Yaku Morisuke x Reader

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Yaku Morisuke is one of the best liberos you know and you fell for him hard. He was short, yes but he is strong and proud. He is also on the handsome side. He was very kind too. During your Tokyo Training Camp, he would talk to you a lot and that's when you two began to grow close to each other.

It was the start of the Tokyo Training Camp and you were grabbing some bags from the Fukurodani bus, you were hanging the bags on your both of shoulders it was quite heavy but nothing you can't handle. You were walking to the building until someone grabbed some of the bags on your left shoulder. You looked to your left and saw Yaku helping you.

"Give me some of the bags. I'll help you since we're done settling down." He said smiling at you. Such a gentleman. You smiled back and thanked him. "Thanks Yaku-san" he patted your head. You were a year younger than him and he treats you like his kouhais. Which you don't mind at all. Once you brought all the bags to the designated room, you both went to the gym and all the heads turned towards you and you blushed.

"Ooooh Yaku-san! Isn't that the girl you always talk about?? The short and petite beauty of Fukurodani?" A tall silver haired boy that you have never seen before shouted which silenced the gym in a matter of seconds. Everyone was looking at the both of you and you blushed, Yaku on the otherhand looked shocked at what the first year said until his mind began to process what just happened. He stomped towards him and kicked his leg. "Shut up Lev!" You went towards your fellow managers with a blushing face. They giggled and they whispered "he feels the same way!!" And "confess to him. We'll support you" you nodded and smiled at them "I'll give it my best" you mumbled.

"What?! Did you hear that?" Bokuto faces his teammates " Yaku-kun likes (f/n)-chan? But she's ours" Bokuto said with a dejected look. "She's not ours Bokuto-san." Akaashi said with a pokerface. "Akcgaaaashiiii she's ours! She's our manager" he said then turned to Kuroo "she will never be yours!!!" He shouted at Kuroo only to be smacked by you and you pulled him by the ear. "Hush senpai. Or I'll never help you and Akaashi during practice" you warned and he went on his knees and hugged your waist. "Noooooo! I'll stop. Please!" You sighed and nodded. "Then go and warm up." He stood up and began warming up.

Yaku who saw your exchange began to burn in jealousy. "Oooh the smell of jealousy!" Kuroo snickered earning a glare from the libero. "You better get her while you still can Yaku-kun" Kuroo said smirking at the male and he huffed. "I know." Yaku grumbled. In a matter of minutes, the practice started. You were assigned to be one of the scorers and you can never seem to get enough of Yaku's receives, they were beautiful. He would often catch you staring at him and he would give you a peace sign or smile at your direction and you would return it with a smile of your own. After practice ended, you helped with the kitchen and gave the players their food.

After dinner, the managers wanted to bathe together since there was a big bathtub. You nodded and went to get your clothes and towel. Some managers were soaking when you arrived and some were just starting to wash. You began to wash yourself too and then went to soak for a while. You sighed in contentment. The managers were getting to know each other and talking bout school until, someone opened up the topic of you and Yaku. Which you completely denied. "It's true I have a crush on him but I think it's one sided."

The other managers looked at one another and giggled patting your head and shoulders. You looked at them confused. "You should confess. I think he feels the same way" the beautiful black haired manager from Karasuno said while the cute blonde one nodded. "I.. I'm scared. What if he rejects me. Things would become awkward" you said looking down and they sighed. "We have a gut feeling that he feels the same way" and they also said "trust your gut feeling" you nodded. "Then I'll try but if it all fails you have to comfort me" you pouted and they giggled. Chorus of "yes" and "of course" can be heard.

After you took a bath, you wanted to drink some juice. So you went to the vending machine and it was dark, only th light from the vending machine is on. Oh god. If something appears out of thin air I'll literally piss my pajamas. Then someone poked your side and you flinched you were ready to throw the apple juice that you bought to whoever it was. "It's me (f/n)!" Yaku said chuckling and you sighed your heartbeat was going crazy. "Really (f/n)? A box of apple juice?" You rolled your eyes. He chuckled and pulled your hand. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" You nodded and let him guide you.

Kuroo, Lev, Bokuto, Hinata, Akaashi and even Tsukishima (was forced to) went to spy on you two. While the girls also tiptoed to where you both were. Kuroo saw the managers and nodded his head and they all nodded too. Yaku stopped and faced you. "(F/n)... I.. ahm.. as you heard Lev a while ago... I truly like you. Since the very first day we met. Your smile captivated me, your kindness pierced my heart and your laughs and giggles are music to my ears." He looked at you straight on the eye and took a deep breath. "I like you (f/n) will you go out with me?" He finally said and you felt tears run down your face.

"Wh-what?! (F/n)?! Are you okay?!" He was panicking and you giggled. "I'm fine Yaku-san. I just can't believe that you felt the same. I'm glad." You said wiping the tear from the corner of your eye. "I like you too. Please take care of me" you said as you gave him a breathtaking smile. He hugged you and kissed your forehead.

"Yes!!!" "Nooooo!" And some squeals were heard coming from the pillars and Bokuto fell firts from his hiding place. "Akcggaaashhhiiii!!!! (F/n) is gonna be taken away from us" he cried out loud clinging to the setter. "Congrats bro!" Kuroo said and Yaku smiled. The managers ran towards you and hugged you saying their congratulations and some "i told you so" you giggled. You both looked at each other and smiled, holding hands while talking to the stalking squad.

*After story*

"Yaku-san! Yaku-san!" Lev called out and Yaku faced him. "Your heights aren't that big of a difference. So it's good you found a girl shorter than you. Congrats shorties!" He said sincerely congratulating his senpai.

Kuroo facepalmed and not a second later, Yaku's kick his Lev on the stomach, causing him to fall over. "You really don't learn. Do you?" Kuroo said at Lev who was clutching his stomach.

"Pfft. That must have hurt" Tsukishima poked him with a stick he found.

"Are you okay Lev?" Hinata asked concerned.

"Akcgaashiiii (f/n) is leaving us" Bokuto wailed

Akaashi sighed and facepalmed. Looking at your direction and nodded his head. You sighed and went to your Captain.

"Oh Captain. I'm not leaving Fukurodani. I'm just gonna date Yaku-san. That's all. I love being in the team of my favorite ace" you said smiling pulling Bokuto by the arm ugring him to stand up.

"You really mean it?" He said and you nodded. "Of course. I'll stay with my favorite ace" Akaashi nodded. "See? She's gonna stay no need to worry" he said looking at Bokuto.

"Hey hey hey! I'm her favorite ace!" He said jumping in joy and you all facepalmed.

~A/n: this is the third request by asdfweh101. I hope you enjoy it 😊

(F/n) first name

Italics - thoughts

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