Kageyama Tobio x Reader

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oing out with Kageyama Tobio was very amusing. Why you ask? Well, from the way he blushes every time you compliment him, to the way he stutters when he says 'iloveyou' and the way his eyes lit up every time he's excited. You loved seeing his different reactions.

He may be a volleyball addict but he does give you a decent amount of time to bond. Especially on his days off or before and after practice. His teammates, especially your cousin, Tsukishima Kei, told him that he is very lucky to have an understanding and supportive girlfriend or else you would have left him a long time ago.

Tsukishima was against your relationship with the 'king' but he didn't have a choice since you were the type to get what you want no matter what. Tsukishima loves you like a sister and is just overprotective. You understand where he's coming from but you love Kageyama so much to the point that you even fought with Tsukishima for a week.

In the end, he didn't have a choice but accept your relationship but he did threaten the setter a lot of times. You would just giggle and look fondly at them. You wanted to be a manager to spend more time with your boyfriend but you were a sports scholar as well. You're an ace of (f/s). Every time your practice would end late, Kageyama would be waiting for you and then walk you home.

Both of you were actually busy with practice but you still make time for one another. Kageyama is a bit on the tsundere side which was lovely to tease. His face would turn bright red and he'll stutter so much that he would bite his tongue sometimes.

Finally, both of you had a day off and you wanted to surprise your boyfriend and make him some curry. Every time you both had a day off, he'd wake up around 10am so you had time to buy ingredients from the grocery and head to his home. His sister and mother would always welcome you. You were the first girl he brought home and you and his family were pretty close.

Ringing the doorbell, his mother opened the door and you kissed her cheek. "Good morning mom" she smiled at you and hugged you. "Morning (f/n)! Tobio is still asleep. Want me to wake him up?" You shook your head. "I'll make lunch for us. So I'll surprise him later." You smiled.

She giggled. "I'm glad Tobio has you for a girlfriend or else I think he'll be single for the rest of his life" you smiled. You loved how his family accepted you with open arms to the point that his mother wants you to call her mom and his sister, onee-san. She lets you in and you went straight to the kitchen.

You tied your hair and began to prepare the meat and veggies for the curry. Not long after, his sister went down and you greeted her. She smiled and hugged you. "Oooh your cooking again (f/n)? I can't wait!" You giggled. "I'm making curry and I also baked your favorite dessert. It's inside the refrigerator onee-san" her eyes sparkled. She looks exactly like Tobio.

She kissed your cheek and went to the coffee maker to get her coffee. "Do you want me to make you a cup (f/n)?" You shook your head and thanked her. Telling her you had your coffee before coming. She nodded and went to the living room to watch some tv. You looked at everything and it's ready. Looking at the time it was already 10 and he was still asleep.

"Did he jog this morning?" You mumbled and was surprised when his mom answered beside you. His mom giggled at your shocked face. "I'm sorry. Did I surprise you?" You smiled and nodded. She giggled again. "He went on a run this morning more or less he'll be up at around 11 or so" you nodded and proceed to finishing the curry you made.

After a while, you tasted the curry and it was awesome. You smiled looking down on your masterpiece. Turning off the stove, you went and picked some plates to set. His mom and sister saw you and helped you. Telling you to go ahead and wake up Kageyama. You nodded and went upstairs.

Opening his door, you saw him sleeping soundly with a drool on his left cheek. You giggled. How cute. You kissed his right cheek and shook him gently. "Wake up Tobio" he opened his eyes a bit and smiled at you. Pulling you on top of him. "5 more minutes" he mumbled and you giggled. "I made your favorite curry"

His eyes opened suddenly and looked at you. "I thought I was dreaming." He said and you giggled kissing his nose and sitting up. "Come on Tobio. It's time for lunch and wipe that drool" you pointed at his left cheek. He blushed and grumbled. You giggled and stood up. "Come on sleepy head" he nodded.

Walking towards the door, he pulled you by the waist and hugged you tight. "Iloveyou" he mumbled and you patted his head. "Iloveyoutoo" he held your hand and pulled you with him to the bathroom. You waited for him to finish washing his face then you both went downstairs to eat.

"Took you long enough! I was drooling here waiting for your dumbass" his sister said glaring daggers at your boyfriend. "Shut up you pig" he countered and his sister was about to answer back when their mom cleared her throat with a black aura surrounding her. They both settled down and you smiled.

"Then let's eat?" His mom said and you three nodded. "Ugh! Your cooking is really the best (f/n)! Marry me!" His sister said while putting a spoonful of curry in her mouth and moaning. "What the?! She's gonna marry me!" Tobio snapped and you looked at him surprised. His mother giggled "there you go (f/n)! A stupid proposal but still a proposal" you giggled.

Kageyama was blushing and you kissed his cheek. "Propose again after a few years. Okay?" He chuckled and continued eating his favorite curry. He finished 3 plates while his sister finished 2. "Thank you for the meal (f/n)!" His sister thanked you and proceeded to wash the dishes. You mumbled a welcome while wiping the table.

You were like a family to them already. Kageyama helped his sister while you and his mom were talking about some recipes that she wanted. After washing the dishes, he pulled you with him to his room. "Hey! Use protection okay?" His sister called out and you both blushed. You both entered his room and you went straight to his bed. Patting the space next to you.

Shaking his head, he laid next to you pulling you close to him. "Thank you for cooking my favorite food (f/n)" he mumbled and you smiled. "It's a reward for doing great on your exams" he smiled. "I studied really really hard for that" and you nodded. He was like a walking corpse during the exam week that it made you worried but he managed to pass all his exams which was a great achievement for him.

"Can I take a nap?" You mumbled and he nodded. You both cuddled and your eyes began to close. He looked down at your sleeping form and he smiled thinking how blessed he was to have you as a girlfriend. He was thinking that all the bickering with Tsukishima was worth it in the end. He yawned and whispered a quick "iloveyou" then fell asleep himself.

~A/n: I'll be starting work next week. So I'll be updating less but I'll do my best to update once or twice every week. Anyway give me a request on who to write next. I'll do the first five ONLY! 😊

(F/n) first name

Italics - thoughts

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