Kozume Kenma x Reader

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You wrapped your scarf closer and put your hands inside the pockets of your jacket. It was pretty cold considering it is almost Christmas. You sighed as you were on your way to your part-time job. You hate working during Christmas break.

All you want to do is stay in bed all day and just chill or go on a date with your boyfriend, Kozume Kenma but knowing him your dates would usually be playing all day at his house, eating dinner together and him sending you off home.

You were introverts and game addicts, maybe that's why you both clicked right off the bat. There was never a dull moment when you're with your boyfriend. You enjoy his company very much that's why you'll do everything to give him the best Christmas gift!

Arriving at work on time, your boss asked you if you could cover a shift tomorrow since one of your workmates are sick. you nodded and smiled. A little extra cash won't be too bad.

"Irasshaimase!" You greeted a customer as you go on with your part time job. Looking at the clock it was finally 7PM and your off. Saying good bye to your workmates you proceeded to go home.

••• fast forward to Christmas Eve •••

You were heading to your boyfriend house to spend the Christmas there. Kenma's family treated you as their own. His mom loves you and his father adores you. You were a sweet child and made Kenma be a little bit more open.

As you arrived, Kenma's mother was the one who greeted you first. "Hi (F/N)-chan!" She wrapped you in a bone crushing hug. "Good evening auntie!" "Oh! What did I tell you again? What should you call me?" You blushed and mumbled "mom" she then smiled and told you to go fetch Kenma in his room.

Knocking on the door you heard a soft "come in" as you opened the door you pounced on your beloved boyfriend who was laying on bed.

"(N/N)" he mumbled and kissed your head. "Imissyou Kenma" you can feel him smiling as his lips were on your head. "Mom said dinner will be ready in a bit. Let's go down" you said quietly. He nodded and you both got out the bed.

You were both holding hands while entering the dinning room. You greeted his father and smiled and nodded at you. "(F/N)-chan can you help me bring some of this dishes to the table please?" You nodded and helped his mother.

The dishes were fantastic! You were ready to gobble up the food. Kenma chuckled beside you. She really is cute. You looked at him and titled your head. He just smiled and shrugged.

"Itadakimasu!" The four of you ate dinner. The dinner is full of life, talking about Kenma's childhood and also talking about your relationship. As the dinner ended you both went back to Kenma's room.

"Kenma sit on the bed and close your eyes please. I'll give you my present now" he nodded, you gently pushed him to the bed and took out the beautifully wrapped gift. You then put it on his lap. "You may open your eyes now"

When he opened your gift his eyes sparkled and started to tear up. You panicked, "Kenma what's wrong? What happened??" You asked worriedly. He just stood up and hugged you tightly. "Thank you (N/N) this is the best gift ever. Iloveyou!" You smiled and answered "iloveyoutoo"

He gave you your present, it was the game you've been wanting for months now. You kissed and thank him for his gift. To say that this is the best Christmas ever for the both of you.


(N/N) - nickname
(F/N) - first name
Italics - thoughts

Japanese words

"-chan" - an honorific that is added to a girls name

Irasshaimase - welcome to the store/welcome

Itadakimasu - let's eat

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