Tsukishima Kei x Reader

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~A/n: Here is the part 2 of Tsukishima Kei x Reader - PAIR. If you haven't read part 1 please do 😊



aking up to Tsukishima's sleeping face made you smile. He looks cute and innocent when he's asleep. You can't believe he is the same saltyshima. You blushed as you notice yourself thinking bout him. No matter how much I fight this, I still come back to square one, Liking him.. nope loving him.. damn this is hard. Does he feel the same way? Does he already have someone else? Wait... Is he with Yamaguchi?! Eeeh if it's him then I'll give him Kei. You giggled.

His arms tighten his hold on you and you blushed. "Good morning" he mumbled. "Morning Kei. It's time to get up. It's already 9:40" You smiled at him and he smiled back. "Can you let me go now? I want to wash my face and brush my teeth" you said poking his arm. He smirked. "No" you rolled you eyes. "Come on. Please? I need to use the bathroom" he tightened his hold. "Then give me a good morning kiss first" you blushed. You were contemplating whether to do it or just wet the bed. Ah to hell with it!

You grabbed his neck and kissed his lips. His arms loosened and you sprint to the bathroom. He laid in bed, shocked. Until it sank in that you kissed him, ON THE LIPS. His face redden and he laughed. That really caught me off guard. Naughty (f/n). He stood up and waited for you to finish. As you opened the bathroom door, he was there waiting for you. He pushed you back inside and locked the door.

"What are you doing Kei?!" You looked at him shocked. He just chuckled. He trapped you between his arms and leaned in. "This is pay back" he then pulled your chin up and kissed you. After the long kiss, you pressed your head on his chest. "What the hell Kei... Please.. don't confuse me anymore than this.." your tears started to fall. You hated it when he gives you mixed signals. The fact that you can never see him as a childhood friend anymore hurts.

The moment you realized your feelings for him was the day you knew that you can never go back to the way things are. You were scared and wanted to just keep the feelings to yourself but he would often tease you and give you mixed feelings so it grew harder on your part. Now, he even kissed you. You were ready, for a long time now. Whether he rejects you or accepts you, you're gonna accept whatever decision he makes.

He grabbed your chin again and kissed you, longer than the last kiss. You were trying to push him away but your efforts were useless. He is still more stronger than you. The kiss ended with the both of you panting and your tears began to fall more as you sobbed. He sighed and flicked your forehead. You looked at him baffled. "Do you think I'll kiss someone I don't love? Do you think I'll be kind and sweet to just anybody? Do you think I'll be here with you holding myself back if I didn't love you? You're so dense" he rambled on. "You love me?" You murmured.

He looked at you as if you were dumb. "Are your ears for decoration or something?" You gave him a small smile as his confession sunk in. "I love you too Kei" he gave you a genuine smile and kissed your forehead. "Finally, you're mine" he murmured as he hugged you tight. "My everything... My (f/n)..." You held him tight. "We should go out now. Mom must have been waiting for us to have breakfast." He nodded. "I'll tell your mom we're together" he said holding your hand. You giggled and nodded.

As you both went down, you mom and his mom were having coffee. "Why are you here mom?" He asked and his mom smirked. He gulped. That smirk definitely isn't a good sign.  Both of your mom's eyes landed on your hands and they gave you both wide smiles. "It's about to go down... In 3... 2... 1" you whispered and they shrieked. You both groaned. "Mom stop! My eardrums are gonna burst" Kei grimace and you just covered your ears waiting for them to finish there moment.

After a few more shrieks and 'oh my gosh' they finally settled down. Kei was making your favorite hot choco while you sat next to your mom. "Are you together now?" His mom asked and you looked at him for confirmation. He gave you an '👌' with that you smiled and said yes. They were happy for the both of you. "Let's have a celebration later. Akiteru is going home today too." His mom said. "Ohhh! Yes please! This is the first out of three big event for us. Papa is coming home early too" your mom added.

Kei grabbed both of your mugs and gave you one. He then looked at them confused. "First? What are the second and third big event?" He asked. His mom and your mom made eye contact and giggled like teenage girls. The both of you had a 'what the hell' look. "Well the second big event will be your marriage" his mom said "and the biggest event and the finale will be (f/n) being pregnant!!!" You mom added squealing. "Oh God" Kei mumbled while you blushed and hid your face on the side of his hip. This is gonna be a long day...

*After story : Dinner time*

Your dad and his dad were having beer on the side while grilling some barbeque while your moms were placing the rice and some vegetables on the table. Akiteru just arrived and was grabbing a beer when the both of you arrived with the dessert that your mom ordered.

"Oooh here are the main stars for tonight!" Your mom said. You blushed and hid behind Kei. "Aww that's cute." His mom added. "Kei come here for a sec" his dad called him and he nodded kissing your temple. You went to your mom while he went to his dad.

"Son I'll tell you this, (f/n) is our treasure and if you hurt her and make her cry I'm gonna whoop your ass. Understand?" Your dad said and he gulped and nodded. You dad gave him a smile and patted his back. "Welcome to the family Kei" with that Kei had tears in his eyes.

"Oooh my little brother is crying. Don't cry Kei" Akiteru attempted to hug his brother only to be pushed away and scowled by his brother.

While the girls were laughing and giggling. The men just looked at there loved ones with smiles on their faces. "Damn. Way to make me feel single guys!" Akiteru grumbled and they all laughed.

~A/n: thanks for waiting! I hope you enjoyed part 2. 😊

(F/n) first name

Italics - thoughts

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