Kenma Kozume x Reader

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Packing your things for a month long business trip abroad, you sighed as you were packing for over two hours now but you can’t seem to finish everything since you boyfriend was unpacking the things that you are trying to pack. Why you ask? Cause he didn’t want you to leave. “Kenma?” you called him as he picked up the panties you folded and threw them to the side and looked at you. “Yes?” he answered you grinned and pulled him by the leg and dragged him out of your room. “Be a dear and get out!!!” you roared and slammed the door. You locked it and sighed.

Scratches were heard behind the door and you giggled. He’s acting like your cat when he wants to come in. The sound stopped and you continued packing. You finally finished two trolleys and double checked everything until you heard a slam at your balcony door in your room. Your eyes widened as you saw Kenma at the balcony door. “What the fu-?! How did you get here?! This is the second floor for fudge sakes!” you shouted as you opened the balcony door, he rushed inside to toss all your clothes all over the room.

You had enough and called your other childhood friend. “Hello?” he answered. “Testu! Get your ass over here right now!” you growled out and he hanged up. “TF?!” you said looking at your phone with a ‘call ended’ on the screen then you looked at Kenma who was now throwing your toiletries back to the bathroom in your room. You took deep breaths as you tried to calm yourself. “Take deeeeep breaths (f/n). Breathe in… Breathe out” you mumbled as you heard the door bell ring. You went down and opened the door to see Kuroo panting. “What happened? I rushed all the way here” he said trying to catch his breath.

He just lives two blocks away from you so he ran all the way to your house. You pulled him in and brought him up to your room. He looked confused at first then saw Kenma on top of your trolley hugging his legs close to his body. “Kenma what are you doing?” he asked looking at the pudding head that was pouting “I don’t want her to go so I’m staying here” he said and you rolled your eyes. "If she still wants to go then I'll come too!" He grumbled as Kuroo smirked at his friend. He never imagined Kenma to act like this but I guess it's because you both spoil him too much.

Glaring at your boyfriend, You had enough of this. Kuroo looked at you then back at Kenma before he sighed. He went to the shorter male and carried him out of the room to the car. He strapped him and turned on the child lock. “Then I’ll take him somewhere first. Just hit me up when you're done” he said and you nodded your head and you looked at your boyfriend that was struggling to get off the car. He stopped and looked at you with tears in his eyes. You felt your heart clench but you didn’t have a choice. This job was a big one and it is your first assignment as a manager.

You smiled sadly at him as Kuroo patted your head. “I’ll go talk to him” he said and you nodded. “Be careful okay?” you looked up at him and he nodded going to the driver’s seat and drived away. You sighed and went back in to finish all your packing. "I guess spoiling Kenma was a bad idea. Now he's really really stubborn" you grumbled as you fold your clothes again. "I don't want to leave him here too since I know he'll starve to death without me. He can't cook shit" you said smiling at the memory that he almost burnt the house down. Thank God nothing big happened but the funny thing is that he set an egg on fire. Yup. A freaking egg. I mean, who the hell sets an egg on fire??? You giggled.

An hour passed and you looked at bags. “Better put this in my car or else he would unpack everything again.” You pulled the trolleys and placed it in your car. You grabbed your phone and texted Kuroo. ‘Hey. I’m done. Where are you?’ not long after, you got a reply with a picture attached to it. ‘at the beach with Bokuto & Akaashi. Look at Kenma. Your boyfriend looks depressed’ you smiled sadly at his text. Kenma was indeed clingy despite his nonchalant attitude. He didn’t want to be separated from you, he could only bear a week max but now you’re gone for a month and it didn’t sit well with him.

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