Sawamura Daichi x Reader

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You've been dreading this day, You wanted to stay but due to your father's work, you'll have to move away and to think you'll be moving on your senior year this spring. The team always regarded you as an important member of the team. Knowing that you'll be transferring, they planned a farewell party for you.

Your childhood friend, Kyoko Shimizu and your boyfriend, Sawamura Daichi, were the ones who took it the hard way. It's hard on your part too but you don't have a choice since your father is a single parent and you don't want to leave him alone.

During the farewell party, you were given a white t-shirt with the messages of the team. You thanked them and tears started to stream down your face. "I love you guys. Thank you for the whole 2 years. It's been a blast." Your best friend hugged you tight and started to burst out crying and with that almost all the team had tears on their eyes.

Sawamura and Sugawara, looked at each other and nodded. They all lined up and you looked at them weirdly. "Thank you for taking care of us these past 2 years, we couldn't have done it without your constant support." with that they bowed in front of you and shouted 'Arigato!' You gave them a closed eye smile. With a lot of laughs and tears the farewell party ended. Before you guys all went your separate ways, you gave them one last speech as a team manager.

"Gosh. I can't believe I'm doing this before I graduate. Hah. My heart hurts knowing I'll be separating from you guys. I've been with you for more than two years and I personally saw you guys gradually change day by day, getting stronger and stronger together as a team. Now I'll leave everything to Shimizu, she'll be the one to step up as the manager, be sure not to stress her out, okay? Especially you four. I may not be with you in your incoming games but always remember that I'll always be cheering for you guys. I'll be waiting for you in Tokyo. Okay? Once again, thank you for these two years!" You bowed and when you raised your head, tears were streaming down your face.

*A/N: the big 4: Tanaka, Nishinoya, Hinata and Kageyama 😂😂😂

After your speech, the team that had been laughing a while ago began to cry. Even Tsukishima has tears in the corner of his eyes. As much as you don't want to part with them, they're the same. Without you helping them day by day, they wouldn't be who they right now. Your existence in their life was irreplaceable. Deep inside they wanted to stop you but they can't, all they can do is support you. They waved you off with a smile but you can see their eyes were red from crying.

You and Sawamura walked home together hand in hand. The both of you were quiet. It wasn't an awkward silence but a comfortable one. "Daichi you know I love you right?" He stopped in his tracks and you turned to face him. His tears were falling non stop. You gave him a sad smile and hugged him tight. "Iloveyou Daichi. Only you". He began to sob. "I-i really love you too (f/n). I don't want to be separated from you."

You can feel a sting in your heart. It became silent again, only his sobs can be heard. He pulled away from you and you wipe the tears that were falling from his cheeks. He bent down and kissed your lips. "(F/n) Iloveyou" you smiled and leaned your head against his chest. Smelling his scent that always calms you down.

Daichi looked at you and patted your head. I can't bear to part with you but I really don't have a choice. I'll do my best and lead the team to the nationals. We'll wait for you too.

"Let's go home (f/n). Your father must be worried" he said and you nodded your head. As you arrived home, he asked your dad if he can give him a bit of his time and your dad nodded. You went up to change while they went to the living room.

"Sir I am very serious about (f/n) and I hope you'll give her to me in the future. Right now I'll do my best to be the man that deserves her" he looked at your father with determined eye and your father patted his back. "Son I've always been overprotective with her since her mom passed away when she was younger but I believe you're very sincere with what you said. If in the future you both achieve your dreams, I look forward to be a real family with you."

"Thank you sir. I promise I won't let you down" smiling at your father. He gave him one last pat on the back and stood up. "Sir I'll be going home now. Since you guys still have a lot to pack" your father pulled your boyfriend in a fatherly hug. "Thank you for taking care of my daughter for the past 2 years. You're welcome to visit us during the holidays."

You went down the stairs and saw a heart warming scene. They both noticed you and smiled. Going down the stairs, your father left you both alone to pack the remaining things while you showed your boyfriend out the house.

"I'll see you off tomorrow with the team." You nodded. "Iloveyou. Good night" he kissed your forehead and was about to leave when you hugged him tightly. "Daichi Iloveyou. I'll say it over and over again. Iloveyou..." he turned back to you and hugged you tight kissing your forehead and mumbling an 'iloveyoumore' releasing him from your hold, you smiled up at him "I'm so blessed to have you as a boyfriend." He chuckled "I'm really the best huh?" You pinched his sides "cocky" he chuckled. "See you tomorrow"

*Time skip @ the airport*

Today you'll be leaving and the team was in front of you crying. People were starting to stare and you just giggled. I feel so loved. Your boyfriend has been clinging on you since you arrived to the airport and was whispering sweet nothings on your ear. You'd occasionally pat him on the head and give him kisses here and there.

The boarding of your flight was announced and they all hugged you. "Guys it's not a permanent good bye but an 'I'll see you soon'. Do your best!" You smiled and the group hug disperse. "It's a promise! We'll definitely go to the Nationals! Just you wait (f/n)" Your boyfriend shouted with tears in his eyes. They began to sob out loud and you waved them good bye.

*time skip*

"I'm finally here! Gosh! Good thing I wasn't late" you were out of breath with all the running. As the team saw you, they waved at you and you could hear various comments such as "you're so slow manager must be because of your short legs" Tsukishima said, "we're finally here (l/n) senpai" Hinata added and lastly you heard your boyfriend say "thanks for waiting for us (f/n)". You had tears in your eyes and smiled at them. "Let's go Karasuno! I'll be cheering for you!" They gave you first pumps and you gave them a toothy smile.


(F/n) first name
(L/n) last name
Italics - thoughts

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