Kenma Kozume x Reader

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You're currently walking to your boyfriend's house with snacks on your hand. You have a play date with him today. He asked you to buy some chips since he's craving for something salty, you on the other hand was craving for something sweet so you bought ice cream.

Grabbing your phone, you texted him that you'll be arriving in 5 minutes, he replied with a 'ok door's open' you chuckled. He must be playing rn and was lazy to come down and open the door. As you arrived, you placed the ice cream in the refrigerator and went straight to his room. "Kenma I'm here" you said as he looked up from his game. He paused it and stood up from his bed and went to you.

He kissed your forehead and then your lips. "Welcome home (f/n)" you smiled up at him and pulled him for another kiss after you parted he gave you a small smile. "I'm home" you murmured. You both cuddled in bed and played games until he stood up and grabbed the bag of chips and the hoodie that was on his desk. You were busy playing to notice what he's doing.

Both of you were the type to not care about anything around you while playing and don't give a shit if something happens as long as it doesn't disturb your game. You lost the game and you rolled your eyes. "God damn!" You shouted and you heard a chuckle beside you. "Don't laugh!! I'm stressed. I've been stuck in this level and can't seem to win it" you grumbled but then you giggled looking at your boyfriend.

"What are you doing?" You asked him and he shrugged. "It's much more easier this way" he said and continued playing. You grabbed your phone and took a video of him eating the chips that were in his hoodie and you giggled. You sent it to the gc and received a lot of replies. You placed the phone down and went to the kitchen to get your ice cream and some water for the both of you.

When you came back he was scowling at you. "What? Done eating?" You grinned. "Be thankful that I love you if not I would have gotten mad and chase you out of my home" he said and you giggled. "Yes yes. Thank you for loving me" you said as you plopped down between his legs as he nuzzles his face on your neck and kisses it from time to time. "Do you want some ice cream?" You offered and he murmured a 'nope' he continued playing while you ate ice cream.

*Neko Crackheads*

(F/n) sent a video

Captain 🐓: use your hands Kenma. You should stop playing if you want to eat.

Titan: aww you look cute Kenma-san

Shorty: that's adorable- wait! Who changed my name?! I'm gonna freaking beat you up!

Shibashiba: it was Lev!

Cool Ace: lol Kenma that's quite a discovery but it was definitely Lev.

Mommy K: lol rip Lev

Titan: what? It suits you tho

Gamerboy: rip Lev.

Shorty: oh really? Better sleep with your eyes open Lev.

Titan: eh?!

~A/n: sorry for the late update! Been so busy lately. Huhu

(F/n) first name

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