Sugawara Koushi x Reader

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It was snowing hard today and you were freezing. Good thing you bought a 2 pairs of grey gloves that you saw at the mall last week. They remind you of your cutie gray haired boyfriend. So you bought it without second thoughts.

"Ugh it's freezing." You grumbled. You jumped when someone hugged you from behind. "Good morning (f/n)" he mumbled and he nuzzled his face on your neck and you felt goosebumps starting to form. "Ahhh... My girlfriend is so warm" he said and you giggled. "Koushi you're cold." You turned towards him.

His cheeks were starting to redden. "It's pretty cold today" you nodded while searching something from your bag. Finally you found it and gave it to your boyfriend. "Here Kou! It's a matching pair" you said as you waved both of your hands in front of him. He chuckled and wore the gloved. "Thank you (f/n). Just what I needed" you giggled and kissed his cheek.

You both walked to school holding hands in a peaceful silence. Until you heard someone shout from behind you. "HINATA BOKEEEEE!" then you saw a flash of orange rushed pass beside you. You were shocked but amused at the same time. It's the first year duo having a contest again. "Hey! Kageyama! Hinata! Slow down!! You're gonna sli-" your boyfriend didn't finish his sentence when the Hinata fell flat on his face followed by Kageyama who fell on top of him.

"Oh my god!" You rushed towards them. Sugawara pulling Kageyama up and you crouching looking at Hinata and asking if he was okay. He had a little bump on his head and you sighed. "You shouldn't run. You know it's slippery" you pulled Hinata up and examine him again.

"Are you both okay? How many times do I have to tell you not to run in this kind of weather-" you looked at your boyfriend with wide eyes. He was nagging at the first years without stopping and you giggled. He finally got back to his senses and he had a shocked look on his face. I can't believe I went on ranting with (f/n) beside me. She still hasn't seen that side of me. What if she thinks it's a turn off? What will I do???

You smiled at him. "You're like a mom Kou" you giggled. Hinata and Kageyama nodded in agreement. "He always takes care of us (l/n)-senpai" Hinata said and Kageyama nodded. "Really? That's nice of him" you smiled at Hinata and he began to blush. You four arrived at the gates and went on your separate ways. "We'll go now senpai. Thank you for helping me. I'll see you later at practice mom-" he froze and his face began to redden. "I mean Sugawara-san" he then ran again with Kageyama calling him 'boke'

"Oh Koushi..." You cupped his cheeks "should I call you mom too?" You teased him and he pouted. "Not funny" you laughed and kissed his lips. "Come on MOM we'll be late" you began pulling him with you. He couldn't help but smile. As you arrived to your room, he kissed your temple and reminded you to have lunch with him and you nodded.

He waved you good bye and went to his classroom next door. You sat beside Daichi and he gave you a knowing look. "What?" He just smiled and said "I'm glad I introduced you to Suga. You're a perfect match" you giggled and nodded. "Thanks a lot Daichi. You're the best" he patted your head.

*After story*

You were having lunch with Asahi, Sugawara and Daichi at the gym when the four trouble makers decided to join your. You were having fun talking when Tanaka looked at you seriously.

"What is it Tanaka-kun?" You asked and he looked from you to Noya.

"Noya-san has something to ask you" he said and you nodded. Almost everyone was listening except for Kageyama and Hinata. They were fighting over an Onigiri you made.

"Uhm (f/n)-chan? Do you ever get jealous of Daichi-san?" Noya asked and you looked at him confused. "Ah... You see..." He trailed off.

"Cause Captain is the DAD in the team" Hinata said with a mouth full of Onigiri. Guess he won. You thought as you gave him a tissue to wipe his face with. "Ohh? Daichi is the Dad huh?" You said teasingly and the four of them, even Kageyama nodded.

Looking at both of them your Fujoshi senses were tingling and you gave them a smirk. "I could totally picture Koushi calling Daichi DADDY"

Sugawara who was drinking water spit it towards Tanaka who was holding his laughter.

Daichi who was eating the onigiri you made choked. Asahi was mumbling "oh god please no" Noya was patting his back saying "it's fine. I can see it too"

Kageyama and Hinata are fighting again God knows why. They were running around the gym.

You just wiggled your eyebrows at Daichi and Sugawara while giving them a smirk. They just facepalmed. Well we know how she is... A die hard Yaoi fan.

"Don't worry Daichi. We can share" you giggled and when you weren't looking Daichi made an 'I'll kill you later' sign at Tanaka and Nishinoya.

~A/N: This is the first request for Haikyuu. The one who requested didn't want to be mentioned. So you know who you are love. Here's your Sugawara Koushi 😉

(L/n) last name
(F/n) first name.

Italics - thoughts

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