Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader

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You've been dating the captain of Nekoma for 4 years now. You both started going out during middle school now you're both in high school, not to mention almost graduating. The famous Kuroo Tetsuro was the first to make a move cause it was 'love at first sight'. He'd often tell you how he entered the class and you were sitting on the window side with cherry blossoms at the background. "It was like everything went in slow motion. It must be fate!" He said and you'd giggle. His first impression of you was a Goddess while your impression of him was he got a bad case of bed hair. You even made a nickname for him "messy Tetsy"

Girls love him since he is, well... You know. H.O.T and he is very passionate and dedicated in volleyball. He'd often talk to you and give you nerdy pick up lines which cause you to laugh at the poor male. His first pick up line was "If there was no gravity on this planet, I would still fall for you." You looked at him with wide eyes as he began to feel uncomfortable with your gaze. Your classmates laughed at the background while you just smiled at him and slowly flicked his forehead "nice try but no" his shoulders slumped and he went away followed by his classmates that were making fun of him.

His second attempt was when you were walking towards the girls volleyball gym, since your best friend left her shoes at your place. So you had to deliver them before her practice starts. As you passed by the boys gym, Kuroo saw you and went straight to the door looking at you. He saw you give a shoe bag to one of the members of the girls volleyball. You waved at your best friend and was about to go home when Kuroo appeared in front if you again. He smirked and you raised your eyebrow at him. His teammates were staring at the both of you, waiting for his move. "If I were a virus, I would infect you with my love."

You giggled as the team laughed too. You wipe a tear from the corner of your eye "it's still a NO but let's be friends Messy Tetsy. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye" you patted his shoulder. "Stop with that nickname!" You stuck a tongue out and waved him goodbye. He chuckled "take care kitten" he shouted and you laughed. As days flew by, he'd throw pick up lines at you at the most random moments which you'll just laugh and wave him off but not long after, he finally got your attention. You'd often get lonely when he doesn't pay attention to you, your heart beats fast when you're with him and when he'll talk about another girl your heart would clench. Damn. I really fell for messy Tetsy.

The memorable day you both had was their game, they were so close to the top 4 but they fell short. You waited for him at the bench near the school's locker room,  he always showers first before going home. As you saw him with red puffy eyes, your heart hurt. You got tears in your eyes as well. You ran towards him and gave him a hug. He flinched and slowly melted in your warm embrace. "It's fine Kuroo. Just let it all out" he hugged you tight and cried. You stayed quiet and patted his back from time to time, waiting for him to calm down. After a while, he looked at you and gave you a small smile. "Thank you kitten" he murmured. pulling his head to your level, you smiled bumping your forehead to his.

He was surprised until you hugged him again and burried your nose in his neck. "You're welcome Kuroo" you murmured back and he kissed your forehead. "I like... No.. iloveyou" he said tightening his arms around you. You blushed. You can feel his fast heartbeat or is it yours? You can't distinguish it anymore since your heart was also thumping like you ran a marathon. "Me too..." You whispered. He pulled away and looked at you with wide eyes. "Really? Are you serious (f/n)??" He said shaking you a bit and you giggled. "Yeah. I'm serious" he gave you a heart melting smile. Then plopped his head on your shoulder while caging you in his embrace.

"I don't know if I should feel sad because we lost or I should feel happy cause the girl I've been chasing finally told me she likes me" he said and you giggled. "I love you (f/n)" you murmured an "iloveyoutoo" and that's where everything began. Now here you both are, third year students in highschool. You were offered a scholarship abroad which you can never say no since it was your dream college. Your boyfriend was against it. He couldn't take it. You were too far away from him. He often thought what would happen to him if you found someone else, his heard cleanched and his eyes sting as a few tears were shed.

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