Takahiro Hanamaki x Reader

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The ringing of your phone woke you up from your peaceful slumber, you groaned and grabbed your phone from your bed side table. Tapping the green button, you answered not even checking to see who was calling. "Yahooo! (F/n)-chaaaaaan!!!! Good morning!" Oikawa's voice blared from your phone. You winced "what the fuck? Shut up!" You grumbled. "That's mean (f/n)-chan!!!" He said faking a sob. You could hear Iwaizumi from the back saying something like 'hey shittykawa give me the phone'

Not long after, you heard Iwaizumi's voice. "(F/n) we're going to the mall to hangout. Do you want to come?" He asked and you checked the time, it was 10AM. "But I'm tired Hajime..." You mumbled while he chuckled. "Come on. I'll treat you some ice cream" and without a second thought you said yes. "Matsukawa will fetch you around 11AM. Let's have lunch together." You agreed and bid him good bye.

You stood up from your bed and stretched, moaning at the bones that popped back to place. (Lol that seemed kinda wrong but you get it. Right?) You grabbed your towel and went to the bathroom. After washing up and drying your hair, you opened your closet and grabbed some white pants, knitted black long sleeves and some socks cause you were thinking of wearing your black boots.

"It's not that cold today so I won't bring a coat with me" you mumbled and nodded your head drying your wet hair and applying lip balm to your lips. You hated the fact that your lips are always dry no matter how much you drink water and your habit of unconsciously pulling the dry bits from your lips and making it bleed makes it even worse.

Sighing, you combed your hair and looked at your self in the mirror and smiled. Your hair looks great today. You went back to the bedroom and wore the clothes you picked. You heard the doorbell rang. It must be Issei. Better hurry. You grabbed your bag which already has everything you need and grabbed your phone that was charging on your bedside table.

You rushed dow the stairs to see your cousin talking to your mom who was laughing. "I'm done. Let's go?" You said kissing your mom goodbye. Matsukawa nodded and kissed your mom's cheek. "I'll be going auntie. I'll be sure to eat dinner here next time" your mom nodded her head and wave you both off. "Stay safe and have fun kids" she then closed the door.

"Aren't you cold?" Matsukawa said and you shook your head. "The long sleeves that mom bought is actually pretty thick" he nodded as you both walked towards the bus stop. "(f/n) what's going on with you and Maki? He's been telling me to ask you to forgive him" your cousin looked at you waiting for your answer. You rolled your eyes. "He ate my vanilla ice cream." You mumbled and Matsukawa laughed.

He knew you would get mad and start a fight for an ice cream. Why? Cause he experienced it himself. You wouldn't talk to him for over a week until he bought you a big tub of ice cream as an apology. "Come on. Forgive your boyfriend." He said nudging you. You smiled and nodded. "Only if he buys me ice cream later" Matsukawa patted your head.

You both arrived at the family restaurant which Oikawa texted you. They were already there with Kindaichi and Kunimi. You slid beside Iwaizumi and Matsukawa sat beside Kindaichi. "Where's your boyfriend?" Oikawa asked and you rolled your eyes. "Dunno. I'm single" you said shrugging. "Are you both fighting again?" Iwaizumi said and you huffed. "What was the reason now?" You were about to answer when someone kissed your cheek.

"Cause I ate her ice cream when I went to her house last week." Hanamaki answered smiling at you and you rolled your eyes. "Who are you? Why did you kiss me?" You said wiping the area he kissed. "Come on! Forgive me already babe! I promise I'll buy you a tub of ice cream before we go home" you looked at him and nodded. "Then we're okay now right?" He asked looking into your eyes and you kissed his cheek. "Don't do it again tho" he nodded and hugged you.

"Get a room!" Matsukawa said while Oikawa grabbed Iwaizumi's arm and whined "why can't we be like that Iwa-chan?!" Followed by a "shut up trashykawa" Kindaichi just blushed and looked away while Kunimi was just browsing through the menu and raised his hand to get the waiter's attention. As the waiter arrived you all order your meal. After eating, you all went to the mall to enjoy yourselves.

Ending the day with watching a movie, you all went separate ways except for you, Matsukawa and Hanamaki. Since your mom texted you that the two should have dinner at your house. Before going home, Hanamaki and Matsukawa went to the supermarket to buy your ice cream while you said you have to use the restroom but in reality you're gonna buy the creampuffs that your boyfriend loves.

Arriving at the bakeshop, you asked the clerk to get you a box of creampuffs and paid for it. The boys were waiting for you at the entrance of the mall. As you arrived, you gave the box to your boyfriend and said sorry for being childish. He just chuckled and kissed your forehead. The bus arrived and you all sat at the back. Hanamaki began to eat the creampuffs.

"Babe you won't have the appetite if you eat them now" you said and he was still stuffing his face. You grabbed the box and he looked at you with wide eyes. "You have cream oozing on your lips-" you were about to wipe it when your cousin grabbed your boyfriend's chin and wiped the cream with his thumb and licked it.

You were speechless while your boyfriend thanked him. They both looked at you with a confused expression. "What?" They both asked and you shrugged. "I'm not gonna ask what just happened." They both laughed and you looked at them as if they're crazy. "Before you both hooked up, I was his lover" your cousin said and you looked at him for confirmation cause you can practically see how close they are. You have doubts damn it 🤦

"Yeah he's my lover before" your boyfriend said smirking and you shrugged "then it's fine. At least it's my cousin and not someone else" you said while standing up and pressing the button that indicates that you'll be going down the next stop. "We can have a threesome if you want" you smirked while walking off the bus. Matsukawa and Hanamaki shuddered. Hell nah! I don't want to see my best friend and cousin bang. Matsukawa thought while Hanamaki grimace at what you said. You giggled at their disturbed faces. Serves you right 😂

~A/n: I don't have a lot of work rn so I decided to make a story. Lol

(F/n) first name

Italics - thoughts

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