Haiba Lev x Reader

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Walking down the beach, watching the sunset and eating ice cream with the one you love is the most totally cliche thing you've ever read in a manga and that made you cringe.

You're the first manager of Nekoma Volleyball Team. You're currently a first year student. Actually you weren't interested in joining any clubs but your best friend, Morisuke Yaku, the libero of the volleyball team practically begged you to be the manager.

You totally can't say no to your best friend looking at you with puppy dog eyes right? That's probably your weakness and he knows it well. Ok going back, the Nekoma Volleyball team will be going to a 3 days 2 nights training near the beach. As manager, you will be going with them.

You were checking the bags that were placed outside the bus you'll be taking to the lodge. Ok everything's complete! Just gotta load this up.

Picking up the bags one by one, Taketora, Lev and Yaku all saw you and face palmed. "There she goes again" Taketora muttered. "She's doesn't really rely on us at all. Do we look weak or irresponsible?" Yaku sighed while jogging straight to you. Lev on the other hand seems to be on a trance. Looking at your beautiful face. "Her beauty is breath taking. Isn't it Taketora-san?" The ace looked at Lev and smiled.

"Do you like her?" Taketora asked already knowing the answer but asked anyway. Lev just nodded still looking at you. "Well it depends on you whether you'll confess or not but be careful or Yaku-san will kick you" Lev's head snapped to Taketora who smirked at him. "Yaku-san really treats (f/n)-chan like a younger sister. If you make her cry then..." Taketora made a killing motion which caused Lev to pale.

"Guys! What are you doing? We're leaving now!" Kuro called them out. As you guys were boarding the bus, you sat beside Yaku, dozing off to his humming. After a while you fell asleep on his shoulders which caused him to smile. You're still the same little (f/n) that falls asleep whenever she has the chance huh? Yaku chuckled and dozed off himself.

Arriving to the lodge, Yaku woke you up and began to get out of the bus. After getting all the bags and settling down. Coach Nekoma announced that practice will start tomorrow and that you're all free to roam just be back before dinner at 7.

Checking your watch, it was still 4:30. "(F/n)-chan! Let's go to the beach and swim since we rarely get the chance to do so." Kuro said and you nodded "I'll just change and meet you guys there." Nodding his head, they all went out while you change into your bikini.

" Nodding his head, they all went out while you change into your bikini

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You looked at the mirror and smiled. I'm glad I bought this bikini. It looks awesome! Gathering your phone and wallet, you went out and wondered where could the team be.

~A/N: imagine that the lounge is just a 3 minutes walk to the beach 😊

As you walked along the shore, you finally saw them. You were about to call out for them but two guys blocked your view and smirked.

"May I help you?" Looking annoyed. "Hey. Wanna join us for some fun?" The first one asked while the second one grabbed your hand. "I'm sorry but no. Can you please let go?" You asked politely but they declined and decided to pull you.

"Isn't (f/n) taking long?" Taketora asked while Kuro nodded. "We should check on her." Lev added worriedly. "Isn't that (f/n) over there?" Kenma pointed out. They could see your panicked face. "What the hell are they doing to our precious manager?!" Taketora growled out.

Oh no! (F/n) is in danger! Lev panicked and stood up before he got the chance to run, Taketora was already running towards you with Kuro and Lev followed them. As you were still struggling, you finally calmed down seeing Lev, Kuro and Taketora at the back of the boys who were pulling you.

"Finally tired princess? Come on let's go" the second guy smirked. "Where are you going?" A dark voice behind them made them stiff. "Can we join you too?" Another chilling voice added. They were reluctant to look back but did otherwise. They saw a gangster like guy with two tall guys looking down at them. They let go of your hand and ran.

"Thanks guys. That's the first for me" you sighed. They looked at you and blushed. "what?" They ran towards your group and pulled Yaku. "What's with you guys?" Yaku asked them confused. Lev pointed to where you were standing confused. Poor Lev got a nose bleed. "L-l-lo-look at (f/n)!!!" Taketora stuttered. "Tell her to wear a tshirt or something! It's distracting." Kuroo added.

Yaku who looked at your direction sighed. "(F/n) cover that up!" Yaku said while you pouted. "No!" You crossed your arms stubbornly. "They're uncomfortable!" You just rolled your eyes. "Kenma seems fine to me." You rebutted. "Well the others are not" he answered sighing. "Well that's not my problem. I'm gonna take a dip then" you added and began to swim. Ahhh this feels amazing.

You were enjoying your dip when another pair of guys approach you. Actually they're pretty harmless unlike the other two. You were having a good time talking to them when they suddenly paled at something or someone behind your back.

When you looked, it was Lev and Kuro giving them death glares. When you looked back to the boys they were already swimming away from you and you sighed. "They were harmless tho" you muttered and Kuro patted your head. "Let's head back. We'll get some ice cream or something before going back to the lodge" you nodded.

Walking back to shore, Kenma gave you his towel. "Thanks! You didn't swim Kenma-kun?" He shook his head "too hot" he mumbled and you smiled. "(F/n) wear this over your bikini." Kuro offered you his tshirt. "Are you sure? What about you?" He shrugged "I'm fine. I'm a guy after all" you thanked him.

The team may not look like it but they're pretty caring. As the team walked towards the stalls. You and Lev were walking behind them. Yaku gave you your (f/f) ice cream while Lev bought a cola pop ice cream.

You guys were eating while walking slowly. "Leeev! Look at the beautiful sunset!" You pulled the middle blocker and pointed at the sunset. "Yeah. So beautiful." He was taking a picture of the sunset and turned to you. He took a picture of you and smiled. "Really beautiful indeed"

"Lev did you just take a photo of me?" You asked him pouting and he just smiled with an ice cream in his mouth. "That's unfair! Let me take a photo of you too!" You took out your cellphone and took a photo of him. That's when you realized that Lev really is handsome despite being an idiot.

You giggled. It's like one of those cliche moments I've read. Lev looked at you curiously. "Ah.. maybe this cliche moment isn't bad after all." You muttered under your breath. Lev was about to ask what you mean but got cut off by Yaku calling out to both of you.

"Hey you two! Let's go back before Coach gets mad!" You nodded while pulling Lev with you. "Let's go Lev!" He nodded and let you pull him. I'm glad I accepted Yaku's invitation as a manager of this team. You smiled while looking at the members who were smiling and laughing waiting for the both of you to catch up.

Lev looked at the picture he took of you again, the picture was a sunset, with your hair being blown by the wind and you smiling brightly. She is truly breath taking.

(F/n) first name
(F/f) favorite flavor
Italics thoughts

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