Tsukishima Akiteru x Reader

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"It's been a while since I came home. I hope Kei made new friends" Akiteru murmured as he drove home. He has always been worried about his little brother ever since he found out that Akiteru lied about him being a regular in the team but Kei still chose to go to Karasuno. He smiled fondly. Maybe it's his way of telling that he would be a regular in place of his brother. My cute baby brother. He was just a few minutes from home and decided to drop by the coffee shop where Kei's favorite Strawberry Shortcake can be bought. He parked just across the coffee shop. As he got off the car, he looked from left to right before making his way to the coffee shop.

He opened the door to be welcomed by the smell of coffee. He sighed and smiled. He went straight to the cake section. There was only one Strawberry shortcake left. Before he could get it a young girl already order it for take out. He pouted and muttered "oh I was too late. It was his favorite tho." you looked at the tall man beside you and giggled. "Hi? You can have the cake if you want. I'll just get their Stawberry tarts" his head whipped towards you and his eyes widened. "Are you sure miss? Is it really alright??" He bombarded you with questions which caused you to giggle more. CUTE! Just my type. you nodded. He thanked you and offered to pay for your take out but you declined. After you paid for the Strawberry Tarts you ordered. You wave him goodbye as he smiled and said his good byes too.

Upon exiting the shop, your phone rang and you answered the call. "Hello?" you greeted. "Hey chibi-chan where are you?" Tsukishima asked. "You were supposed to be here a while ago. Yamaguchi is already here." He grumbled. "calm down salty. I'm on my way. Could you wait for another 10 minutes?" you answered. "Fine then. Next time I won't help you study if you're late" you giggled. He always says that but when you give him a puppy dog face he'll eventually sigh and agree. "hehe I know you miss me and all just wait okay?" you giggled as he answered "yeah yeah. be safe alright? cause you're an idiot" he then hanged up. Smiling down on your phone, the bus arrived. 

They say Tsukishima's personality is cruel or trash but you disagree. He can be salty and doesn't sugarcoat his words but he really is caring. Well for some that is. You've know Tsukishima since the first day of class since you sit beside him. He can be a bit too much sometimes but most of the time he is a good friend to you and Yamaguchi. Some girls in your class would always ask if there is something between you guys and you'll just laugh while Tsukishima would just huff. You both were close and that is all, no romantic feelings whatsoever. Why are you being rumored to be his girlfriend? It's because you're the only girl he'd hangout with and the only girl he cares for.

There was a time where you were waiting for him at the library since he still has practice, you and Yamaguchi asked Tsukishima to teach you Math since there was one part you both couldn't understand and he agreed to do it after practice. So you spent your time at the library doing some homework. It was almost 7PM, you decided to pack your things and go to the gym. Unknowingly someone was stalking you. You were near the gym when someone pulled you causing you to shriek. It was a second year who confessed to you but you politely declined. He would still leave love letters in your locker but you chose to ignore him.

Yamaguchi was starting to worry cause he'd often notice that senpai stalking you. Good thing that you were either with him or Tsukishima so the senpai wouldn't approach you. As you shrieked, Hinata was the one who heard it first and peeked out the gym. He saw you struggling and called Yachi. "Isn't that (l/n)-chan?" He asked and Yachi gasped catching the attention of the team. "What are you looking at boke? Clean faster so that we could go home" Kageyama said. Due to Yamaguchi's curiosity, he peeked above Hinata's head and saw you struggling to get away from the senpai. "Hey!!! Let go of (f/n)!" He shouted. Tsukishima's eyes widened and rushed to where you are pushing Hinata out of the way. 

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