Asahi Azumane x Reader

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Looking beside you, your boyfriend was sleeping beside you as you giggled while brushing a hair from his forehead. He must have been really tired from the practice game with Nekoma yesterday. You thought as he slept soundly beside you. It was self-study period so it's fine to do anything you want as long as it's not something that could disturb other classes. You were currently doing your homework so that you'll have time to watch your favorite anime later since you've already missed 3 episodes due to homework, projects and quizzes being given to you for three weeks. Finally done with your homework, you checked your watch and saw you still have 10 minutes before the school ends.

Grabbing your phone, you took a picture of your boyfriend and smiled, making it your wallpaper. Looking at your boyfriend for almost two years, you never expected him to be with you right now. At first, you were very afraid of him due to the rumors and such but after being seatmates with him, you've grown to like the tall male. He wasn't like any of the rumors, actually he couldn't even hurt a fly. The rumors were quite exaggerated. As Kageyama's cousin, you both had something in common and that's your aggressive personality but you learnt how to control yourself. The team even thought you're much more aggressive than Asahi which is a fact.

There was one time that his favorite snack was on sale and a lot of people were crowding the stall. He walked away since he doesn't want to hurt anyone accidentally but you pulled him back and gave him your bag. "Stay put" you said before pushing your way through the crowed and got four packs of his favorite snacks. You had a rough battle with the mothers and some students who were also in love with the snacks. You grinned as you pulled him along to pay for the snacks. He was in a daze for a while before you snap your fingers in front of him. "Here you go" you gave him the plastic. His tears fell one by one as he hugged you tight. You giggled as you patted his back. "You're such a cry baby" you said. "If the team saw you, they'll make fun of you again" and as you finished saying that, you heard a clicking sound to see Sugawara grinning while taking a picture.

Shaking your head, you whispered "Suga and Daichi are looking" he froze and lifted his head to see the third years snickering at him. "What happened this time?" Daichi asked smiling as Suga was holding back his laughter. "This baby wanted to buy his favorite snacks that was on sale but he didn't have the guts to push his way to the crowd since he was scared to hurt someone" you giggled as Suga laughed while patting his back. "You sure are lucky to have a girlfriend like (f/n)-chan" Suga said as Daichi shook his head. "You should grow a back bone Asahi. What would happen if (f/n) decides to leave you for someone who's braver than you?" Daichi teases as Asahi paled and cried again.

Suga smacks Daichi's arm as you sighed and comforted him. "Daichi's just teasing you love. I'm not leaving you for someone else" you said as he held you tighter. "Promise?" he murmured and you nodded. "I promise" you answered. "Swear to God?" he asked again as you giggled. "Yeah. I swear to God, I'm not leaving you. Not now, not ever" you said as he looked at you straight in the eyes before giving you a quick peck then he blushed before crouching. Your eyes widened since it's the first time he made a move first. "Got that on cam!" Suga shouted as he grinned. "I'll send that to the group chat. I'm so proud Asahi grew some balls to kiss you even if it's just a peck" he said as Daichi facepalmed at his words while Asahi was now begging him to delete the video.

There was also one time that he was bullied by some student from a different school thinking he was part of a gang or something. That time he was waiting for you outside Ukai's store as you bought some meat buns. Coach Ukai was currently wrapping your meat buns when you heard yelling outside, you took a peek and saw two guys who were cornering your boyfriend while telling him to hand over his wallet and you had a blank face on. Who in the hell would still do this? You thought as you snapped when one guy pulled him by the collar. You instantly ran towards him and punched him in the face. Asahi's eyes widened in fear as Coach Ukai who saw the whole scene from the entrance of his shop gasped and his cigarette falling on the ground.

"This bitch!" one yelled as you looked at him. "Huh?!" you glared. "Say that again you mf!" you said as he paled. Before he could run, you kicked him in the balls as he stumbled over. His other friend that you punched looked at you in fear. "Crazy bitch!!!" he shrieked as you grinned his way. You raised your foot to stomp on his balls when Asahi pulled you away and coach Ukai shooed the two men or else he'll call for the police. That day, coach Ukai nagged you for almost two hours as Asahi placed some ice on your knuckles that turned blue when you punched the guy. You were pouting and telling them you weren't wrong. After hours of nagging from the coach and complaints from your boyfriend, you finally were on the way home to your house. Asahi was a bit restless as you assured him you were fine. You went on your tippy toes and told him to bow a bit and kissed him on the lips. "I'll always be your hero if something like that ever happens again" you murmured as you kissed him one more time as you ran to your house, afraid he might fire another round of complaints.

The team heard about what happened and Tanaka and Nishinoya were ready to go as Kiyoko smacked their heads with the folder on her hands. She also lectured you for the whole duration of the practice. You said you were sorry and will never do it again. She made you promise and you raised your pinky in front of her as she giggled before intwining your pinky with hers. "That's a promise. Okay (f/n)? no more recklessness. Understand?" she said as you nodded. "Yes Kiyoko. I promise" you answered as she grinned and pulled Asahi to the side to give him a lecture when practice was over. Both of you had your ears full from all her nagging. He walked you home and this time, he became a bit bold and pulled you in for a kiss before saying his good bye. You grinned at him as he blushed again and went home.

Now, you were looking at him sleeping peacefully. The bell rang signaling the end of classes. You gently shook him as he groaned. "It's time to wake up babe. Classes already ended" you murmured as he opened one eye and gave you a sleepy smile. "Thanks for waking me up" he mumbled as he stretched his arms. Both of you packed your things and began walking down the stairs talking about your upcoming date this Sunday. You flinched as Asahi froze when you both heard a loud "ASAHI-SAN!!! (F/N)-SENPAAAAIIIII!!!!" you looked back to see Nishinoya running towards both of you with Tanaka in tow. "Are you going to watch practice today (f/n)-senpai?" Tanaka asked as you shook your head. "No. sorry. I have to go home early since I'm in charge of making dinner today." You smiled as Nishinoya pouted. "But we wanted to show off" you giggled and patted both his and Tanaka's head. "I'll make some cookies for tomorrow so do your best okay?" you said as they nodded enthusiastically. "Then I'll be going now. Bye bye Noya, Tanaka" you waved as they said their good byes. "Bye babe. See you at school tomorrow" you kissed him on the cheeks as he smiled and waved you off.

*after story*

"OOOOOH! HE'S BLUSHING!!!" Nishinoya said poking Asahi's side. "AYEEE! NICE ASAHI-SAN!!" Tanaka yelled as he raised both of his hands for a high five. Asahi reflexively returned the high five confused. Suga and Daichi looked at Asahi and chuckled. "Hey Asahi-san you should be a lot more daring from time to time" Nishinoya said putting his hand on his chin. "What if (f/n)-senpai thinks you're a herbivore?" he said as Tanaka nodded in agreement. "Ehhh?" Asahi looked worried.

"Hey stop that. Don't bully him" Suga said arriving with Daichi. "But Asahi, have you ever made the first move?" Daichi asked. Asahi avoided eye contact. The all sighed. "Don't be a wimp Asahi-san! What if she gets stolen from you?" Nishinoya crossed his arms. "He's right Asahi-san. You should be a bit aggressive" Tanaka added. "So it was always (f/n) making the first move huh?" Daichi murmured and Suga chuckled. "Well, (f/n) is the type of person who's in between wild and innocent" he answered as he and Daichi imagined you with a tongue out saying 'teehee'

~A/n: kinda like this. Lol

~A/n: Asahi is such a sweetheart

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~A/n: Asahi is such a sweetheart. Don't you think so? 😊

(f/n) first name

Italics - thoughts

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