Miya Osamu x Reader

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~A/n: this is the part 2 of Hesitation


Two weeks has passed since you finally ended things with Suna. You were gradually moving on with the help of your friends. (R/g) had apologized to you and you accepted it. You weren't a petty person and you genuinely wanted Suna to be happy with her. She began to grew close to you and you were fine with it. People judged her and called her 'shameless' as everyone knew you and Suna broke up because of her.

Some even bullied her but you stopped them. She cried as you saved her from the girls who wanted to punish her and get revenge for their ruined relationships and as well as yours. Good thing you found them before anything bad happened. The girls look at you with disbelief but you explained to them that 'if their boyfriends really loved them, they wouldn't have the time to think about another woman even if she is kind to them. They wouldn't have given it any meaning' they shouted at you reminding you that she was the reason you and Suna broke up. You just smiled at them and said "Maybe she is but so what? It isn't my loss anyway. It's his. Whether he left me for another or he stayed by my side, it's all his choice and not mine. Whatever happened between us is now over and I accepted it. You should too."

They grew quiet before sighing glaring at (r/g). "You're lucky she came to defend you. If not your pretty face might have been beaten up" they left as you crouched down beside her. You grabbed your handkerchief and wiped her tears. She hugged you and you sighed. Patting her head for comfort. "I'm sorry... I'm really really sorry" she sobbed as you felt tears run down your face too. "It's fine. As I told you before, it wasn't your fault." You said as she looked up at you. She examined your face and she could see your eyes had bags under them and your eyes are still a bit puffy.

You looked at her and gave her a small smile. How could I do that to someone this kind? Her conscience was beginning to devour her. "I know I'm really shameless for saying this to someone who I did wrong but could we be friends? But... I mean it's alright if you reject it" she mumbled and you giggled. You wiped her eyes as you nodded your head. "It's fine but in return you have to make Suna happy okay? Happier when he was still with me..." you said as you raised a pinky in front of her. She sobbed again but intertwined her finger with yours. Pulling her into a bear hug, she hugged you tight as you began to pat her head, comforting her. As you both parted, you both giggled and went back to your classroom to grab your bags. She went home alone while you went to the gym to wait for the twins and Aran. You and Osamu became closer to the point that if outsiders look at the both of you, they'll say you are lovers.

Suna had become lifeless. He hasn't come back to practice and the coach was beginning to get pissed. One day, when you were waiting in the gym for them to finish, the coach approached you and asked you to come with him since he wanted to talk to you. You nodded and followed him. Osamu's eyes followed you till you went outside. He finished his tasks and pulled his twin with him to eavesdrop. "Hey samu! Wt-" Atsumu got cut off as Osamu covered his mouth. "Shut up Tsumu! I can't hear anything"

Atsumu frowned at his twin. "If the coach or Kita-san discovers us, we're dead" he grumbled but his twin didn't answer. The coach talked about Suna and how he's not coming to practice at all. You just nodded not understanding why he's saying all of this to you. "You're Suna's girlfriend right? Please do me a favor. Can you talk to him? Tell him to come to practice" He asked and your eyes widened. "Uhm.. we're not together-" you got cut off as he raised his hand. "Just do me a little favor. Okay (l/n)?" He said as he patted your shoulder and walked off.

Sighing, you went back to the gym. As you opened the door. Osamu and Atsumu fell in front of you. "What are you guys doing?" You raised your eyebrow at them. "Nothing" Osamu said and Atsumu patted his shoulder then jogged to where Aran is. You looked at him and he was frowning. "Why are you upset?" You said poking his eyebrows that were almost connected. He grabbed your hand and kissed it. "I heard what coach said" he murmured and you gave him a small smile.

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