Kozume Kenma x Reader

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Wearing heels has always been a drag for you. You'd rather wear flipflops, shoes or sandals that have little to no heels at all since you weren't a big fan of sore legs and toes when wearing a pair of six inches heels. Today was a very important event for your boyfriend, it was a gathering of very well-known youtubers and gamers. It was a formal party, so you had to wear a formal dress with heels. Kenma personally chose your dress, accessories and heels. You can't say no to him and agreed thinking he bought short heels like a two inch heels or three inches whichever it is as long as it's short but nope, he bought a pair of six inches like damn bruh, you trying to kill my feet or something?

The makeup artist finished doing your hair and makeup. Kenma took a peek in the room that you are using to get ready for the event. He looked at his girlfriend who was closing her eyes for the finishing touches in her makeup. He looked at you with a loving smile on his face. You opened your eyes and looked at yourself in the mirror. "Oh my God!" you looked at yourself in awe. "Is that really me?" you murmured as the makeup artist smiled. "You are already very pretty, I just put light makeup on you and did your hair like you wanted" she smiled as you thanked her. "Now, let me assist you in wearing your dress" she said as you nodded. Standing up, you went to the small changing room. The dress he bought really complimented your figure it was hard to believe you look like a model with your dress and makeup on but there is one problem.

Looking at the six inches in front of you, you grimaced as the makeup artist giggled. "Are you uncomfortable with heels?" she asked and you nodded. "I'm not really good at walking with this type of heels" you looked at the stiletto heels your boyfriend chose. "You can do it. I'll guide you until your boyfriend arrives" she smiled as you nodded. You wore the heels and began to wobble back to the room. "You just need to get used to them" she smiled at you as you nodded and began to walk around the room. The door opened and you looked back to see your boyfriend looking handsome af it made you drool. He smiled and went beside you. "Are you ready babe?" he asked as you nodded. "Please don't let me go when we're walking. I don't want to fall on my butt or fall face flat on the floor" you grumbled as he chuckled. He paid the makeup artist and helped you get in the front seat of the car before he went to the driver's seat.

As you arrived to the venue, the party was about to start. A lot of very well-known people approached your boyfriend as he talked to them. Ahhh Kuroo if you could only see our baby has finally grown up. You thought wiping an imaginary tear as Kenma looked at your weirdly. The party ended as you went in the car. "Ugh... My feet hurt" you grumbled as Kenma chuckled while starting the car. "It's worth it tho?" he said as you nodded. "The food was delicious! Especially the roast beef" you said as he chuckled. He knew you were a foodie and love to eat but still kept your figure well.

~A/n: Like damn, I'd kill to have a body that doesn't get fat whenever you eat a lot. My mind says go on a diet and I do too. When I manage to lose some belly, my stomach says "Ribs sounds good rn" and of course I'll order it and my body would say "Fuck it" and the progress I had from the diet would go down the drain. My belly would wink at me and say "It's nice to see you again my friend" boohoo still, I love you guys thin or thick. Mwah!

Arriving at the hotel he booked, you walked with him hand in hand until you reached your floor and he opened the door. "Finally!!" you said as you ran to the bed and managed to fuck up causing you to faceplant on the floor. Kenma slowly closed the door before anyone could see and you slowly sat up. He was holding back his laughter as you looked back and pouted. He went his way to you and carried you to bed before taking your heels off. His shoulders are shaking as you glared at him. "Not a word" you growled as he nodded and stood up. "Let's take a bath?" he offered as you nodded. He went in the bathroom and filled the huge tub with hot water and poured the bubble bath soap as he went back to the room and saw you massaging your feet.

He smiled and sat beside you. "I'll massage your feet later. Let's take a bath. The tub is almost filled with hot water" he said as you nodded. Turning your back on him. "Could you please open the zipper love?" you said as he nodded and pulled the zipper down and kissed your back. You looked at him with a blush on your face. "You know I won't let you sleep tonight. Right?" he murmured as you rolled your eyes and dropped the dress in front of him along with the strapless bra and your panties. You walked towards the bathroom with a little sway to your hips. As you stood by the bathroom door, you looked back at him and smirked before licking your lips and entering the bathroom. He groaned as he took off his clothes and entered the bathroom. Let's say you had an amazing bathroom sex in the bathtub and in front of the mirror.

Both of you were currently sitting on the bed as he massaged your feet. "Hey babe?" he said as you hummed closing your eyes as the massage felt so good. "Did you know?" he smiled. "Know what?" you asked. "Your faceplant was awesome" he laughed as you glared at him and pulled your feet away from him. You went in the covers and turned your back on him. He was laughing his ass off as you grumbled never to wear heels higher than three inches.

~A/n: I love wearing high heels during important events like weddings, debuts and prom since I'm short but damn, my feet hurt like a mf after. Lol. Any ladies who can relate??

(f/n) first name

Italics – thoughts

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