Osamu Miya x Reader

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Summer has finally come and that means, festivals, concerts, mountain resorts, the pool and the best among the best, BEACH TRIP!!! The team decided to go to the beach since the twins, especially Atsumu since Osamu was just nodding at the back and only "Yeah"s and "that's right" comes out of his mouth, were kicking up a fuss to go on a vacation since the gym will be inspected for two days starting on Friday to Saturday. Kita sighed and finally agreed, Annoyed by the constant whining of Atsumu wanting to be under the sun and have fun. The coach agreed since you and Kita were going as well, since he doesn't trust the second years. He gives you permission to rest and enjoy yourselves for a bit after his hellish practice. 

Finding a place to set up the beach umbrellas Suna brought since he said "I don't want to burn my skin" , You found a place that was near the palm trees and has a nice shade. the team started setting up while you decided to change into your bikini with Aran's girlfriend. You girls went to the restroom to change. Debating whether you'll use the blue one piece bikini or the red two piece one but the red one compliments your hair so you decided to choose that one. After changing, you double checked yourself in the mirror and went out of the changing room, your best friend already finishing the last touches to her OOTD. You giggled and she smirked. "I'll make his jaw drop" She said while picking up Aran's middle school jersey and putting it over her bikini. When you both finished, you went back to where the team was. Laughing and betting what would be Osamu and Aran's reaction.

The team finished setting up and everyone was topless now. Except for Kita, Suna and Atsumu. Girls were ogling at them but they don't seem to mind or they couldn't care less. Since some of them are already taken and some just aren't interested. "Samu! Let's take a pic. I'll post it" Atsumu said pulling his twin with him. "Suna could you take our pic?" Atsumu handling his phone to Suna who was sitting and putting on sunblock. He sighed and nodded. The twin posed and Suna took the pic. Atsumu smirked and began to walk back to his bag to place the top he just took off. Osamu began to stretch while looking at the beach. When will she be back? I can't wait to see her in a bikini... wait. I sounded like a pervert. He shook his head.

Deciding not to wear any cover and just go out with just a bikini, you stopped, took it off and you packed Samu's top back in your bag. She looked at you up and down then smirked. "If I don't love Aran I'd definitely bang you" she said as you laughed. "The hell!" You smiled at her as she winked at you and you gave her a light smack on the shoulder. The both of you were walking towards the team and you could clearly see boys look at you both. Well, you can't deny that Aran's girlfriend has a great body. She may be lacking bust size but she has an hour glass body and big butt not to mention she has a height of a model. While you on the other hand were blessed in both departments except for your height. When you're standing with your boyfriend, you're just around his underarm. Atsumu would often tease you and that would lead you two to bicker and Osamu would stop his brother and they'll have a fight. You'll just facepalm since Kita would scold you again.

As you arrived, you both looked at one another before grinning. You each ran to where your boyfriend was standing. When your best friend tugged Aran as he was talking to Kita about something, he looked shocked, "Wha-" he didn't get to finish as your best friend took of Aran's jersey and teasingly traced her fingers from his chest to his abs. "Do I look good?" She purred and the Aran's nose bled you all laughed. "You're really too much" Kita flicked her forehead. "Behave yourself" he said and she giggled "Yes captain" Everyone laughed and she gave a pack of tissue to Aran. "Sorry babe. just wanted to tease you a bit" She said smiling at the dark male, he shook his head while trying to stop his nose bleed. She just laughed at his grumbling. 

While you on the other hand, hugged your boyfriend from behind and he blushed. Your chest was pressed on his back. "Samu! Thanks for waiting!" You let him go as he faces you. He looked at you up and down before covering his face with his hand trying to hide his blushing face "What do you think?" you asked showing him your appearance. He smirked and nodded his head in approval. "Beautiful, hot and all mine" he swept you off your feet and you shrieked in surprise.

"Come one. Let's swim" You giggled and nodded. "Let's go!" You said pointing to the blue water ahead of you. Atsumu grumbled "Why does he get a girlfriend and I don't?" he whined. "We practically have the same face and I'm the better twin. right?" He looked at his teammates for confirmation but no one answered. "Well he isn't as trashy as you are" Suna answered shrugging while the team just nodded, even Kita. "Even you captain?!" He sulked "You're all the worst" he murmured while drawing circles on the sand before standing up and running to your direction and shouting "Curse you Samu!!!"

Once you reached the water he let you down and faced his brother. "The hell do you want Tsumu? Can't you see I'm enjoying with my girlfriend?" Osamu said smirking at his sulking twin. You turned your back at them and looked around, It was really refreshing. The shouts are getting louder and you can feel water on your back, you sighed and looked at your boyfriend who was having a splash battle with Atsumu. You facepalmed and shook your head. Sometimes he behaves like a kid when he's with his brother but damn look at those yummy abs tho. You were too distracted looking at his abs to see him standing there giving you a smirk while staring at you. He gave you a teasing grin and splashed you with water. "You're so naughty. Checking me out in public. Like what you see babe?" with that your cheeks redden.

 "I-" you didn't finish your sentence as he grabbed your chin and leaned down  "Don't worry. These are all yours. From my body to my heart" pointing at his abs and then his heart. You giggled. "You're so corny Samu" He smiled then suddenly pulled your hand and placed it on his abs which made you blush furiously. "Here touch it and fantasize" He teased. "Samu you dumbass!" he just laughed his ass off while running from you.

~A/N: Who will you pick if ever both twins confess to you? Cause I can't seem to pick. Lol. I love them both.

(f/n) first name

(l/n) last name

Italics - Thoughts

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