Oikawa Tooru x Reader

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HOT, that’s the only thing that comes into your mind as you began to give the team their water bottles. It was so damn hot that you rolled up the sleeves of you shirt.  If given the chance to strip, you would without any hesitations. Sighing, your boyfriend chuckled and tried to fan you with his hand. You looked at him and smiled at his silliness. “What are you doing Tooru?” you said raising an eyebrow at your boyfriend and he gave you a smirk. “I’m trying to fan you” he answered.

“uhh.. okay?” you said and he pouted "why don't you appreciate me???" He whined as you look at him and rolled your eyes. "Okay. I appreciate you. Thank you very much for the little air you provided me" you said sarcastically then you turned your back at him and was about to go to where Kunimi and Kindaichi were at since Kunimi had a satisfied expression that means it's comfortable there despite the heat. Your boyfriend decided to cling unto your waist as you struggled to get him off of you. "Tooru let go! It's hot for fudge sakes!" You said trying to wiggle your way out his grip "noooo!!! Don't leave me" he whined.

“Hey Trashykawa stop bothering my sister” Iwaizumi growled out. Yup, you’re the younger sister of Seijou’s ace. You and Oikawa knew each other since you were born, he became a big brother to you but somewhere along the road, you both developed feelings for one another. Both of you promised to go out with each other when you started high school and decided to tell your parents about it. You were scared at first but your boyfriend assured you everything would be alright. Well, except for him since Iwaizumi would probably go ballistic when he finds out.

Once you thought it was a proper time to tell them, you went ahead and confessed that you both were together for two months now. Which your mothers squealed and began to plan your wedding, your fathers loved the idea of being a family since they grew close plus, they already treat each other like family so it’s a good thing that you both end up together rather than giving you to someone else while your brother on the other hand lost it. He never imagined giving his baby sis to his best friend and he knew what a playboy he is. He was scared you’d get hurt but he could see that you really love Oikawa despite his imperfections and he didn’t want to be the bad guy and ruin your first love and probably last. He sighed and pulled his captain to the side.

“Trashykawa if you hurt my sister your dead you know that right?” he warned and the captain paled and gulped. He crossed his heart before saying “I swear I would never hurt her and swear I’ll love her and only her. If I do something that could make her cry then I’ll give you permission to punch me on the face” he said. Of course your brother smirked evily at your poor boyfriend who was beginning to regret his words. "Nii-chan! Stop scaring him" you grumbled pulling your boyfriend away from your glaring brother. He sighed and shook his head. You let go of Oikawa's hand and hugged your brother. "Iloveyou" you murmured as he patted your head. "I know. I know. I'm fine with you being together with him but if he does anything and I mean ANYTHING that makes you cry I'll smash his pretty little face" your brother said as you giggled and nodded.

"Iwa-chan!!! You admitted that I have a pretty face!!! I wish I recorded that." He said smiling at your brother and pulling out his phone to start recording "say it again!" He said and you had to hold your brother or else he would have hit your boyfriend. Days passed and you both decided it would be better to make your relationship public. Many were shocked and against it, mostly his fangirls but they don't have the guts to do anything or else they'll face the wrath of the volleyball team who were overprotective of you.

As you told the team about your relationship one day they all laughed thinking both of you were just pranking them. "Lol. (F/n)-chan won't go for you. She'd rather date me. Her amazing senpai" Maki said smirking and you giggled. "Nah. She's gonna date me. I've got the brother's approval" Mattsun said holding Iwaizumi's hand and waving it a hit. "Captain, that's a terrible joke. (F/n) has good taste" Kunimi said while Kindaichi just nodded in agreement. Oikawa looked at them in disbelief.

"She'll just get hurt if you're her boyfriend cause you're you know. Ahm..." Yahaba trailed off. "Annoying?" Kunimi continued. "Narcissistic?" Kindaichi answered. "Playboy?" Maki said. "Nah. Must be because he's a dork for aliens that he wouldn't have time for (f/n)" Mattsun added nodded his head. "Trashy? Shitty?" Iwaizumi said as Oikawa gaped at them. "You guys are so mean!!!!" He dramatically said.

Kyotani nodded in agreement and tried to shield you from Oikawa. "You're not worth it" he grumbled glaring at his captain. "Even you Mad dog chan?!" Oikawa fell on his knees. "This team hates me!!!" He yelled fake crying. You just smiled at the team. No matter how much they tease their captain they still respect him and look up to him. You thought as you looked at your brother for a little support. He sighed and nodded. "But sadly it's the truth" Iwaizumi said. Their heads snapped in his direction then to you who was blushing and back to their captain who was having a mini breakdown at the side.

At first they looked shocked and was speechless and the team fell into an awkward silence before they made a circle with Oikawa in the middle. They each warned him what would happen if he'll hurt you. "What the?! You aren't even her family!" He yelled and they rolled her eyes. "We may not be related by blood but she's still like a younger sister to us" Mattsun said. Everyone agreed as Oikawa pouted. "I would never hurt her. Trust me" he said and everyone just rolled their eyes and started to practice again. You pulled your boyfriend up and give him a pat on the shoulder. "Don't mind" you said holding back your laughter. He pouted and practiced his serves at the side.

After practice, you all decided to buy ice creams as a celebration for your relationship and you giggled seeing Oikawa paled as Iwaizumi said that he'll treat the team for some popsicles. He didn't have a choice but to agree. All of you went to the convenience store and as you were walking he held your hand and you gave it a small squeeze. "Don't worry Tooru. I'll buy some of the popsicle since it's our celebration" you said as he smiled and kissed your head. You giggled and continued walking.

As you reached the convenience store, you and Oikawa went in to buy it. After that you all went to a nearby park to eat the delicious treat. Oikawa was in front of you as you sat on the bench with Kunimi and Kyotani on your other side standing beside you. As you were eating the popsicle, you saw it gradually melt and you licked it from the bottom to the top and Oikawa who was looking at you gulped. He could feel something steering up inside of him. Iwaizumi who saw him redden looked confused at first then he followed his gaze and looked at you, who was eating the popsicle in a seductive way.

You weren't doing it on purpose tho. He looked back at Oikawa who was staring at you in a daze then he looked down to see a tint on his pants. Iwaizumi glared at his captain as everyone saw this, they shook their heads. 'PERVERT' they all thought and you tilted your head to the side not noticing the buldge in your boyfriend's pants. Iwaizumi smacked his head and yelled at him while the team pulled you away while shaking their head at their captain who was getting trashed by their vice captain.

You looked at them confused before letting it go. The team began to go their separate ways as you bid them all farewell. Arriving at your house, you went on your tippy toes and kissed your boyfriend on the lips. "I'll see you tomorrow Tooru" you said as he nodded and kissed your forehead. "Iloveyou" he murmured and you smiled and answered "Iloveyoutoo" before going ahead. Iwaizumi on the other hand was crossing his arms waiting for Oikawa to look at him but the taller male was scared to turn towards his direction.

Iwaizumi sighed and grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it "Don't think about anything funny like making love with her shittykawa or else!" He warned. Oikawa gulped and nodded "then kisses and cuddles are alright then?" He said smiling at Iwaizumi. "Then I'll see you tomorrow Iwa-chan... or should I call you brother from now on?" Oikawa smirked. Iwaizumi was about to smack him again but he ran and waved bye. Iwaizumi huffed and went in your house with goosebumps on his arms. "Brother my ass. That sounds gross" he grumbled.

~A/n: lol I bet the house would be in chaos if they became brothers.

(F/n) first name
Italics - thoughts

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