Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader

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APRIL 1, April Fool's Day, The very day you cried so hard and the very day you almost killed someone. You were always scared of frogs ever since you were little. Why? because your best friend, (b/f/n) threw it at you while you were playing in the pond and guess what? You didn't fall into the pond and drowned. Nah, that's extreme. The frog just went in your shirt and jumped around which was the most disgusting feeling ever. Since then you've been terrified of them and everyone in the team knows that. 

Now your ever handsome (self proclaimed) boyfriend decided to prank you. He was grinning like a madman. His teammates were looking at him like he's crazy. Then they realized it was April 1 and they know that their captain was the best at pranking but sometimes he's a bit too much. She'll forgive me right? Well she does love me so much. I'm hundred and one percent sure she'll punch me tho. Ehhh! we'll see how it goes.

"Kuroo what's in the box?" Kenma asked. Kuroo gave him a smirk "It's a surprise for (f/n)" Kenma warned him not to go over board he just laughed. "Don't say I didn't warn you. okay?" Kenma sighed and walked away. Yaku knew what was inside. He saw Kuroo catching a frog early in he morning at the pond near school. This will definitely scare the crap out of (f/n). Good luck Kuroo.

Walking towards the gym, you heard Lev call out to you so you waited for him. "Good morning senpai!" He greeted with a smile. You greeted back and continued walking to the gym. As you opened the door, you greeted the team and they began to gather. "Nekomata-sensei will be running late today so we'll do the warm ups on our own" You said as they nodded. Kuroo was looking at you smirking and you looked at him with wide eyes. That smirk! There's definitely something going on! Better be extra careful today.

Warm ups are done but nothing happened. What the hell is going on? Maybe I'm just paranoid. You shrugged. As Nekomata-sensei arrived, they began their main training and you were lining up the water bottles and towels. They were given a 10 minutes break and your boyfriend decided it would be the great time to surprise you. The team was gathered around you as you gave them their individual training regime given by the coach.

"(f/n)? this is for you" Kuroo handed you a box and you were skeptical. He was smiling brightly at you. "What's inside?" You asked and he just shrugged. "Something I got you for being a great girlfriend." You were hesitant at first but he added "It was the limited edition bracelet you wanted at (s/n)." You grabbed it and opened it slowly. Lev was beside you watching what his captain bought you since you had the most excited face. 

"Our condolences Kuroo" Kenma mumbled and Yaku nodded. As you open the box, something black jumped out and landed on your chest. You panicked and hit Lev on the crotch while you threw the box at Kuroo hitting him straight in the nose and the box is pretty heavy since he put some stones in it. Kuroo who was holding a water bottle threw it somewhere hitting Inouka who was picking up balls, dropping them, Yamamoto who was walking and singing didn't see the ball under his feet causing him to tumble down.

You fell to your butt and cried. You were scared and your wrist was beginning to ache to since you used it to catch yourself from falling hard. "Kuroo you ass! I hate you!" You screeched as you grabbed the nearest thing you could get, Lev's water bottle, you threw it at him and hit him straight in the forehead. woah! head shot! Yaku thought as he saw the scene unfold. 

Nekomata-sensei went back inside the gym and saw you all on the floor. Lev was clutching his crotch, Kuroo was laying on the floor motionless, Inouka was rubbing his butt, Yamamoto was in a daze trying to process what just happened, you were on the floor sobbing and lastly Kenma and Yaku snickering at the side. He just sighed. He gathered all of you and asked what happened. As you were explaining, he was glaring at the captain. You were still crying to the point you were shaking.

Kuroo was given a penalty, 50 laps around the gym. Yaku checked your wrist since he saw you landed on them in a weird way and yup, your wrist was busted alright. You glared at the male who was running laps around the gym. Yaku bandaged your wrist and patted your head as a sign of comfort. You mumbled a thanks as you stood up and asked Lev if he was okay. The poor boy was pale and in pain. 

After practice, you walked out the gym not even saying your good byes to the team. Kenma smacked Kuroo's head. "So did you get the result you wanted?" he said and Kuroo dropped his head and murmured a 'no' he then excused himself to catch you. You were grumbling and cussing your boyfriend. Your wrist was throbbing like crazy and you were still shaking cause of that damn frog. You really did it this time Kuroo Tetsuro! You were furious.

You heard your boyfriend but you just walked even faster. "Wait (f/n)!" he shouted as he ran to you. grabbing you injured hand, you hissed and he lets go. "What do you want asshole? Have you had enough?" you screamed at him as tears began to pool in your eyes. "I'm sorry (f/n)" he mumbled and you snapped. " do you think sorry is gonna cut it Tetsu? You knew I'm terrified of frogs yet here you are. Pranking me with the same creature that triggers my phobia. Are you freaking happy now?!" with your outburst you turned you back at him and went home.

It's been almost a week and you still wouldn't talk to him. He begged on his knees and you would just brush him off. He sighed next to Kenma. "You know this is all your fault right? I'm not even gonna be surprised if she dumps you" Kenma said while playing his game. Kuroo paled at the thought of you leaving him. So he decided to do everything for you to forgive him. He planned a surprise for you at the gym.

He bought some materials the next day with Yaku, Kenma and Lev who were gonna help him for his surprise tomorrow. As they finished buying the necessary stuff, they all went home. I hope she forgives me tomorrow. I can't take this anymore. It's been almost a week since the incident and she hasn't spoken to me even once. He was thinking of different scenarios if you still won't forgive him. He would definitely go down on his knees and kiss your shoes if he had too. nodding his head, he drifted off to sleep.

His alarm blared beside him, It was 5:30Am, he needs to be at the gym by 6 so that he could set up his surprise. Checking the time after he got ready, it was already 5:45. He rushed out of the house and finally arrived at the gym at 6:10, he began to set up his surprise. Thankfully, Yaku and Kai got there early and helped him. 

You woke up at 6AM for the morning practice. Sighing, you got out of the bed and got ready. As you were showering, you were thinking of forgiving your boyfriend. Life was getting boring without him. Since he always makes you smile and you can never go tired of his stories that were all over the place with matching hand gestures. Thinking bout it makes you smile. I miss my idiot.

Arriving at the gym, you were shocked. There were balloons everywhere and what caught your eyes were letters made by balloons, a big ' I'M SORRY ' was being held by the team and Kuroo had a bouquet of roses in his hand. He went to you and held your hand, kissing it. "I'm sorry (f/n). I really regret what I did. please forgive me. I can't take this anymore. I miss you" He said while looking into your eyes. 

You sighed and pulled your hand away. Is she gonna break up with me? Oh my gosh! Noooo! He fell to his knees and hugged your waist tightly. "Please don't break up with me! I'll do anything! just please don't leave me! I beg you!" He was sobbing and you looked at him with wide eyes. You weren't planning on breaking up with him but it's nice to see him panicking like this. You sighed and pulled him up. 

"I'm not breaking up with you Tetsu." You said and wiped his tears. He then pulled you to him and caged you in his arms. "I'm so sorry. I promise never to do it again." You nodded your head and patted his back. With that you both made up. Nekomata-sensei was shocked when he entered the gym full of balloons and a crying Kuroo. "Did you get your revenge (f/n)?" he asked and you nodded. "Definitely!" you giggled while Kuroo was still clutching you as if you'd disappear if he lets go. They began to clean the gym so that practice could start.

*after story*

Kenma uploaded the video he took with Kuroo crying his eyes out and let's say it got 500 comments, 1k shares and over 3k likes. 

You giggled and patted his head. "My image as a badboy is shattered. Damn you Kenma!" 


(f/n) first name

(s/n) shop name

Italics - thoughts

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