Asahi Azumane x Reader

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~A/n: let's say you and Asahi are living together in an apartment near your University.


The moment you opened your eyes, you were face to face with your big teddy bear. He was sleeping soundly, his was covering almost half of his face. You giggled and kissed his forehead. You stood up and went to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. After you're done, you made your way to the kitchen and opened the fridge. What should I cook today? You pondered for a while as your eyes searched for something in the fridge. Seeing the fruits you bought yesterday.

You decided to make pancakes that would pair well with the strawberries and blueberries. Nodding to yourself. You started grabbing the ingredients. You grabbed a huge bowl and started making the batter for the pancake. After a few whisks, the batter is ready. You began cooking the pancakes. You then decided to get the remaining bacon from the fridge to fry it. Something sweet like Hinata and something salty just like Tsukishima. Oooh that rhymes! Good job me!

The aroma of the pancakes were making its way to your room where your boyfriend was still sleeping. He rolled to his side searching for you but when he opened his eyes, the bed was already empty and cold. He pouted missing your warmth but then the smell of bacon and pancake hits his nose and he smiled. Better brush my bed hair, wash my face and brush my teeth so that I could help her.

After finishing, he went to you and hugged you from behind. You instantly melted in his warm hug. "Morning babe" he murmured and kissed your head while you giggled and kissed his chin. You were a lot shorter than him. Shorter than Nishinoya. It was a daily routine for the both of you and sometimes vice versa. He then went to the cupboard to get your mug and make coffee for the both of you.

You placed the freshly made pancakes and bacon on the table as Asahi finishes setting the table. You both sat down and was about to eat when you forgot about the syrup. You were about to grab it when something black/brown crawled behind it. At first you thought it was nothing until you picked the syrup up and the cockroach flew towards you.

You shrieked and fell back. Asahi who was eating a blueberry, choked. Shocked that you shrieked so loud his eardrums were about to explode. "What the fuc-!! Shit!! Babe!!! Kill it!!!" You shouted at your shocked boyfriend pointing at the cockroach that was happily crawling on the floor. You were shaking and he sighed. He was about to slap it when it flew towards you again and landed on your chest.

Oooh the Gods will surely send you to hell with all the cursing and cussing you were doing. All the curses went out of your mouth while you were flailing around. Asahi tried to calm you down but you were a mess. You had tears on your cheeks and your hair all over the place. He finally killed the cockroach and looked over to where you are. He chuckled, you were under the table using the cushion as a shield if ever the cockroach flies to you again.

"Babe I already killed it. It's fine now." Your boyfriend said smiling at you and you sniffed. "I freaking hate it when they think they're butterflies and fly. Damn that gave me a heart attack alright. I must have lost my chance to go to heaven because of that... That thing!" You said glaring at the trashcan. "Come now babe. Let's eat. It's fine. I'll always kill those insects for you" he said and you hugged him tight.

You raised your pinky at him "promise?" He chuckled at how childish you're acting. He hooked his pinky with yours and kissed it. "I promise" you then smiled at him wiping your tears and somehow brushed your hair. "You maybe a scaredy cat when it comes to other things but you're truly my hero. My adorable teddy bear. I love you" you said smiling at him and he murmured and "iloveyoutoo" Then you both started eating breakfast and went on with your day.

~A/n: fourth request! One more and I'll be updating less since I've started working again. I'll be updating probably once a week? Whenever I have a free time but I'll update the fifth request tomorrow 😊

Italics - thoughts

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