Oikawa Tooru x Reader

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Messy sheets, sunlight shining through the window, birds chirping outside, entangled legs and an arm over your stomach. Waking up to these things never gets old. The moment you wake up, you come face to face with your Fiance, Angentina's Setter, Oikawa Tooru.

Smiling you brushed a strand of hair and kissed his forehead, ever so gently raised his hand and tucked a pillow in his arms. Picking up his t-shirt on the floor, you blushed as you remember what happened last night. He was away for almost two weeks and you both missed each other. Let's say it was a very very steamy night.

Looking at him, you bent down and kissed his forehead before going out of the room to wash your face and brush your teeth. Looking at your disheveled appearance, you sighed. You could see the love bites on your shoulder and collar bone. I clearly told him not to make any marks. You facepalmed and finished combing your hair.

You went out the bathroom and went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Yes, you both got a flat when he became a member of the Argentina Team and you were transferred abroad for work, now you are a manager of the said company. You began to reminiscing about the past and how both of you struggled.

It was a very rocky road but now, you both achieved your goals. There were a lot of tears and sacrifices along the way but you didn't regret anything. Leaving Japan was one of the greatest decisions you've ever made. You didn't have any lingering attachments back home since both of your parents remarried and have a new family already.

As you began frying the bacon, you grabbed some eggs from the fridge and began humming. Oikawa began to wake up as he felt cold. Furrowing his eyebrows as he can't find your warmth in bed, he slowly opened his eyes and you were gone. She must be cooking downstairs, I can smell the bacon from here.

Slowly sitting up, he smirked at the clothes on the floor. He stood up and began picking up the clothes and dropped them at the laundry basket. He went to the bathroom and washed his face and brushed his teeth. He felt some dull pain in his back and turned around. The scratch marks you made last night were pretty long. Chuckling he made his way down to you.

You were humming and smiling, he took out his phone and took a picture, posting it in his story with a text that says "future wife cooking me breakfast ❤️❤️❤️" he hugged you from behind, you jumped at first then leaned your body against his. "You surprised me" you mumbled and he chuckled. "Sorry love" he then kissed your cheeks and slowly turning your head in his direction and returning his kiss with your own.

"Sit down. It's almost done." You smiled at him and he nodded. As you finished cooking the eggs, you picked the plate up and went to the table setting it in front of him and both of you began to eat. "Do you have plans today (f/n)?" He asked and you shook your head. "Nope. Got a day off today" he smiled and nodded.

After eating, he picked up your plate and began to wash it. It was a daily routine, you would cook then he'll wash the dishes or vise versa. You were scrolling through your social media, you saw your fiance post a story, upon viewing it, it was you cooking breakfast and the caption made your heart skip a beat.

You stood up and hugged him from behind. "You're embarrassing. You know that right?" You mumbled and he chuckled. "I've heard that quite a few times already" you giggled. After he finished washing the dishes, he picked you up and you shrieked, clutching his shoulder tightly. "Tooru!" You glared at the chuckling male.

He gently laid you on bed and got on top of you. Caressing your blushing cheeks. "You're so beautiful" he mumbled and you nuzzled your face in his palm. Giving it light kisses. He then bent down to kiss your lips. After the mini make out session you both had, he plopped himself beside you and smiled. Pulling you close to him and you nuzzling your head on his chest.

"Let's stay at home today. It's been a while since we both had a day off on the same day" he murmured against your hair and you hummed in agreement. You were planning on going shopping but decided against it as you both were comfortable cuddling next to each other. You were beginning to drift off to sleep and he smiled.

With a kiss on your forehead and an 'iloveyou', you smiled and closed your eyes. He was caressing you back as you fell asleep. Looking at your sleeping form, he smiled and teared up a little. Thinking how he's blessed to have you by his side. With another kiss on your forehead, he began drifting off to sleep with your scent surrounding him.

~A/N: hey guys! I made an Instagram account pls follow if you have the time. Follow me and I'll follow you back 🤗

Ig : https://www.instagram.com/kurookagome/

(F/n) first name

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