Yamaguchi Tadashi x Reader & Tsukishima Kei x Kelsee

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~A/n: This will have 2 P.O.Vs. This is a special chapter for one of my readers, @vampire. Thank you for waiting! 😊


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Growing up together, you've always treated Tsukishima Kei, your best friend, like a brother and thanks to him. You met the love of your life, the both of you were coming home one day to see a smaller boy being bullied. Pulling Tsukishima's sleeve, he shook his head while you rolled your eyes. "Then I'll help him" you said as he pulled your hand and sighed. "You really are reckless" he grumbled and he began approaching the kids and taunting them, they finally ran and you crouched down and gave the freckled boy your handkerchief. "Are you okay?" you asked him and as he raised his head, he felt cupid shot him with an arrow and that's where he fell in love with you but before that he became one of your best friends. You were in love with someone else in the beginning but you got your heart broken and Yamaguchi was there for you through everything.

Finally moving on and gradually falling in love with him, both of you confessed to one another on your second year during middle school, he was the first to call you out and confess during Christmas Eve. Tsukishima may be salty af but he did support the both of you and pushed you to confess to one another. Being with Yamaguchi made you a better woman but when you're with Tsukishima, then it's another story. You may look innocent but your mouth is so... you know... Anyway, the way you bond is trash talking something or someone. Two salty / semi salty best friends and one cinnamon roll, what a weird combination right? A year passed and the three of you graduated and enrolled at Karasuno High School.

The alarm of your phone rang as you pressed the dismiss button. You got up and yawned. "I'm still so sleepy" you grumbled as you felt your phone vibrate. As you opened it, it was from Yamaguchi. 'Good Morning (f/n)-chan! I'll pick you up in a bit, Let's go to school together' he texted and you smiled. "Such a sweetheart" you murmured before replying an 'Good Morning Tadashi! I'll see you in a bit' you grabbed your towel and went to the bathroom to take a bath. Just as you finished taking a bath and changing, you heard the doorbell ring and your mother's voice welcoming your boyfriend down stairs. You went down and saw him by the door chatting with your mother. He saw you and smiled as you smiled back at him. "I'll just get my bento and we can go" you said as he nodded.

"Mom we're going now" you said kissing her cheek. "Take care you two" she waved as Yamaguchi bowed and the two of you began to walk to school. "I hope the three of us will be in the same class again" you said as he held your hand and hummed. "and I do hope Kei would get himself a girlfriend so that we could have a double date." You grumbled as Yamaguchi chuckled. "I hope Tsuki's lovelife would bloom too" he said sa you grinned at him. "Are you joining the volleyball club in Karasuno too?" he asked and you pondered for a bit. "I don't really know. We'll see" you smiled as he nodded. "You know I'll support you no matter what you choose right?" he squeezes your hand as you smiled brightly at him before hugging him. "You're the best boyfriend EVER!" he chuckled and kissed your forehead. Your lovey dovey moment was ruined when Tsukishima maid gag noises.

"PDA so early in the morning? Gross" he snickered as you rolled your eyes. "Don't swallow your words if you find someone special to you, okay? Or else, you're gonna treat us cakes!" you said as he nodded his head. "deal. It's not like I plan on having a relationship anyway" he said as the three of you continued walking to school. As you arrived, the three of you checked your class assignment and you jumped in joy as the three of you were in the same class again. "Yaaay! The three of us are together again!" you cheered as the two of them chuckled. "Let's go. I want to get a seat near the window" Tsukishima said as the you nodded pulling Yamaguchi behind you. When you arrived at the classroom, there weren't any desks that can fit the three of you. "Then I'll stay here" Tsukishima places his bag at the desk near the window as you rolled your eyes. "The only available desks are upfront, middle part and few here at the second to the last row. "I'm definitely not gonna sit upfront so I'll stay at the middle part. How bout you Tadashi?" You asked and he said he'll sit upfront.

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