Futakuchi Kenji x Reader

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The word plain and simple describes you very well. Why you ask? Cause you're someone who didn't put any effort in yourself. You can't be called ugly since you have the height, a great body and a beautiful personality. If only you would fix yourself then you'd be labeled as pretty. Family and friends urge you to put this and that but you didn't feel the need to actually do it and it was quite 'troublesome' as what you liked to say. Not unless there's an event then no matter how troublesome it is you have to go with it.

Futakuchi, the captain of the volleyball team, as well as a senior to you, was very interested in knowing you more and that led to an army of fan girls hating you. Futakuchi may be rude and sarcastic but he is still handsome. He first noticed you when you went to the gym with (b/f/n) to give the assignment of Koganei who was absent due to a game that was held in the morning. At first he didn't actually notice you since you tend to keep away from people but that day, Koganei thanked you by hugging you and your best friend.

Leading to you laughing and your bangs swept to the sides showing your (e/c) eyes which he thought of as gorgeous. He was stunned for a moment as he felt a 'budump' coming from his heart. He was in a daze looking at you but a ball hit his head as the team practiced spike and block. Aone went to him and apologized and he chuckled telling him his fine. "That's not how you receive a ball senpai" Koganei said jogging towards his senpais. Futakuchi rolled his eyes and trapped him in a death hold.

The younger male struggled and then fell limp in his arms telling him he raises the white flag. Futakuchi laughed and Aone shrugged returning to block practice. The coach told them to have a 6 vs 6 game before ending practice. After a while, practice ended and the team began to shower and change. "Hey Koganei. Who were those girls who came in the gym a while ago?" Futakuchi asked and the tall kohai smiled. "My best friends, (y/n) and (b/f/n)" he said.

"Ah! I know (y/n) isn't she the 'plain and simple' first year that gets bullied due to her appearance?" One of the members said and Koganei frowned. "She's beautiful" and Futakuchi nodded. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at their captain. "What?" Futakuchi asked confused. "It's rare for you to be interested in someone" Taro said and he rolled his eyes. "That's not true" he countered. "Nope. That's definitely true. Right senpai?" Koganei asked Aone and the taller male nodded his head. Futakuchi sighed. "Well, is it wrong for me to be interested in her?" The team chuckled. "It's just that, we didn't know that's your type" they laughed when Futakuchi reddened.

Morning came and Futakuchi asked Koganei to introduce you which he nodded enthusiastically since you only have them as your friends, he wanted you to make more. Little did the big cinnamon roll know that Futakuchi wanted something more. Koganei was a bit over protective of you but being the pure boy he is, he trusted his senpai and agreed to introduce you. As lunch came, he asked you both to have lunch with him and a few members of the team. You both shrugged and agreed.

Entering the gym, you saw Aone, Futakuchi and Sakunami as they smiled and welcomed you in. Koganei introduced you to the three and you introduced yourselves too. You were enjoying the lunch until it was almost time for lunch break to finish. You were a little bummed out since this was the first time you were comfortable with someone other than your two best friends. As you went out the door, Futakuchi grabbed your hand which caused you to stumble back and he caught you.

"Ah gomen! I didn't mean to pull you" he said flustered and you smiled. "It's fine senpai. Do you need anything?" You said looking up at him. Since he was waaaay taller than you are so he could see your eyes very well. He looked stunned for a moment until you tilted your head to the side confused. "Ah... uhm.. could I get your number?" He said and you giggled. "Sure senpai. Why not?" You exchanged numbers while the the rest exchanged knowing glances.

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