Tsukishima Kei x Reader

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It's your most awaited day every month, your boyfriend will travel to Tokyo and spend time with you. It was a monthly routine for the both of you. He'll be coming early in the morning and staying over for a night then will go back home after lunch. You both met at summer training camp and you both hit it off. You were one of the managers of Fukurudani and he was a player of Karasuno.

He may act cold and salty but his actually quite a softy or maybe just to you? You would laugh every time your cousin, Kuroo Tetsuro, would pull him and make him practice with Bokuto and Akaashi. He wanted to spend time with you since the after camp he'll go back to Miyagi and due to games, he couldn't come to Tokyo for a while. It made you sad but it's understandable and you're the type to be understanding and kind which Tsukishima would get mad sometimes since a lot of boys would flock you and you'd just smile.

Waking up at 5am to make his favorite Strawberry Shortcake, you texted him saying to take care on his way to your apartment. He then replied with an 'ok. Omw. see you in a bit. Imissyou' you giggled. If you told the others that Tsukishima was sweet, they'll never ever believe you. You replied with an 'imissyoutoo' then continued baking. You finished the cake around 7am. You decided to eat breakfast first before taking a bath. Grabbing the cereals from the cabinet and the milk from the fridge, you noticed that the fridge was empty.

You facepalmed. "Gosh! So that's what I forgot yesterday!" You groaned. "Forget breakfast! I should go to the groceries before Kei arrives" nodding to yourself,  you went straight to the bathroom to take a bath. After taking a bath, you just wore a loose shirt and shorts. Since the grocery store was just 2 blocks away from your apartment, you decided to just wear slippers and you're on your way.

As you arrived, you grabbed the cart and strolled along the store, you bought some pork, chicken wings, steak, prawns and some vegies, that would last you for a week. Then you grabbed some chips and popcorn for movie night. For dessert, you grabbed the vanilla ice cream which you loved, some strawberries, cream and chocolate, so you can make a choco fondue and dip the strawberries in it. You checked everything and pondered what was missing.

"Kei has his deodorant, toothbrush and shampoo at my place so he doesn't need anything. I've stocked up on toiletries too. Hmmm? What else?" You mumbled as you looked at the cart that was full of food. Shrugging, you decided to pay for it. If I forgot something then I'll just buy it tomorrow. You gave the cashier your card and she wrapped up all your groceries and you went on your way.

~A/N: let's say you are a part time singer every Saturday and Sunday at your uncle's restaurant so your uncle gives you your pay through a debit card 😂

Finally arriving home, you put the plastics on the couter and began to arrange them in the fridge. You marinated the steak before putting it inside the fridge. Done with everything, you huffed and nodded your head. Looking at the time it's past 9 already but Kei still hasn't arrive. "Where is he?" You mumbled. Grabbing your phone to call him but he didn't pick up. You shrugged and decided to wait for him. You sat on the sofa and turned on the tv, not long after you dozed off.

Waking up, you checked your phone and there wasn't any texts or calls from your boyfriend and it was already past 12. You called him but he didn't answer. You also messaged him several times but he still didn't answer. You've grown worried. What if something bad happened to him? Oh my god. You were having a mental breakdown and decided to call Akaashi since he was the only one who has common sense. *lol* calling him, you waited for him to answer.

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