Terushima Yuuji x Reader

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Getting ready for your anniversary date, you had a smile on your face as you did your make up. "Let's just keep it simple" you said as you applied moisturizer on your face then did a little cat eye, powder and lip gloss. After that, you checked your phone but your boyfriend still hasn't responded yet. You called him and he rejected the call, telling you he was still at practice and will be done in an hour. You texted him back that you'll be waiting for him at the little café where you always hanged out. He texted with an 'okay' and you began to pick your outfit.

Three pairs of clothes are in front of you as you pondered. "Which one should I pick?" you murmured. "Should I do the girly one? The simple pants and top? Or this sexy dress?" you groaned as you can't choose from them. After a long debate, you decided to do the girly one with a cute top and skirt paired with your favorite sandals. Looking at the mirror, you smiled at your appearance. Perfect! you thought as you did a little twirl. "I'll get going in a bit and wait for him there" you smiled as you double checked your bag and your gift for him as you left the house.

Terushima was currently with another girl and was making out with her when his phone rang. He grabbed and saw it was you. "Fuck. I forgot" he grumbled before replying to your text. "Who's that?" the girl asked as he shrugged. "Just someone I know" he said before dropping the phone on the bed and they started making out again. You arrived at the café and waited for him but he never came. Three hours had passed but he still didn't show up. He wasn't replying to your texts or answering your calls. You had your doubts but you pushed them aside. "Maybe he just fell asleep. I'll call him again" you mumbled as you dialed his number.

The girl was currently being pounded by Terushima when she saw his phone lighting up again. She grabbed it and answered the call. You heard moans and groans. "It feels so good inside you babe" you heard your boyfriend say as you felt a tear slide down your cheek. "I'll wait for you here at the café. Until you come, I'm not moving from here" you said as you heard him shout 'the fuck' before you ended the call. Your tears fell as you wiped them one by one. "I should've known" you smiled bitterly as you blamed yourself for not believing what other's say about him. You stayed ignorant when it comes to him. Whenever someone warns you, you just brushed it off now reality really came to bite your ass. Sighing, you asked the waitress for the bill and paid for the cake and ice tea you ordered while waiting for him.

After paying, you went out of the shop and stood at the side as the sky turned gray. The last thing you remember was a bright light before everything went black. "Why did you answer the phone?!" he yelled as the girl's eyes widened. "Why?! You said she was just someone you know. Why are you acting like that?!" she yelled as Terushima pulled out and grabbed his clothes. "Where are you going?!" she said grabbing them hem of his shirt. "This will be the last time we fuck." He said as he pulled the hem of his shirt and began to wear his shoes. "Why?! What did I do wrong?! We've been at it for five months now and you're dumping me because I answered the fucking phone?!" she shrieked as Terushima rolled his eyes. "You were just a plaything and nothing more" he said as her eyes widened.

"Plus I was getting bored of you anyway." He said as he opened the door and walked away. "Damn. Now (f/n) knows I've been fucking someone else" he grumbled. He felt something drop on his nose as he looked up at the sky and raindrops began to plop on his face. "What bad luck!" he groaned as he ran towards the bus stop and tried contacting you but you didn't answer. "Is she angry? Well, I could just sweet talk her and it'll be fine" he said as he smiled and texted you. Little did he know, he would never see you again. He was almost at his stop when he could hear the sound of an ambulance up ahead. The bus driver stopped at the bus stop as he got down and went to the scene since his curiosity got the best of him.

He tried calling you again and was near the scene when he heard your ringing tone as he went further the crowd. His eyes widened as he saw a bloodied body on the side of the road and a phone ringing on her hand. "(f/n)!" he yelled as he pushed through the crowed and went beside you. The paramedics pulled him away as he struggled in their hold. One of the paramedics checked your pulse as he stood up and shook his head. Terushima plopped on his knees looking at your lifeless body in front of him. "I heard the car's breaks didn't work and slammed into the café." One murmured. "How unfortunate. She was in the wrong place and at the wrong time" one answered. There were a lot of injured people but you were the only one who didn't survive.

He followed you to the hospital as the nurses gave him your bag and cell. He called your parents and waited for them. As they arrived, your mom immediately ran to Terushima as he pointed at the room where your body was. She plopped on her knees beside your body as she sobbed. Your father looked at him before kneeling with his wife and mourned for his daughter's death. Terushima sat there in a daze as your father stood in front of him. "Where were you?" he asked as Terushima looked up at him. He was glaring at him and he knew why. Your father had always disapproved of him but he couldn't do anything since his daughter's happiness was his priority. "I'll ask you again. Where were you when the accident happened?" he asked as Terushima bowed his head. "I- I was- " he struggled as your father pulled him by the collar.

"She left with a smile on her face excited to see you since it's your anniversary, now she's laying lifeless on the bed! What the fuck were you doing?!" you dad roared as your mom began to pull him from Terushima. "I- I was with another woman" he murmured and a slap was heard along with a deafening silence. "Get out..." your mom murmured. "Get out of our sights." She said as tears fell from her eyes. "You are not allowed to see her not now, not ever" she said before turning his back at him and pulling her husband. They shut the room as Terushima stood there and grabbed your bag and phone and went home.

He went in his room and sat on the bed. "Am I dreaming?" he murmured but the sting on his cheek says otherwise. He opened your bag to see a small box with a note. He read the note as his bit his lip. 'Happy Anniversary babe. I love you!' was the note. He slowly unwrapped the box to see the earrings he has been wanting for a while now but didn't have the budget to buy it. His tears began to fall as he laid on his bed clutching the gift as he cried himself to sleep. He realized his feelings too late and he can't do anything but blame himself over and over again. Years had passed but he can never forget your lifeless body in front of him. He'd have nightmares every night. As if you were purposely punishing him.

He was standing in front of your grave as he kneeled and begged for forgiveness over and over again. It started raining but he didn't stand and leave. He stayed there under the pouring rain asking for your forgiveness as he confessed his wrongdoings. "I regretted everything (f/n)... but it was too late..." he sobbed. "You already left me... I- I'm a fucking bastard, I know..." he looked at your grave. "Please... come back..." he murmured but it won't ever happen. Not now, not ever because you are already six feet under.

~A/n: I wanted to do angst... soooo here you go. lol

(f/n) first name

Italics – thoughts

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