Oikawa Tooru x Reader

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The spokesperson of the company pointed at one reporter. "Please state your question" he said as the reported stood up and smiled. "Hello Ms. (f/n). I'm the reporter of Golden Times Magazine and my question is, Do you have a boyfriend right now? A lot of people want to know your status" he smiled as you picked up the microphone and smiled. "Hello! I'm currently single right now." You smiled as another reporter raised her hand, you nodded in her direction as she stood up. "This is a follow up question, as a beautiful and influential figure, there are a lot of admirers for sure, so may I ask why you're still single?" she finished and you pondered for a bit. "I had been traumatized of the thing they called love due to a past experience which I don't want to recall but I'm only going to say this once, I don't plan on having a relationship for now. I want to concentrate of my career which is at it's peek right now" you smiled. Beautiful my ass. If they only knew how ugly I was before, I doubt they'll call me beautiful. You thought.

"Last two questions and we'll end the interview" the spokesperson stated and picked two more reporters before ending it. You sighed as you sat at the van. "Good work today (f/n)!" your manager said as you smiled at him. "I'm so tired" you groaned as he chuckled. "You still have a photoshoot today" he said as you nodded. "Just a little bit more. Hang in there, okay? I'll buy your favorite frappe later" he smiled as you nodded enthusiastically. You both arrived at the studio and greeted the people you're going to work with today. Your manager left the room for you to have your make up and change of clothes. The make up artist slowly wiped your light make up and started the new one. "Your skin is so clear and soft" she giggled applying foundation on your cheeks. You smiled and closed your eyes as you recalled your high school days, the source of your trauma.

It was three years ago, you were in your second year. You weren't the type to standout but you weren't bullied too. Just a normal girl in school. You have a few pimples here and there, you wear glasses when you're in school and you too have a belly but not too much. (b/f/n) was currently talking to you but you were in a daze, looking at someone at the hall. She sighed and flicked your forehead. "Why don't you just confess?" she said as your eyes widened. "You know I'm not like those girls who are hovering near him right? I'm..." you looked at your body. "Ugly or pretty average" you mumbled as she frowned. "No you're not. You just lack confidence that's all" she said as you rolled your eyes. "You're just making me feel better" you mumbled as she sighed.

~A/n: if you're on the skinny side, please imagine you have a bit of belly and later on, for those in the chubby side, please imagine you're fit. Please don't bash me! I respect and love all of you whether you're skinny, chubby or just the right size. <3

Looking back at your crush, he was laughing beside his friends. "Why do you like him anyway? I think Iwaizumi is better than Oikawa" (b/f/n) said looking at Iwaizumi. "Hmmm? I don't know. Maybe because he helped me a while back which made him have an impact on me" you said as you saw Hanamaki stealing a bite from his milk bread which he loves. Matsukawa was laughing along side Hanamaki while Oikawa was whining to an annoyed Iwaizumi. "Damn, Matsukawa looks so fine" (b/f/n) bit her bottom lip while looking at the taller male. "Are you going to confess?" you asked as she nodded. "Yeah. That's why I asked if you could help me with baking muffins later. I'll confess tomorrow" she grinned as you giggled at her. "Good timing! I'm going to buy groceries today too" you said as she nodded. The bell rang and students went back to their seats. Iwaizumi sat beside you as you looked at him. He really is good looking and cool but... Your thoughts were cut off when you realized him looking at you.

You blushed as you heard him chuckle. Cute. He thought as he was now looking at your blushing face. He had always paid attention to you since he noticed small things that you do which made you adorable in his perspective. Of course, you didn't notice this since you were either busy looking down or generally just keeping your head down so that you won't be noticed. The last subject ended with a group homework. "I'll let you form a group of 4 and do the homework on pages 89-92. You are free to choose which topic you want from the box in your textbook. Make it into a power point presentation next week. I'll randomly choose who will present by Monday." The teacher announced as you looked at your best friend who was grinning at you. "I'll be ending class early since there will be a general meeting. See you next week. Have a great weekend" she said before grabbing her things and walking out the door.

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