Akaashi Keiji x Reader

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Growing up with a frail body, you didn't enjoy much while growing up. Your parents and older brother were very protective of you. You've always dreamed of being an athlete since your big brother is one of the top 5 aces in the country. Looking at him spiking balls makes you want to play too but sadly, you couldn't.

Years passed and your body is slowly shutting down. Until you were rushed to the hospital one day and was diagnosed with Leukemia you wished it was cancer instead. At least you'd still have a chance to live since there's still a cure but for that disease. Now, you're just waiting for your time to come which from how you felt, wouldn't be long.

You laid in the hospital bed and thought of all the things that happened to you for 16 years and your tears started to fall. You have regrets but you also have a lot to thank for. Such as your loving and caring parents, an overly protective but supportive brother, irreplaceable friends and a beautiful boyfriend who loves and cares for you wholeheartedly.

You heard a knock on the door and your boyfriend came in with a bouquet. "Hi (f/n). How are you feeling today?" He said as he went to your bedside and kissed your forehead. "I'm okay Keiji... doing a bit better I guess" you smiled at your boyfriend. He knew you weren't getting better. You looked a lot worse than last week. He was beginning to grow restless. He didn't know what to do except pray for your recovery. He hated how helpless he was seeing you in pain and slowly dying.

A week ago, Bokuto Kotaro, who was your brother and his best friend, slowly told him what happened to you since you were absent for a few days already and rumors started spreading that you were in the hospital. He panicked and went to his best friend's classroom and asked him if it was true. The crestfallen face of Bokuto said it all. He didn't need to ask more. He asked for a leave in practice along with Bokuto and went to the hospital.

You were laying in bed unconscious. Your parents were by your side with pained expressions. Your mom was clutching your hand and crying while your dad was by your mom's side. Bokuto patted a shocked Akaashi. He knew that your condition isn't good but to see you laying there not moving scared him. Bokuto went and sat at the sofa near your bed and looked at your pale face. "(F/n)? I brought Aghkaaaashi with me. Could you open your eyes please? It's been two days already" he murmured as his tears started to fall.

You dad gave Akaashi a sad smile before telling him that he wanted to talk to Akaashi for a bit. Your boyfriend nodded and went with your father. "Akaashi, (f/n) was diagnosed with Leukemia and there is no cure for that. She isn't looking very good right now and we are just waiting until..." your father stopped mid sentence as tears started to fall. Akaashi's tears started to fall as well, he knew what your dad was trying to say. "I'll give you some time to gather yourself " your father patted his head as the setter nodded his head.

Akaashi was sitting down in one of the benches outside. It was winter but the cold didn't bother him as he tried to pull himself together but thinking about you leaving him breaks him. After a while, Bokuto searched for his friend and saw him in one of the benches outside the hospital. He went to him and sat beside him. "We should go inside. My parents are going to go home for a bit to get some clothes. I'm going to go to school to tell (f/n)'s homeroom teacher about this and to apply a leave of absence for her. Could you stay by her side for a bit?" Bokuto gave his setter a small smile and Akaashi nodded trying not to cry.

"Aghkaashi we... we need to stay strong for her. If we breakdown too, what will happen to her?" Bokuto said patting Akaashi's head as he sobbed. Akaashi then nodded and stood up. Going back to your room and sitting at a chair beside your bed. "Hey love. I'm here..." he murmured as he grabbed one of your hand and pressed it against his forehead "please wake up. I miss you.." he whispered as he started to cry again. You hand twitched, as your eyes started to open. "Kei...ji..." you whispered. He lifted up his head to see you awake and he pressed the button to call for a doctor.

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