Oikawa Tooru x Reader

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The feeling of being irritated with everything around you is quite strong this past few days. Always irritated, having lots of cravings and the arrival of your best friend, the cramps. You are currently in class, listening to the teacher who's yapping away with things that aren't related to the lesson. Sighing, you looked out of the window and it was a bit cloudy and you saw one cloud that looks like an ice cream. I want ice cream... you thought as the bell rang for lunch. "I'm going to the canteen to buy lunch. How bout you?" (b/f/n) asked as you nodded and stood up. "Let's eat there too" you said grabbing your bento. As you both went out of the classroom, Oikawa was running from an angry Iwaizumi only to bump into you. You landed on your butt and thankfully, your bento was saved by your best friend.

Someone whistled and you looked at Hanamaki who was smirking. "Nice reflexes" he said as your best friend giggled. "Of course." She grinned. Now, you looked at your boyfriend who was still on top of you as he smirked at you. "Nice view" he said as you glared at him before kicking his balls. "How long are you going to stay on top with me when the floor is dirty shittykawa?" you growled as Iwaizumi helped you up. "You okay?" he asked as you rolled your eyes. "Of course, falling and landing on my butt doesn't hurt at all. I'm freaking fine Iwaizumi-kun" you sarcastically said before pulling your best friend along. The guys stood there speechless. Your best friend gave them apologetic looks and mouthed 'code red'

They all froze and patted an Oikawa who just stood up. "Good luck Oikawa. It's your girlfriend's shark week" Hanamaki said. "Shark week? WTF!" Matsukawa snickered as Hanamaki grinned. "What? The movie has a lot of blood. So you know" he explained to a laughing Matsun. "Hey! That's not funny at all! What if she bites me like the sharks do and fling me around?!" Oikawa said as Iwaizumi bonked his head. "Stop making up weird things" he grumbled. "Anyway, good luck trashykawa. You need it" he said before walking towards the canteen. They immediately saw you two and bought their lunch before sitting in your table. Oikawa was beside you asking for forgiveness as the four looked at the amusing scene in front of them.

"What do you want me to do for you to forgive me (f/n)?" he asked as you pondered. "Can you buy me ice cream after practice Tooru?" you asked sweetly as he felt shivers run down his spine. I'm dead if I don't say yes. he thought before nodding. You smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "You're the best boyfriend!" you happily said before eating your lunch. He looked at the others and smiled. See? I tamed the beast! He thought as the others shook their heads. Lunch finished and it was the start of your afternoon class. Today was an early dismissal because of the teacher's meeting. You were walking with (b/f/n) to the gym since both of you were managers of Aoba Johsai Volleyball Team. As you both changed into your jogging pants and tshirt, you walked to the gym and talked about the practice game that will be held on Saturday.

As you arrived, your best friend immediately went to her boyfriend, Kyotani while you shake your head smiling at her. She was the polar opposite of Kyo and what's funny is that she has him in the palm of her hand. He couldn't say no to her and would do everything she wants. "Why can't I have a boyfriend that's obedient rather than a boyfriend who whines every damn minute?" you grumbled as you heard a chuckle behind you. Looking back, you looked at a smiling Kunimi. You grinned at him as you placed a finger on your lips. He nodded and offered you caramel candies. You grabbed one and thanked him. "Kunimi-kun be sure to hide your candies or the assistant coach will scold you again" you said as he nodded. "Yes senpai" he answered before going to his towel at the side and hid his candies there.

"Kunimi is so adorable" you said smiling at the younger male until an arm wrapped itself on your shoulder. "Are you talking about me?" he asked as you had a blank face on as he gasped loudly and placed a hand on his chest. "Are you thinking of other men when your boyfriend is the hottest and most handsome man out there?" he dramatically fell on his knees as everyone was now looking at the both of you. The players began to move to the side seeing as you were close to exploding. "How can you cheat on me? Your beloved boyfriend?!" he shrieked and you felt something snap in you as you smiled at him before approaching him slowly. Looking at the other players, they gulped and looked at one another before your best friend grinned.

She threw a ball towards you as you slammed the ball in front of Oikawa who was now looking at you with terrified eyes. The ball was inches from his crotch as you smiled sweetly at him and crouched down. "Do you have anything else to say Tooru-kun~?" you asked as he shook his head. He was pale as you stood up and patted his head. "Now, stop talking nonsense and lead the warm ups" you said as he nodded furiously before running towards Iwaizumi who looked at you apologetically. You sighed and nodded your head. You know how your boyfriend is and you usually don't really mind him but when you're on your period, you don't want to hear bullshit coming from his mouth cause it's irritating. Whipping your head to the players at the side, you took a deep breath before shouting "Get ready for warm ups guys! Line up now!" and everyone scrambled in line as they began stretching.

The practice ended and you were now walking home with your boyfriend who's pouting. Iwaizumi left you both since he didn't want to get caught in the middle your petty fight. Oikawa was just following you like a lost puppy, apologizing again and again. You were deep in thought as your best friend said "Don't lash out on the poor guy. He was just trying to make you smile" she patted your shoulder as you nodded. Despite fighting, he was still following you and has no intention of leaving you behind like those guys who'd rather let you be or leave you when you're fighting. This is what you loved about your relationship with him, despite having a fight, serious or not, he'd still stay beside you and he would never leave you. Even if you don't fix things up, he'd still take you home and kiss your forehead before going home himself. You can never hate that side of him.

In fact, you felt blessed to have this type of boyfriend. He may look like a playboy but in reality, he is a very loyal boyfriend. He can be irritating sometimes... well, most of the time but he is someone who you want to be by your side now till the end. "Babe I'm sorry" he said again as he squeezed your hand as you sighed and stopped. "I'm sorry too. I was just irritated." You said as he gave you a small smile before kissing your forehead. "I know you are on your period and you're irritated by the world" he chuckled as you had a small smile on your face. "I love you. You know that right?" you said as he cupped your cheek and pecked your lips. "Yeah. I know" he smiled before pulling you along. "Let's stop by our favorite ice cream parlor before going home?" he asked as you nodded. "Yes please" you answered as he nodded.

~A/n: I saw an Oikawa stan in my notifications last week, so this is for you! 

(f/n) first name

(b/f/n) best friend's name

Italics – thoughts

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