the classroom, you greeted Hanamaki and Matsukawa who's laughing about something. You always thought that they're gay for each other. You sat at the front of Hanamaki and Iwaizumi sat at your right side.

"Ne (L/N), today will be the start of our preparations for the school festival right?" Hanamaki asked. You looked back at him and answered "yeah. They cancelled last period for us to get ready for the festival next week", "They also excused all the teams from practice" Iwaizumi added. Hanamaki nodded and Matsukawa said his goodbyes and went to his classroom. The bell rang signaling the start of classes.

*Lunch Time*

"Iwa-chan! Maki! (L/N) let's go to the cafeteria" Oikawa shouted from the doorway. You rolled your eyes at the setter and mumbled "why does he have to be so loud" Iwaizumi who heard you laughed and shook his head.

"Where is (B/F/N)?" you asked Oikawa. He shrugged and answered "she'll be late since a boy from the next class called her". Hanamaki smirked and said "ooooh I smell jealousy", "I second that!" Matsukawa added and high fived Maki. Oikawa just grumbled and rolled his eyes.

"They should just hook up" you said while staring at Oikawa's slumped shoulders. Iwaizumi looked at you and said under his breath "Yeah we should too". You looked at him with wide eyes. He noticed he said that out loud. Both of your faces turned red and just stayed quiet.

Matsukawa being the sharpest looked at you two and smirked, elbowing and giving a sign to Hanamaki at both of you being awkward. Hanamaki laughed and said "Iwaizumi! You and (L/N) should hook up too. It's pretty obvious you both have feelings for each other"

You and Iwaizumi choked on your drink. "Eeew that's nasty" (B/F/N) appearing behind you. "What did you say Maki?" The male smirked and repeated what he said in which (B/F/N) laughed and patted you at the back. "Yeah. You should. Everyone knows both of you have feelings for each other yet the both of you are oblivious to it"

You fanned your face and told them to stop teasing while Iwaizumi looked at you and smiled at you reddened face. Telling himself to try to confess later. After the last period for lessons everyone divided the work for the festival. You and Iwaizumi and given the task to get the paints and stuff.

As you both silently went to the storage room, Iwaizumi broke the silence and said "(L/N) can we talk for a bit? It won't be long." You looked at him confused but nodded. Iwaizumi took a deep breath and looked at you in the eyes.

"(Y/N) you've caught my attention ever since I saw you during our freshmen year. We were in different classes but I'm glad you applied as a Manager in the volleyball team. When we were in our sophomore year, God must have heard my prayers that I wanted to be with you so we became classmates. I've been wanting to confess to you but didn't have the courage to do so but right now I want to say how I really feel. I love you (Y/N) will you go out with me and be my girlfriend?" He said while cheeks are burning up.

You looked shocked by his confession. You were too stunned to answer and just looked at him with red cheeks. Iwaizumi being uncomfortable called out to you "(L/N)?" You snapped out of it and looked at him properly he had a worried expression on his face.

You hugged him and nodded your head. "Yes. My answer is yes Iwaizumi". You look at him and smiled. He gave you his heart melting smile and kissed you at the forehead. You then linked hands with him and went back to the classroom.

Iwaizume told the trio about his confession and that you said yes while you told (B/F/N) about it too. They teased Iwaizumi about the long confession he made. You just laughed, held his hand tighter and whispered in his ear "I love you Iwaizumi Hajime" he looked at you and answered "i love you too"

(Y/N) - your name
(F/N) - first name
(L/N) - last name
(B/F/N) - best friend's name
Italics- thoughts

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