Miya Atsumu x Reader x Miya Osamu

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The trauma of losing your family when you were younger has haunted you for a while but thanks to Kita Shinsuke's grandmother, who was a close friend of your grandmother, adopted you and gradually you began to recover from that trauma. You and Kita were not childhood friends in fact you were a stranger to him but he treated you like a sister and for that you were thankful.

As years passed, the trauma you had disappeared. There would be times you'd dream of the car crash and wake up shouting in the middle of the night. Kita would always go to your room and comfort you. He'd sometimes sleep with you and you'd clutch his shirt as if he'd also leave you behind. It hurts him seeing you like this.

Finally, you became a high school student. You were excited cause you'll be in the same school as your Shin-nii. You're also thinking of being the manager of the volleyball team. School will start tomorrow and you were pretty excited. You ironed your uniform, double checked your bag and polished your shoes. You were all over the place to be exact. Kita's grandmother laughed at your excitement while Kita just smiled. Adorable... She's grown up now and beautiful too. Hope no one will hit on her or else... I'll-

"Nii-chan!" You waved your hand in front of his face. "Nii-chan! I've been calling you for the past 2 minutes. What were you thinking about?" You pouted. Yup. Definitely gonna punch someone if he dares to hit on her. He patted your head. "Let's eat dinner and go to bed early" he said and you nodded following after him. After dinner, you showered and went to bed. Can't wait for tomorrow! I hope I'll have a lot of friends there. You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

Morning came and you were gently woken up by Kita. "It's time to get up (f/n). Breakfast will be ready in a bit" you rubbed your eyes and yawned. Standing up, you stretched and grabbed your towel ready to take a bath. After taking a bath, you got ready for today. You were debating whether to leave your (h/c) hair down or tie it in a ponytail. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled. The uniform looks cute! I'll let my hair down today. You combed your long hair and after that, you grabbed your bag and went downstairs.

"Morning baa-chan" you greeted her and sat down with Kita who was already eating. After a while, you both finished and washed the dishes. "(F/n) let's go?" You nodded. "Here are your bentos." She gave you a pink bento while Kita had a black one. You smiled and kissed her cheek. "We're going now baa-chan." She waved her hand "take care and enjoy" you smiled and held Kita's hand.

As you arrived in school, you were a bit nervous since all your friends were attending different high schools. Kita who noticed your nervousness, gave your hand a squeeze. You looked at him and gave him a grateful smile. "Thanks nii-chan" he smiled and pulled you along with him. Both of you went to the bulletin to check your sections. You were in class 1-B.

"Senpai! Good morning!" Someone said beside you. You looked up to see a dark blonde male and a gray haired male. Are they twins? As you looked at them, the gray haired male seemed to notice you first and gave you a small smile causing you to blush. "Morning" Kita greeted back. "This is my sister (l/n) (f/n)." He introduced you. "Hello! Please take care of me senpai" you bowed and they introduced themselves. So the blonde one is Atsumu and the gray one is Osamu.

"(F/n) here's your floor. Your classroom is over there. I'll fetch you after class. Let's go to the gym together" Kita said and you nodded. "I'll see you later nii-chan, Atsumu-senpai and Osamu-senpai!" You said giving them a smile and you went on your way. The twins blushed and Kita clicked his tongue. "Don't get any funny ideas" he warned and the twins nodded there head furiously. SCARY!!! they both thought.

As you entered class, you went at the middle part near the window. "Hi! Is anyone sitting here yet?" Someone beside you greets and you looked to see a (h/c) girl smiling. "Hello. Nope! It's vacant" you smiled as she placed her bag and sat down. "I'm (g/n). Nice to meet you!" She smiled brightly at you. "I'm (l/n) (f/n). Please take care of me" you both shook hands and giggled. Not long after the class started. I'm glad I made a friend.

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