Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader

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The photoshoot wrapped up and you sighed as the make up artist gently rubbed the makeup off your face. "You did a great job today." She said as she threw the cotton that was full of makeup. "Thank you!" you smiled as she grabbed the lipbalm from her makeup kit and applied it on your lips. "Done!" she smiled as you thanked her again before exiting the room. You went to your manager who was talking to the photographer. "Oh? She's here" the photographer smiled as you smiled back. "Then we'll be leaving. Thank you for today" (m/n) said as you bowed and thanked the team. The both of you exited the building and your manager asked you to wait for him there as he jogged towards the car that was parked at the side of the building. Opening the door and closing it. You slumped in your seat as you sighed loudly as your manager chuckled. "The president called and wants us to come to the office first before taking you back home" you nodded.

As you both arrived, you went straight up to the president's office. Your manager knocked. You heard a 'come in' before the door opened. The president smiled welcoming you as your eyes wandered to a beautiful blonde woman sitting on one of the couches in the office. She looks familiar. You thought. "Good afternoon president" you greeted and bowed to the woman who smiled at you. "Let me introduce you, this is Ms. (g/n) she is the owner of Allure. The top 1 brand in the fashion industry for ten years." He introduced as the woman stood up and held a hand for you. You smiled and shake her hand "I'm (f/n) (l/n). Nice to meet you Ms. (g/n)" she smiled. "Nice to meet you too darling." She took her sit as you sat opposite from her. "I called you here because Ms. (g/n) wanted you to be one of the models of her brand." The president said as your eyes widened. "Will you accept?" the president asked. You nodded your head enthusiastically. "Yes!" you beamed. She giggled as you looked at her with bright eyes.

"Then I'll send you the contract and we'll meet again for the details" she said before standing up. "Are you leaving now?" The president asked as she nodded and looked at you. "I finally got my hands on my beautiful doll. Of course, I'm leaving" she smirked at the president who looked hurt. "You only visit me when you need something" he grumbled as she laughed. "Why would I stay here with an old fart like you?" she teased as you held back your laughter. "Hey! I'm just three years older than you" he groaned as she rolled her eyes at him. "Still older. Right?" she grinned before waving at you and stepping out of the office. "She's still the same. She comes and goes as she pleases." He said massaging his forehead. You giggled and looked at the president. "Is she an acquaintance?" you asked and he nodded. "She's actually my younger sister from my stepmother" he smiled. "Then let's go back to business" he smiled and you nodded.

After telling you some details about what they discussed earlier, the shoot will be at the main branch in California and you will be having three total shoots with them. There were also two more shoots in California for the two other brands. Accepting the job, the president let you see the two contracts for the other shoots. Reading both of them you smiled, one is a business attire shoot and the other is Nightingale's new collection. I heard the theme was Goddess. you smiled since you loved their designs. "Your schedule won't be as hectic as before while you're there so be sure to enjoy yourself too. I'll be booking you 7 days 6 nights stay at one of the hotels there. So you can enjoy yourselves after the shoots." The president smiled as you looked at him like he was an angel. "I know. I know. I'm an angel sent from above, right?" he grinned as your face turned blank. "Ouch. That hurts" he said putting his hand on his heart. "There is still one slot for the business attire shoot and for the new collection of Alure, one male and one female. Do you have any suggestions?" he asked as you pondered.

Thinking about the models you've worked with before, only two people comes to mind. "How bout Ms. (b/f/n2) and (b/n)? they both fit the criteria and they are very flexible" you suggested as the president pondered. "Okay. I'll talk to there managers" he said. "That's all for today. You better go home and rest" he smiled as you nodded and stood up with your manager before saying your goodbye. "This is a big project! I'm glad you accepted it" your manager said as you giggled. "I've always dreamed of modeling for Allure." He nodded and chuckled. "I remember you saying 'my goal is to wear one of Allure's new collection and have fun in the runway'" he said in a girly voice as you cringe. "I do not sound like that" you grimaced as he laughed and went out first to get the car. Opening your phone, you had a few messages from your mom saying to come home early cause she made dinner.

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