Sawamura Daichi x Reader

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Have you ever experience holding yourself from ripping someone's hair off or claw that someone's face? Yup, you're currently experiencing that shit and Sugawara and Asahi were trying to hold you back. Why were you feeling like murdering someone? Well, let me tell you a short story about a guy who's oblivious, overly friendly and has a girlfriend and a girl who obviously has feelings for him and tries very hard to flirt with him even though she knows he's freaking taken. Those two are both playing volleyball so they share the same passion. So, the girl tries her best to talk to the guy about volleyball and stuff. Not to mention both of them were captains as well. She goes to him for advice *cough desperate *cough bitch but the truth is, she just wanted to talk to him so that he could comfort her.

The girlfriend didn't mind it at first since the guy didn't think of her advances as anything special just friends but as time passed, she began to be handsy and brush it off as an accident when in reality it's freaking not. The girlfriend began to take note of her actions and wanted to confront her but her friends say she was just paranoid or some shit like that. Then something at the guy's practice happened which made her friends believe what she said was true. They immediately told her about what the girl did and how the boyfriend reacted and she began to boil in anger but she chose to swallow it down and just confront the guy about it and he just laughed at her saying she was wrong. The girlfriend was offended and told the guy when the time comes, he'll realize that she was correct and he was wrong will be the day they break things off. The guy looked at her with wide eyes as she stormed off. That's the end of the short story.

Now, you were currently holding yourself back from smacking Yui since she was holding Daichi's biceps as he smiled at her like nothing was wrong. Your eyes watered as you shook Suga and Asahi's grip from you and walked away from the scene. Suga looked at your retreating form as Asahi sighed. "We should talk to Daichi about this." Asahi said as he saw you wipe your tears while going down the stairs. "We should. It's been going on for almost two months now and I think (f/n) is at her limit" Suga frowned seeing his best friend cry. "Asahi-san!!!!" Nishinoya called out as he and Tanaka went to the third years floor to give Sugawara the keys to the gym. "Where's Daichi-san?" Tanaka asked and Suga pointed to the side where Yui and Daichi were. "So that's why we saw (f/n) with red eyes" Nishinoya murmured as Tanaka nodded his head.

"Does Daichi know how (f/n) feels?" Tanaka looked at the third years as they nodded. "But I heard he just laughed at (f/n) saying she was just paranoid" Suga answered as Nishinoya furrowed his eyebrows. "Has Daichi-san been oblivious?" he asked. "No. He's not" Asahi answered. "Then why is he acting that way? It's even obvious to everyone that Yui has feelings for him" Tanaka said as he glared at Yui and as if she felt it, she tapped Sawamura's shoulder and waved good bye before going back to her classroom. Daichi waved back and went to the group. "Daichi-san..." Tanaka murmured as Nishinoya slapped his mouth shut. "Let's go Ryu. We need to go somewhere, right?" Nishinoya said as Tanaka nodded. "Then see you later Captain, Suga-san, Asahi-san" Tanaka bid them good bye as he and Nishinoya tried finding you.

Daichi raised his brows before sighing and began looking from left to right then in your classroom. "Where is (f/n)?" he asked as Suga rolled his eyes as Asahi didn't meet his gaze. "What?" he asked as Suga sighed. "Daichi be honest with me" he said as Daichi nodded confused at the moment. "do you have feelings for Yui or something?" Daichi raised his brow and shook his head. "She's just a friend. You know I'm dating (f/n). right?" he answered as he heard Asahi mumble "Doesn't seem that way" he looked at the taller male as Asahi sighed and went back to his classroom. "What's wrong with him?" Daichi asked a bit offended. "He's right Daichi." His head snapped back to Suga. "What?" he asked as he frowned at the setter. "Don't be mad. I'm just saying it from an outsider's point of view. It looks like Yui is your girlfriend rather than (f/n). She's been pretty obvious that even the first year noticed. You better set your feelings straight before you lose something and regret it" Suga said patting his shoulder before going in the classroom leaving the captain confused.

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