Oikawa Tooru X reader

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It was another quiet day at Aoba Johsai, NOT! Early in the morning you could already hear the girls squealing as you passed by the gym where the volleyball team had their morning practice. As you arrived to the classroom, you saw your best fried, (B/F/N).

"Ohayo (B/F/N)!" You smiled at her as she greets you back. "Ne (F/N) are you free after class?" She asks you hoping that you're free. "Yeah I'm free. Why?" She smiled and answered "I wanted to buy something for Hanamaki since it's our 1st year anniversary next week. Will you help me?" You nodded as the you heard the bell ring. "Let's go after class then"

* Lunch time

You saw Hanamaki waiting for (B/F/N) outside your classroom. You may be in the same year but the love birds are in different classes. Hanamaki saw you looking at him and waves at you. You smiled and wave back.

"(F/n) want to eat lunch together with us?" Hanamaki asks you. "Yeah. I just need to pass this to sensei at the lab then I'll head to the roof top." Your best friend nodded and went hand in hand with Hanamki. Oh I wish I could also get a boyfriend before my high school life ends.

As you head to the lab to turn over your forgotten homework, your stomach began to growl. Ugh shut up stomach I know you're hungry I just need to pass this then I'll feed you. You knocked before going in the lab and pass it to your teacher. "Don't forget your homework next time. Okay?" You nodded and excused yourself.

Heading to where the lovers are having their lunch you saw Iwaizumi going up the stairs heading to the roof. You called for him then he turn to you and waited until you reached him. "Where have you been? It's rare that you're not stuffing your face with food at this time" you pouted and answered "hey! What's that supposed to mean? You say as if I'm a pig or something. I went to the lab to pass my homework that's why" Iwaizumi heard your stomach growl, he laughed and patted your head. "Come on. I don't want you to eat me since your THAT hungry" you swatted his hand away and laughed with him.

(B/F/N) on the other hand was having lunch with Hanamaki, Matsukawa and Oikawa. "Where's (Y/N)?" Matsukawa asked. Oikawa looked at Matsukawa and wondered as well. "She just passed her homework to sensei at the lab. She'll be here in a bit" (B/F/N) answered.

The door to the roof top opened and there you are with Iwaizumi laughing. To the group it was adorable how the two of you fit each other but to Oikawa he can feel his heart being ripped into two. As you sat next to (B/F/N) and Iwaizumi next to you.

Hanamaki being Hanamaki, teased the both of you. "Ne (L/N) you've been wanting to have a boyfriend right? Why not go out with Iwaizumi? You seem compatible" you looked at Hanamaki and rolled your eyes "You know that Iwaizumi and I are just friends right? Nothing special here. Right Mi-kun?" Iwaizumi looked at you and nodded "but if (N/N) wants us to be something more then maybe we can" he then smiled at you.

You choked on the juice that you've been drinking and glared at the Ace. "Hey! That's not funny at all Mi-kun" (B/F/N) laughed and gave you a pat on the back. You noticed that Oikawa has been quietly sitting there and eating. "Oikawa-kun? Are you alright? You seem to be down" he looked at you and smiled sadly "I'm fine it's just I think the girl I like has already found her special someone. I've been waiting for her for 2 years now but I guess she already found someone special."

Everyone was stunned to here the overly confident Captain got depressed because of that. No one has talked after what Oikawa said. Until Matsukawa finally broke the silence "then why don't you just confess. You may never know you're the one she likes" hearing that made you heart hurt.

Oikawa smiled and responded "yeah. I'll confess to her then" you stood up making everyone look at you. "I'm going ahead first. I forgot something." You smiled while going ahead. (B/F/N) glared at Matsukawa and Hanamaki sighed "did you really have to say that Mastun?" Matsukawa just shrugged his shoulders. "So Oikawa who do you like?" He was still looking at the door where you left.

Matsukawa snapped his fingers to snap him from his trance. "Oh. What did you say Matsun?" Iwaizumi was the one who answered "he asked who you liked trashykawa" Oikawa just smiled and said "okay I'll tell you since it wouldn't matter anyway. It's (Y/N)

Both (B/F/N) and Hanamaki high fived and Oikawa looked at them weirdly. "Pay up Matsun. I told you he liked (Y/N)" Oikawa stood up and looked at his friends "what the?! You made a bet regarding who I liked?" They just shurgged.

"What are you doing trashykawa? If you don't run after (N/N) I'm really going to take her" Iwaizumi looks at Oikawa seriously. He stood up and ran after her. Matsukawa patted Iwaizumi's shoulder and said "are you sure about that? I know you've been in love with her since we we're in freshmen year"

Iwaizumi just smiled and nodded. He knew you were in love with his best friend. Even if he confessed he was sure as hell you're going to turn him down. Oikawa was running all over looking for you, he went your classroom and the garden where you usually hangout with (B/F/N) while waiting for their practice to end.

The last place he still didn't check is the gym. He ran their at full speed when he opened the door, there you were crouched down hugging your knees. He can see tears slowly coming down from your eyes.

He went towards you and hugged you. "(F/N) I've been in love with you ever since Hanamaki introduced you to us. I never had the guts to confess since I thought you liked Iwa-chan. Since you've always been smiling and blushing when he's around." You were so shocked to move that he pulled away and looked at you in the eyes and kissed you. "I love you (F/N) I hope you feel the same way too."

You looked at him and saw tears in his eyes. You thought ah he really is serious. What an idiot. "I love you too Oikawa." He smiled "so this means we're going out right?" You laughed and nodded your head.

Another long one shot. I don't know whether you guys want short or long one shots. Tell me bout your opinions since I'm still new to this.☺

(Y/N) - your name
(F/N) - first name
(B/F/N) - best friend's name
Italics- thoughts

Japanese Words:
Sensei: teacher
Ohayo: good morning

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