Miya Osamu x Reader

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You were Kita Shinsuke's younger sister, Kita (F/N), you were a second year student at Inarizaki. You were very fond of the twins, in fact the three of you are inseparable.

Little did you know that one of the twins harbor feelings towards you, that twin is no other than Miya Osamu, the quieter twin. Unlike his other twin, Miya Atsumu, who is a loud mouth with a big personality.

"Ohayo (F/N). What are you doing so early in the morning?" Your brother greeted you with a yawn. "Ohayo onii-chan. I'm making a bento for the both of us and for the twins since I lost a bet with themm yesterday" you shrugged.

Kita has always been protective of you but he noticed the way Osamu looks at you. He was worried but if it's Osamu he can rest easy, knowing Osamu's personality, he won't dare make you cry but if he does he'll pay dearly for it.

You finished breakfast and went to school with your brother. He gave you a hand with carrying the bentos that you made which you were thankful for since it's a bit heavy.

Once you arrived in school. You can hear the twins bickering in the locker area, you and your brother sighed at the scene. Suna was staring off space and didn't give a damn while the twins are spouting nonsense early in the morning.

The captain cleared his throat that caused the twins to stiffen. You chuckled and changed your outdoor shoes for your indoor shoes. When your done you bid farewell to your brother and pulled the twins to your classroom.

"What were you two bickering about?" You asked the twins and no one answered, you turned to Suna and he answered "they were bickering if who will have a service ace next game. Which is stupid if you ask me" the twins just gave him a death glare and he just shrugged.

"Come on! Stop it. It's almost time for class we better hurry." You fast walk to the classroom since it's not allowed to run or jog in the hallway.

*A/N: is there a word like that? I don't really know but you understand right? Lol

The class started and you were bored. You were looking around the classroom and your eyes landed on Osamu who is listening to the teacher while Atsumu on the other hand seems to be preoccupied by something.

Ahh twins but have different personalities. Osamu looks handsome and for some reason I'm quite attracted to him. I wonder why. Anyway I'll play a little game. I'll count one to three. If he looks at me it means he likes me if not then nevermind. Lol what am I thinking? Oh well I'm bored anyway. Okay let's start.

One... He's really concentrating in the lesson

Two... Eeeh he wont face me.

Thr-- wtf! He looked at me and smiled!

What is (F/N) doing? Ohh she's blushing. Haha. Too cute. Osamu thought as he looks at you.

Finally the bell rang for lunch. Atsumu and Osamu made their way towards you. "(F/N) let's eat here?" Osamu asked. You nodded your head and took out the bentos you prepared. "Oooh it looks good (F/N)" Atsumu complements you. They both tried your cooking and praised you for it. After eating you cleaned up and finished just in time as lunch break was over.

"I hope you'll cook for me again (F/N) but only for me" you hear him whisper the last part which you blushed and smiled. "Sure. Next time" he smiled back at you and went back to his seat. Guess I'm starting to see him as more than a friend, a crush maybe? You smiled to yourself and listened to the teacher discussing the lesson.

(F/N) - first name
Italics - thoughts


ohayo - good morning
Onii-chan - big brother
Bento - Japanese lunchbox

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