Nishinoya Yu x Reader

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You have always thought that the short libero has a beautiful way of receiving spikes and perfectly at that. He may be a bundle of energy and a bit childish sometimes but that makes you even more attractive to him.

Let's say you developed a tiny crush on him during their game with Seijou, they may have lost but the way he received Oikawa's serves are so cool.

One day the teacher asked you to please give Hinata his missed homework since there were games during school days. You nodded and smiled. This is a chance to see Nishinoya Senpai! You practically ran to your classroom and picked up your bag.

Skipping your way to the volleyball gym, you bumped into something, more like someone. "I'm sorry! I was in a daze. Are you alright?" You bowed not lifting your head. "I'm fine. Sorry for bumping into you too." He looked at you and tilted his head.

That voice! "Nishinoya senpai!" You shouted which caused the libero to flinch. Upon realizing what you did your cheeks began to burn.oh my god! He doesn't even know me. oh no! He must think I'm a stalker or something.

Now I remember! She's (Y/N). Shoyo's classmate and friend. She looks cute and she called me SENPAI! He smirked and snapped his fingers in front of you. "You're (y/n) right?" Your eyes widened. "H-h-ho-how did you k-know my name?" You stuttered.

He chuckled. "I remembered Shoyo forgot his notebook and you delivered it to the gym" you nodded your head still blushing. "What did you call me again?" He asked you smiling. You looked up at him with wide eyes. "Ahm.. Nishi-nishinoya senpai" he gave you one of his full smiles.

"Since I'm your senpai, I'm gonna buy you ice cream later after practice. You're free right? Want to watch our practice?" He offered and you blushed. Nodding your head he began to pull you to the gym. "Sen-senpai! Wait!" He didn't listen to you and barged into the gym with you in tow.

The team who was startled looked over the entrance of the gym. They were confused why Nishinoya was pulling a red faces student inside the gym. It was silent until Hinata looked over to where you are and smiled "(F/N)-chan! What brings you here?" He jogged towards you.

You took out his homework and passed it to him. "Sensei said these are your missed homeworks. Be sure to pass it by the end of the week" he then turned pale. "(F/N)-chan help meeeee!!!" You giggled and nodded. I'll help you later then. He tilted his head.later? Isn't she gonna go home?

"She's gonna wait for me after practice." Nishinoya proudly said and you can feel your cheeks burning again. "Are you sure you didn't threaten her Nishinoya-senpai?" Tsukishima asked his senpai with a smirk. "Did he threaten you by any chance..." Sugawara asked. You can hear Nishinoya and Tsukishima bickering.

"I'm (Y/N). Please call me (F/N) and no he didn't threaten me senpai" you answered giggling. So cute. The team thought while nodding their head. "Let's start practice then. Coach Ukai can't make it today so we'll just have to make do on our own" Daichi, the captain said. With a chorus of "Yes captain" the practice began.

It's 7pm and the practice finally ended. The team headed to the clubroom to change. While you waited near the vending machine. Not long after you can hear Hinata and Nishinoya calling out to you. Haha they look really cute. Karasuno's balls of energy.

You jogged towards them and went to foothill store, Nishinoya bought you ice cream while you and Hinata sat on the table to do his homework.

"It's rare for a girl to not be afraid of Noya. Don't you think Daichi?" Asahi asked the captain in which he answered with a nod looking at you smiling and laughing with Noya.

"Well that's good considering what happened with the vice principal" he shrugged. "Maybe we could see a love bloom before we graduate" Suga mumbled and the two third years nod their head smiling.

-after story-

"Hey (f/n)! How do you know Noya-san?" Tanaka asked while the whole team looked at you curiously, waiting for your answer.

"It was at Karasuno vs Seijou game. I find his receives cool and beautiful. That's why I asked Hinata after" you answered blushing.

She finds me COOL. Cooooool. Coooool. Cool.  He was looking at you with an intense stare. "Ahm Nishinoya Senpai?" You waved your hand in front of his face. He then grabbed your hand and held it tightly. "I'm gonna buy you another ice cream!" He beamed. "Senpai I can't anymore" your sweat dropped.

Ahh. Typical Noya. The team sighed.

~A/N: it's been awhile since I updated my Haikyuu one shots. Thanks for waiting! Hehe.

(Y/N) - your name
(F/N) - first name
Italics - thoughts

japanese words
Senpai - an upperclassman

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